Repost of Chapter 27

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Someone told me they couldn't see it so here's the repost of Chapter 27

Demi's P.O.V

Krystal's been gone for a while. I wonder what that phone call was about. Shes starting to worry me. I quickly paid and left to find her.

I found her sitting against the wall outside of the restaurant with her head in her knees....crying?

D-Baby girl, are you okay?

K- No. I need to go back to Missouri. Now!

D- Calm down. Tell me why.

K- Cassidy. Parents. Dead.

She said between sobs. I picked her up and carried her to my car.

When we got home I quickly ordered two plane tickets back to Missouri.

All the girls are here helping me with Krystal. She wont talk to anyone but Dinah.

I need to talk to Dinah.

Demi-Dinah, can you come here?

DJ-Yeah, sure.

Demi- I want you to go with Krystal to back to Missouri.Shes only talking to you. Here are the plane tickets. You leave in 2 hours.

DJ- Why are there 3 for the way back?

Demi-I'm adopting Cassidy. They don't know this yet, but i'm not letting them split up again.

DJ-Thank god! I didn't want to watch that again!!

Demi- Me either. Even though I'm not gonna be there.

*5 hours later*

Krystal's P.O.V

I didn't want to shut everyone out back home, but I had to. I couldn't let them see me in one of my most vulnerable points in my life. I only talked to Dinah and even that was a struggle.

*5 hours later* *In Missouri*

We are currently in the car on the way to see Cassidy. I can't wait to give her the biggest hug ever.

I still can't believe that her parents aren't with us anymore....but I do know that they will be looking over her.

When we got to her hospital room. I was so shocked as to what her condition was.

She has multiple broken ribs and a broken wrist. It really could've been worse. She looked miserable. As I snapped out of my shocked trance. I ran over to Cass and gave her the biggest hug I could possibly think of.

K-The doctors said you can come to LA with us today, you just can't hit your ribs on anything.

C- Thank god, hospitals give me the creeps. Also my Parents funeral is in a week and a half.

K- All of us will be here. I know everyone of us back in LA has been affected by this.

DJ- Shes not kidding either. We all have been crying.

C- No offense but why is Dinah here and not Demi.

DJ- Krystal would only talk to me after she heard what happened.

C- Krystal you can't shut people out again. I'm not gonna let you. I cant have you like you were before again...not now, not ever. I wont let you slip into your old ways...not again.

K- I'm trying, but its so hard.

*1 hour later*

We are finally allowed to take Cassidy back to the hotel so she can sleep. We have to get up at like 7 am to go back to Cassidy's house for her to pack done stuff then catch a flights back to LA to the girls. We are only taking care of Cassidy for like a week, as far as I know.

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