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CHAPTER 12: Jealous


“Oh.” He said, looking away and letting go of your face.

You turned your back and picked up the snacks you had collected.

“We’ll talk about this later.” You said as you rushed out of the room, wiping your cheek.

“Ji Eun, wait!” he called out to you, but you just kept going. You knew you were acting like a child. Why would you be jealous over someone he wasn’t even with anymore? You took a few deep breaths before entering the living area.

You put a smile on your face and walked in, “I got snacks!” you said happily, laying them out on the coffee table.

“Great! Ooh, these are my favourite!” HyunSik said, taking the bag of salt and vinegar chips. You smiled and sat on the couch, snuggling between Peniel and Ilhoon.

“Ji Eun! You know this is the first time you’ve sat next to me!” Ilhoon said jokingly, punching you lightly in the arm.

You poked his tongue out at him and pressed the play button on the remote. The opening credits for ‘One Day’ starring Anne Hathaway rolled through.  

SungJae had come into the room and sat down further along the couch. You could see the heart ache in his eyes, but you payed no attention to it.

Min Ji quickly turned off the lights and sat between Ilhoon and MinHyuk, then leaned her head on Ilhoon. You suddenly felt awkward, sitting there and wanting to cuddle with someone but the only person next to you was Peniel.

‘Okay, so maybe this is unfair to SungJae but it’s not like he tried to explain properly.’ You thought, silently linking arms with Peniel.

You felt him shift to let you put your arm through and look at you. You turned at looked at him and gave him a cute smile. He was blushing. Turning your attention back to the movie, you took a quick glance at SungJae. He looked pissed off but wasn’t looking at anything in particular. Toward the end of the movie, almost everyone had fallen asleep, except for you, Ilhoon and SungJae. You could feel and hear Ilhoon sobbing uncontrollably at the last few scenes while Min Ji was resting her head on him. You gently took your arm out from Peniel and grabbed him a few tissues, giving Ilhoon a smile when he looked at you. You had cried a lot when Min Ji first made you watch the movie and knew how he felt.

A little while later, Ilhoon had fallen asleep too. Leaving you and SungJae in awkward silence.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now