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Author's Note: END is near... tune in guys! <3 Please vote and comment :((

CHAPTER 41: Lee Kwangsoo… is that you?!

“Here” HyunSik said, handing you a bundle of red material.

“Thanks oppa!” you smiled, taking it from him and entering the bathroom.

“I’ll give you your accessories and stuff when you’re done!” he winked as you closed the door.

You studied the dress. It was definitely more revealing than the previous ones he has bought for you – he was getting cheeky! But you didn’t have anything else to wear, so you slipped it on.

It was bright red, shorter than you would’ve expected and had two chunks cut out at the side of your stomach. The good thing was that it looked decent on you.

You sighed and opened the door.

“Whoa! Sooooooo sexy!” ChangSub teased while laughing at his own comment.

“YAH!” You poked your tongue out at him.

“I knew you’d look gorgeous!” HyunSik said, passing you a bold statement necklace – it was gold and royal blue… and huge.

“Er, that thing looks like it would make me fall over.” You pretended to topple over when he placed it in your hand.

“Looks like you’re going to have to get used to it then!” he poked his tongue out at you.

You hugged him, “Thank you oppa for treating me so well!”

HyunSik beamed, “I’m glad you appreciate it! Now go do you’re make up! You have 30 minutes until we’re supposed to be in the hall!”

You nodded and grabbed your make up bag. You put your make up on a little heavier than usual, just like HyunSik had told you too.

“There would be photos taken” he said, chuckling. You quickly curled your hair and applied lipstick just to finish off.

“All done.” You smiled at yourself in the mirror.

“Oppa! I’m ready!” you said, bursting through the bathroom door.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now