Chapter 9 "Plan"

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Demi's P.O.V

"Hey Krystal could I talk to you?"

K-"Ummm.. Sure."

We walk into a different room in the hotel room.

D-"Hey Krystal I wanted to talk to you about what happends after your parents are put in jail."

K-"Umm.. I think I am gonna be put up for adoption or be put in a girls home it just depends I guess."

D-"Thats the thing I don't want you to go up for adoption or be put in a girls home."

K-"Demi I have no other choice all of my other family is dead."

D-"Thats not the point Krystal."

K-"Then what is?"

D-"I wanna adopt you. Would you be ok with that?"

K-"D-Demi wouldn't I get in the way. I don't wanna affect your life in a bad way."

D-"Sweety you will only make my life better."


D-"Really. So can I adopt you?"

K-"If you want to I'm not gonna force you to do anything."

D-"Krystal don't put yourself down anymore, and I am adopting you. I'm gonna call the station and tell them that I am adopting you and that I need the papers to sign."

K-"Ok. I'm gonna go talk to the other girls."

D-"Alright babygirl have fun."

Krystal walks out and I go to call the station.After I called the station they agree since I don't have anything on my record and that all I had to do is come down and sign the papers and she is mine. :) (I know the process is longer but i don't wanna write it out so I did it sorta half way xD back to the story.) I decided to go down the the station to sign the papers so I left and told the girls I would be back and that Ally is in charge.

Dinah's P.O.V

Ok Demi left and Ally was left in charge... this oughta be interesting.

Lauren-"Alright guys lets get to know each other more."

Camila-"Yeah we know some stuff about each other but not enough."

Dinah-"Oldest to youngest go first. So the order is Ally,Normani,Lauren,Camila,Me,Krystal,Cassidy then Payton."

Ally-"Alright well how about we ask each other questions when its their turn and the person half to answer them no matter what with complete honesty."

Cassidy-"Alright lets get this going." Cassidy said excitedly

Krystal-"Cass why are you so excited?" Krystal asked quietly. I wonder why she is so quiet. I guess I have a question to ask her.

Payton-"Ally how old were you when you had your first kiss?"

Ally-"I think 13 I can't remember."

Cassidy-"Ally are you introverted or extroverted?"

Ally-"To be honest I am a mixture it just depends on what mood I am in."

Lauren-"OMG yeah it does she will go from being really hyper to really quiet its actually quite scary sometimes."

Ally-"Yeah but whatever." Ally answered some more questions and then it was Normani's turn.

Cassidy-"Normani are you introverted or extroverted?"

Normani-"Same as Ally it just depends on my mood. I am mostly introverted though." Normani's questions went on and it was Lauren's turn.

"Save Me" A Demi Lovato/Fifth Harmony FanFic"Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt