Chapter 28 "Back To L.A."

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Cassidy's P.O.V

We are at "my" house. I will never see this place again. Its being sold so I have nothing to worry, about except coming back in a week and a half to go to the funeral and take my stuff to an orphanage that I guess I will be staying at. I'll have to leave Krystal again, which really sucks. I've missed her a lot more than I will publicly admit. Krystal isn't talking much which is really worrying me.

C-Hey Dinah?


C-Can you please go into my parents room and there is this box type thing and it has their spare money in it. Can you go get that for me? Also their is a necklace that my mom always wore but didn't today that has a heart and there is a picture of me and then a picture of my parents in it. Can you get that to? I can't go in there.

DJ-Of course. I'll be right back.



C-Are you okay?

K-I-I'm fine.

C-We all know thats a lie. We will talk later.


I finished packing up my stuff and we left for the airport.

Krystal's P.O.V.

I can't tell Cassidy that I've slipped into my old ways while I was in L.A. It would completely crush her. I cant do that. So instead of talking about it with Cass on the plane... I put my earbuds in fast and "fell asleep."

It didn't seem like a long flight. Pretty chill actually. I had the window seat so when I was "asleep" I was actually looking out the window. Just thinking about life.

There are just somethings you can't comprehend....and Cassidy's parents dieing is one of them for me. It so difficult for me to wrap my head around the idea that I will never see their bright eyes again. I guess I'll see them in a week and a half...but it won't be the same. Plus Demi is leaving in 2 months for her its so stressful for everyone.

When got back to Demi's house we were all bombarded by a huge group hug. I really love my new family. They are so special to me. Even Alaina and Ryan are here. Which I was surprised about because I didn't even tell them about what happened.

I could tell all of them being here brightened Cassidy's day, even though she didn't know two of them. I tried to act happy....but I'm pretty sure most, if not all, of them saw right through it. I need to bring the attention off of me.

I need to focus on Cassidy. I need to figure out how to stop her from getting sent to an orphanage,because I would never see her after that happened. Because let me tell you something. Without Cassidy, this girl right here would not be my happy self. I wouldn't have the ambition to pursue my dreams. I wouldn't be myself...I wouldn't be Krystal Lovato.

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