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FINAL Reenactment: New Year’s Eve!

“Today is the last day of the year.” Min Ji said, sitting on your bed that morning. You stretched and yawned, “Yeah… I can’t help but feel a pang of sadness. This year has been so… crazy.”

She nodded in agreement. “This year we moved to South Korea, met the most amazing boys, had horrible things happen, had fun times and made so many memories. I wonder what the new year will bring.”

Her eyes started to tear up. “Ji Eun! I don’t want this year to end!” she grabbed onto your arm, sniffing like crazy. “I don’t want it to end either.” You pouted.

“Tonight we’re going to the BTOB dorm to see the New Year come in.”

“At least that’s a good way to say goodbye to this year.” 


“Ji Eun! Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Min Ji yelled through the bathroom door.

“Wait! I still haven’t put on my make up or done my hair! How long do we have left?” you panicked, slipping your one shoulder black and electric blue cocktail dress on. 

“You have like ten minutes before we need to leave the house! Who cares about your hair! Just put your face on ASAP!”

You applied your foundation, powder and eye shadow before quickly putting on your eyeliner and mascara. You opened the door and grabbed your lip balm.

“I’m ready!” you smiled as you met with Min Ji. She looked at you and stared at your hair.

“Okay, let’s just be a little bit late.” She sat you down in front of a mirror and began working at your hair. She pulled it into a bun at the top of your head and quickly curled the strands at the side of your face.

“Done. Let’s go!”


Min Ji knocked at the door of the BTOB dorm. “Hi everyone!” she beamed as the two of you were let into the house.

“Hi my pretty girls!” ChangSub yelled, running over to the two of you and hugging you at the same time.

“Oppa! You’ll mess up my hair if you hug too hard!” Min Ji joked, pinching his cheeks. He rubbed his cheeks with a frown, “Just wait until I pinch your cheeks!”

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now