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CHAPTER 24: Welcome Home!



“Ji Eun!” Min Ji yelled from the kitchen. “Yeah?” you called, running to her.

“Ilhoonie just texted me saying they’ve landed!” she beamed excitedly. 

“That means SungJae oppa is back!” you smiled to yourself. You had missed him so much.

You had passed the time by watching all the fan cams that people had uploaded of BTOB in Singapore and Malaysia, admiring SungJae’s performances.

‘He’s so cute.’ You thought to yourself as you brought the freshly washed laundry out onto the balcony to hang up. You busily hung up all the clothes.

“One more!” you whispered to yourself, picking up a familiar shirt. It was the shirt SungJae had given to you while he was away so you would think of him. A pair of arms snaked around your waist.

“I’ve missed you.” A familiar voice said. You turned to see your boyfriend.

“Oppa!” you squealed, turning around to hug him, you buried your face in his chest and smelt his familiar scent.

“I thought you only just got in.” you sighed, resting your head on him.

“No, silly girl. I came back this morning and rushed straight here so I could see your beautiful face.” SungJae said sweetly, caressing your hair. He was still in his airport clothes.

“I’m so sleepy!” he whined, pulling you into your room and closing the door. You smiled and watched as he lay on your bed, spreading his arms and legs out and then motioning you to go over to him.

You went over to the bed, and leaned over the top of him. Before you could say anything, he pulled you down on top of him, hugging you again. You shifted yourself until you were lying next to him. You traced his features with your finger lightly, first his eyebrows, then his nose and then his lips.

He smiled as he noticed that your fingers lingered on his lips, and that you were staring at them while biting your own. He cupped his hand around the back of your neck, and brought his face closer to yours. Even though you had kissed a few times already, you still couldn’t get used to the fast rhythm your heart sped into when he was so close. His lips confidently touched yours, and you stopped breathing. His lips were soft but in control.

“Mm…” you hummed, still kissing him. He suddenly pulled you closer, until you were pressed up against him. His free hand was now travelling further down your back, stopping at your waist. The kiss deepened more and as you predicted – he was starting to pull away. But before he completely broke contact, you gently bit his bottom lip, causing him to force his lips back onto yours for one more round. Then he broke off for good, his eyes were flaming – and so were yours. You put your hand to your chest, feeling your heart beating like crazy.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now