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“Ji Eun.”   You felt a soft nudge, waking you up from your deep slumber  

“Ji Eun, we’ve arrived. It’s time to wake up.”  

You heard someone say again, opening your eyes you focused on a familiar face, it was your best friend – Min Ji. You groaned at her, unbuckling your seat belt. It was cold.   

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have arrived in South Korea, it’s currently 3am and 14 degrees. Thank you for flying with us, and we hope to see you soon!”

You gathered your things and waited for the rest of the people to exit the plane before you made your way to the door. “I’m totally worn out. I can’t wait to hit the bed.” Min Ji mumbled, putting on her coat and taking the lead through the airport. You were still half asleep, and didn’t really know what was going on.  

 It had been about 6 years since you left Korea, and now that you were back you we’re completely unfamiliar with the whole place. You were 16 years old now turning 17 in August, and when you were 10, your parents decided to move the whole family to Australia for a better life. You still practiced Korean and were fluent in it, although English had become your first language. Your hair was now slightly wavy, black and just past your elbows. You were quite fair for someone who was living in Australia and you weren’t that tall either. Min Ji on the other hand, she had short light brown hair just past her shoulders, she was tanned and about the odd 20 centimetres or so taller than you. You had met in high school but didn’t really become friends until year 9 and ever since, the both of you were inseparable.   Suddenly, you heard screaming. Not just from one single person, but from about 100 people. Still half asleep, you got a shock and immediately looked at Min Ji.

“What on earth is with all that screaming, do they know what time it is?” You complained.  

“Is that… who I think it is?” Min JI almost yelled at you.  


She grabbed your arm and ran towards the crowd.   You were never really into Kpop, you knew the really famous ones like SNSD but you weren’t crazily obsessed with them. You were more into the punk, post core kind of music.  

“Ji Eun! Look! It’s Ilhoon! Isn’t he just so dreamy?” she squealed, pointing at the guy who had nice brown-orangey coloured hair and a cute smile – clearly he was her favourite.  

“And look! It’s MinHyuk and EunKwang and ChangSub and HyunSik and Peniel and SungJae! Kyaaa!! I can’t believe I get to see them in real life! This is SO amazing!”

The fan girls were going crazy, screaming and waving signs at the guys like there was no tomorrow. Youe, on the other hand, just wanted to collect the baggage and go to the apartment as soon as possible. After about another 20 minutes of Min Ji screaming her head off at the relatively good looking boys you couldn’t stand it any longer. You grabbed her arm and practically dragged her away. “Let’s go!”

“But... but... BTOB… cute… perfect... I want…”

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang