Chapter 2 "School"

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Krystal's POV

I saw Matt pull up and I got up and went to the SUV, and got in the backseat. I put my headphones in and started my playlist of Demi's songs.When we arrived at school I thanked Matt and got out and told him to pick me up at 2:30. I saw Cassidy getting out of her parent's car. I quickly ran over to her and told her what happened last night. Cassidy knows about my depression, my cutting and my bipolar. After I told Cassidy she gave me a tight hug and whispered in my ear " Stay Strong." I released from her hug and smiled. We started walking into school and she could tell I was scared so she grabbed my hand to tell me she was right behind me.


*1st Hour*

Avia walked in and she went to her desk witch was right beside mine in the third row. She walked by and said " O look worthless is back today." Everyone laughed.The bell rang and I went to my locker and Avia walked up to me and slapped me.

A- "Get her girls!"

I screamed and they drug me to the bathroom and threw me on the ground. Avia took the first shot and kicked her heel into my stomach. The other girls and Avia started slapping, punching and kicking me till the bell rang.

After the bell rang the girls left laughing. I started crying and pulled out my phone and texted Cassidy to come help me. Cassidy came running in 2 minutes later and asked me what happened. I replied "Avia." Cassidy just nodded understanding. She helped me up and started helping me clean up the blood that was coming out of my stomach, cheek and head. After that we went back to class. Lucky me the teacher wasn't there yet so I was safe and Avia wasn't in my class.


*At Lunch*

I went and sat where I normally sit with Cassidy. She went and got food but I didn't. Cassidy came sit with me and we started talking.

C-"Are you gonna eat today?"

K-"No, I just can't."

C-"Can you please try for me?" She hands me some chips she got.

K-"I can't."

C-" You you can do anything when you put your mind to it."

K-"Thanks ." I picked up a chip and started nibbling on it..Cassidy just sat down across from me. I then said, "Hey I got us tickets to see Demi in concert in 2 months!" Cassidy's jaw dropped. I then continued " One exception were gonna stay in a hotel down in St.Louis for 3 weeks, so you half to get permission from you parents and I am paying for everything. My driver will be driving us too so its completely safe. We are gonna share 1 hotel room and my driver ,Matt, will be 1 floor below us so were safe, and if needed I could hire some bodyguards." Cassidy looked at me with really big smiles on her face. "O Yeah one more thing, I got front row seats!!!!" She wanted to scream but I didn't let her. Cassidy is also a huge Lovatic like me.We continue eating but just then Avia walks up to me and says, "Aren't you already fat enough and your eating again." I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and started throwing up everything I had just ate. Just then I heard heals coming so I knew exactly who it was, Avia.

A-"Come out of the bathroom slut."

?-"HEY!! You have no right to say that."

Just then I knew who it was, Cassidy.

I opened the stall door just in time for me to see Avia punch Cassidy in the face!

I ran over to Avia and screamed, "What the hell was that for." Just as I said that I punched Avia in the stomach knocking her to the ground. Avia got back up, " You Bitch!!!"

Avia punched me in the cheek knocking me to the ground and just kept kicking me in my stomach and side. I screamed when she kicked me in my new cuts from this morning. Just then Cassidy told her, "GET THE HELL OUT!" and she did. Cassidy helped me up and we cleaned up the blood and went back to the table as the bell rang. Cassidy helped me walk to my classes.

*Last Bell Rings*

We walk out of our last class and head to out lockers.Once we reached my locker Cassidy went to hers which was down the hall from mine. I opened my locker but I didn't see Avia behind me and she pushed me into my locker and slammed my locker into me and I fell to the ground. Avia then dragged me out into the middle of the hall way, by now there is a circle surrounding us. Everyone started chanting "Kick her she deserves it!" "Beat her up shes a slut." After Avia heard that she brought be up to her level by my shirt collar and punched me and let go out my shirt. Everyone then started kicking and punching me. I just stayed there taking it and cryed.Everyone stopped when the intercom came on. I felt someone put there hands on me so I rolled over to see a cute boy but I didn't recognize him. He reaches his hand up to help me up. I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet.

?- "Hey I'm Brad, are you ok?"

K- "Hey I'm Krystal and no I think I am bleeding.

B-" If you want you can come over to my house and I can help you clean it up."

K- "How would you know how to clean it?"

B- " Um.. this has happened to me to."

K- "Oh. I'd love to."

B- "If you want you can spend the night or weekend, my parents are out of town so it would be nice."

K- "I'd love to. My driver can take us to my house and i'll get a few things I might need. Then he can drive us to your house, if thats cool."

B- "Thats fine."

*Cassidy walks up*

C- "Who is this?"

K-"This is Brad. He came and asked if I was ok after Avia beat me up.... again."

B- "Yeah. So Krystal i'll meet you by the water fountain by the entrance." Brad kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly and walked off. Cassidy looked at me in shock and I gave her the same look back.

K- "What just happened."

C- "I have no idea but I half to go text me later."

K- "Bye."

C- "Bye."

I walked over to Brad and asked him,

K- "What was that."

B- "I'll explain later."

K- "Ok. Lets go Matt's probably waiting."

B- "Lets go."

K- "K."

We walk out side and I see Matt standing outside of the car. We walk up to Matt and I say,

K- "Hey Matt this is Brad I am gonna go over to his house today but we need to run by my house."

M- "Ok, Miss.Krystal."

K- "Please just call me Krystal."

M-"Ok Krystal lets get going."

Matt opened the door and Brad and I hop in.

*At My House*

K- "I'll be right back Brad just stay here."

B- "Ok."

I hop out and look towards the garage no cars. I mumble under my breath "Thank god." I run inside and grab my bag I put 5 days worth of clothes just in case, my tooth brush, makeup, hair products, and my blade.I run down stairs walk outside and lock the door. I ran to the car cause I see my parents car coming down the road. I tell Matt,

K- "Go. Brad just tell him where your house is."

B- "Ok."

We arrived at Brad's house it was pretty good sized house. Brad lived only 1 street away from me so that was good.

B- "Common Krystal i'll carry your bag up to my room."

K- " Thanks Brad."

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