Chapter 12 "TwitCam"

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Camila's P.O.V

Krystal gave me a sly smile when she said that we would wake the other up so this can't end well for them...but it will still be funny.

C-"What's your sly plan here Krystal?"

K-"How about we do what Dinah did to you that one time with sharpie and eyeliner but lets use bright colors."

C-"Omg yes. They are all heavy sleepers so lets get to this."

40 Minutes later

K-"Ok were done."Lauren walks out of the bathroom after getting ready.

L-"Omg guys you guys are gonna get killed. But good job."

K-"Thanks and we are gonna get killed but whatever."

C-"Now lets both scream and they will wake up and say their was a bug but Lauren killed it but none of us say anything to them about what's on their faces."

L&K-"Alright." Krystal and I both screamed and they woke up.

Demi-"Girls wtf was that?"

C-"Sorry Demi their was a bug now guys get ready its 12 and we are doing the live stream in 2 hours." The girls that just woke up went into the multiple bathrooms and got ready, but as on a cue they all storm out looking mad as h**l.

Krystal whispers to Lauren and I, "Oh no, should we be scared?"

I whisper back to her, "Most likely."

They are all standing around us.

K-"Hey guys whats up?"

Dinah-"Oh I don't know...WHY THE H**L IS THEIR MARKER ON OUR FACES?"

C-"Paybacks a b***h?" Krystal, Lauren and I can't hold back now we all burst out laughing.

L-"It wasn't me but you guys really need to get ready so go."

They all left and the 3 of us were still laughing our a$$'s off.

2 Hours Later

Krystal's P.O.V

Its getting closer to the time of the live stream thing. Demi said that we are gonna tell everyone about her adopting me.I'm really scared.The girls are tweeting out about the live stream with the link right now and we are going to go on in about 20 minutes.

L-"Hey are you ok you've been spaced out for the last 5 minutes?"

K-" i'm not i'm still scared.What if people judge me because of what we are about to tell them?"

L-"Krystal please please please don't stress or be worried you have me,Camila,Dinah,Normani,Ally,Demi and Cassidy that will all stick up for you if anyone says anything bad about you.I will probley lose my temper if anyone judges you at this point.I feel like i've known you my whole life.You're a new addition to our family and family sticks up for family." Lauren hugged me tightly and I returned it gladly.The other girls came to where we were and were listening to what we were saying.

Dinah-"Krys please don't be worried or scared we all got your back." I hugged Dinah and then it was time to go live.

I sat between Lauren and Dinah.

Ally started by saying, "Hey guys were here to clear up about what happened yesterday."

I was shaking so Lauren grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear, "Stay Strong Krys.I Love you." I looked at Lauren and whispered back, "I love you 2."

I looked back at the screen and most of the comments were asking what Lauren whispered to me. I looked at Lauren then to the other girls....

L-"I told her i love her and to stay strong." Now the comments are asking why Lauren said Stay Strong to me. Oh...wonderful.

Demi-"Krystal do you want to tell them? You can leave out some part if you want."

Krystal-"Um...sure.Lauren told me to stay strong because I let things get to me easily. She feels that with what we are about to tell you guys that it will make me so bad things. My past was not so great my life at my old home was terrible and I was severely bullied.I was adopted by Demi 2 days ago because I don't really know why.Thats all I really wanna share at the moment."All the girls were looking at me and I felt awkward and uncomfortable so I looked down at the ground and let a few tears fall.

Camila-"Krys?" I still didn't look up.

K-"Y-yeah?" my voice

Lauren-"Krys please don't cry." Lauren immediately hugged me and I hugged back and silently cried on her shoulder.Dinah was rubbing my back and I heard Ally ,being caring, tell the girls to move on to what we were gonna do so that I could go lay down.I sat back down and pulled my knees to my chest and just sat there staring at the wall.

Lauren's P.O.V

I can't believe she was that honest from the start....she is so much stronger than I thought she was.

It was my turn to talk about what happened yesterday...oh what fun.(sorry but i love sarcasum)

Lauren-"Ok so guys to clear this up quickly. We all went to six flags yesterday and Krystals bully from her old school was there and then Krystals bully and her group started being mean or bullying Krystal. I got really mad when they punched,slapped and pushed her to the ground so I yelled at them and then she slapped me and long story short I didn't yell at a fan. I promise I never would do that unless you insulted a person close to me but then again I still wouldn't yell at you I would ask you nicely not to say that kind of stuff."

We answered a few questions then ended the twitcam and Krystal went straight to the bed and sat on it looking at the ground. I followed her and sat next to her.


L-"Hey Krys whats wrong?"

K-"I can't Lauren."

L-"Can't what Krystal?"

K-"Stay clean.I can't do it.I messed up already.I'm such a failure."

L-"Krystal you're far from a failure.Its very very hard to overcome self harm.Please show me where you harmed yourself again."Krystal hesitantly pulled up her shirt to a little past her hip. I saw 3 new marks.I started tearing up.

L-"How long were you clean?"

K-"2 days."

L-"I'm proud of you.Can you please not do this again and if you ever need me and I don't care what the time is call me, wake me up,text me do something to let me know you need me and i'll be there..... please"

K-'"I promise Lauren if you promise me to do the same thing."

L-"I promise." I stuck out my pinky.

K-"I promise." She locked her pinky with mine. I hope she tell me when she need me.

"Save Me" A Demi Lovato/Fifth Harmony FanFic"Where stories live. Discover now