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CHAPTER 39: Green

You walked next to SungJae, back into the dorm. Something had changed – for the better.

“If Peniel is the one for you, I’ll let you be happy.” You couldn’t get his words out of your head.

‘Peniel… Do I like him more than a friend?’ you thought to yourself and you stopped in front of the door.

You had never really thought about it.

“Whatever, I’ll think about it later.” You muttered under your breath as you walked through the door.

SungJae looked at you with a puzzled expression.

“Nothing” you said, smiling at him. He smiled back. How you missed that drop dead gorgeous smile that complimented his face so well.

You sat down on the couch – the atmosphere had turned into a light hearted one, something you hadn’t experienced in a long time.

“It’s almost EunKwang hyung and MinHyuk hyung’s birthday!” Ilhoon said, smiling brightly.

“Oh yeah! What are you going to get us, Ilhoon?” EunKwang teased.

“I’m not sure! We have to wait until the sales come on!” Ilhoon joked.

‘What should I get them for their birthdays?’ You thought. 

The conversation soon turned into plans for a joint party – held at your apartment with the volunteering of Min Ji.

“Is there anyone you would want to invite, Ji Eun?” MinHyuk said, smiling at you and snapping you out of your thoughts.

You stroked your invisible beard. “I’m not sure! Can I get back to you?” you said cutely. “Of course!”

“Ji Eun… you’re not growing a real beard are you?!” SungJae said with mock horror.

This time, everyone noticed that the two of you weren’t avoiding each other, which caused them all the smile even more.

“Yah! Don’t be so mean oppa!” you poked your tongue out at him.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now