Chapter 25 "Wait a second???"

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Krystal's p.o.v

We were driving home from the tattoo place, a person....limping, walked out in front put our car. When we saw his face.... it wasn't a human face.

We got out of the car, very slowly. Its getting dark and its hard to see. the 'person' gets up and walks towards us... and says "You have to leave!! You have to get out if here!!"

We were so scared.. we got into the SUV again and speed off. we need to get back to Demi's house and fast!

When we got to Demi's street. There were so many 'people limping around the street.


Demi did as I said.

K-Everyone get down so you aren't seen by those people.

AL-They aren't people. they aren't.

DJ-What are we going to do?

K-Somehow get to Demi's house.

I got up and looked out the window. These things were just walking everywhere. They were like a heard.

K- ok here's the plan. Demi's house is only 1 house to the right. What we need to do is all of us get out of the car and just run. Get to the gate that leads to her back yard. I'll go first. I'm one of the fastest. I'll have the gate open and ready for you guys. wait 1 minuets and then send the first 3. then the same thing but the last 4 go in groups of 2. Got it?

AL-Dude you cant go out there by your self I'm coming with you.

K-Fine! change of plans 2 groups if 3. If you hear one of us scream. don't chase after us. stay safe guys. protect each other. Let's go Alaina.

We opens the door and got out and close the door very quietly. Then we just took off running. When we go to the gate...Alaina just casually hops over the at least 5 1/2 foot gate. She opened it up for me, an we both were in safety. Please god, let the rest of them get here safely.

I heard the first group coming, so I opens the gate while Alaina was on lookout. I heard someone fall. I get Alaina's attention to hold the gate and I sprint out there. I see Lauren,Camila and Dinah. Camila is on the ground with one of the things on top of her. Dinah is trying to help her and Lauren is just standing there in shock. Camila is losing the battle against this thing. It had blood rushing down its face and it's just nasty. I run at the thing on top of her and kick its head while it's trying to bite her shoulder. I kicked its head so hard its brains and skull were just smashed. The thing just fell over dead.

I guess that's how you kill them. I motion for the rest of the other 3 to come and they start running and Ally and Normani get stuck in a circle of them and Demi just stopped running with a look of fear.

The group of things get close to them. I see them link hand and face each other and pray. They are the most amazing people ever. They always turn to god. Even in their last breaths.

The group just keeps multiplying...and they are bitten and they scream in pain. I fall to my knees sobbing. Not care if I die anymore. I couldn't save them.






Then I woke up.


A/N: don't hate me. and nothing at all against Ally or Normani. I freaking love them. I just wanted them to have that cute moment.

"Save Me" A Demi Lovato/Fifth Harmony FanFic"Where stories live. Discover now