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CHAPTER 13: Confused

Your alarm clock went off. You stretched and moaned. Someone covered your mouth.

“Shush.” Said a sleepy SungJae, “I’m trying to sleep.” He pulled you back into his arms, cuddling you because he was cold.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” You said to him, patting his cheek. He groaned and smiled a sleepy smile at you.

“What’s the time?” he asked, burying his face into your collar bone. You blushed at the closeness.

“Uh… 6 AM.”

“Why is your alarm for 6AM? It’s so early…”

“So I can make breakfast for everyone, and so I have enough time to make myself pretty!” you said, snuggling into his chest.

“Mm… but you’re already pretty.” 

You giggled. “Oppa! Let me go brush my teeth and be pretty then you can come down and help me make breakfast, okay?” 

“Fine! I want to shower!” he said, getting up and rolling over the top of you, then proceeding to run to your bathroom.

“Hey! I want to use the bathroom first!” you called, getting up running after him.

You managed to slip into the bathroom right after he did. “Let me just brush my teeth and put my make up on!” you demanded cutely, pouting. 

“Okay! We can brush our teeth together!” he said, opening a new toothbrush that he had gotten from the cabinet. After brushing your teeth, you took out your make up. You were just finishing off, putting on some eyeliner when SungJae began to say, “Ji Eun… if you don’t hurry up and finish I’m going to shower right in front of you!” and pretended to take his shirt off.

You blushed red, “Oppa wait!” you yelled, quickly finishing off your eye.

“Don’t strip!” you said as you ran out the bathroom and shut the door. You heard him chuckle through the door and the water turn on. You skipped down stairs into the living area. Everyone was still asleep – looking peaceful. Stepping softly into the kitchen, you closed the door so there wouldn’t be much noise.

‘What should I make for breakfast…’ you thought to yourself, opening the pantry door and peering inside.

You found some croissants, eggs, and bacon.

‘I guess this will do.’ You thought, putting them onto the kitchen table. You decided to make croissant sandwiches with your ingredients, but before you could start preparing, Peniel walked through the door.

“Good morning, pretty lady.” He said, rubbing his eye.

“Good morning, oppa! Would you like some breakfast?” you asked him, smiling. He nodded and walked behind you, suddenly pulling you into his chest and resting his chin on your head.

“I can’t wait to spend time with you tomorrow night.” He said sleepily. Your cheeks turned pink because you didn’t know what to say. By now you were already SungJae’s girlfriend. But you couldn’t reject Peniel either.

“Yeah, me too.” You said, turning away from him.

‘I need some time to think.’ You thought to yourself, ‘But how am I going to think if BTOB is here?’

“Hey, Peniel…” you began, looking at him.


“Do you mind if you make breakfast? I feel like going for a jog.” You lied, trying to convince him with a smile.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now