Chapter 45

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*First day of Reflection Summer Tour*

Krystal's P.O.V.

Today is the day. The day where I open up for some of my idols. God help me so I don't freak out.

The girls come barging into my dressing room and Dinah was crying and the others were close to tears.

I quickly stood up and went to Dinah.

*whispers* K- Hey lil one what's wrong?

DJ-He cheated on me. After everything.

K-I'm gonna beat his a$$!

DJ-No...please don't.

K-Okay lil one I won't. Only because I love you. Other wise I'd be going bat shiz crazy.

DJ-I love you to Krys.

K-You promise not to date any other boys like him? I don't want you hurt again D.

DJ-Promise, I'm gonna be single for a while.

K-Good. I have to go make a phone call to mom before the show. But tonight we are having just one huge girl dance party and other crap with us, Bea and Maddie.


K-I'll see ya'll later. Good luck durning the show.

5H-Thanks! You too!!

I walked out of my dressing room but my first order or business was to tweet about respecting girls. My second order of business was calling Mom.

My tweets- "Wow. Respect much? How about you learn the definition of respect before being with any girls."

2nd tweet- "Kinda find it funny how I
Want to beat your a$$ for eating some other girls a$$."

3rd tweet-"You hurt one of my girls ever again....and you won't have movement of your mouth to eat other girls a$$es...👌🏻"

4th Tweet- "Ok I'm done. oh who am I kidding I'm Krystal....and I hate boys."

I was done with that. I need to call Mom.

I dialed her number and she answered laughing.

D-Omfg your tweets! Your second one had me dying.

K-Yeahhh hahaha that ones is my favorite.

D-Ok babe what's up with you?

K-Nothing just nervous.

D-About what?! You're gonna do great don't worry about it.

K-Ok thanks mom. I love you and I'll see you in a few days.

D-Love your more little one.

I hung up and fought the tears coming t my eyes. I miss Demi so much. I'll talk to the girls about that later I guess. I made a promise to them and Everyone that if I had a problem that I would speak to them about it, so I kinda have to.

I walked back into my dressing room to see the girls all in on the ground laughing hysterically. Lauren notices me and said;

L-Omg your tweet!! "Kinda find it funny how I Want to beat your a$$ for eating some other girls a$$."

We all broke out laughing again but too soon my name was called up for me to go onto stage.

We all wish each other luck one more time before I left. I'm only performing 4 songs so it's not that bad.

It was my turn to go on so I ran out on to stage while everyone cheered.

K-Heyy guys and gals. I'm gonna start out this lil ses we is havin with a little bit of a slow song that I wrote for my family. I hope you enjoy it.

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