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CHAPTER 14: Busan

“Ji Eun, let’s go out shopping! We haven’t had a girly day in forever!” Min Ji complained, poking at your cheek.

“Yes! That sounds amazing! We’ve been so busy recently with who knows what! Where do you want to go?” you asked, braiding her hair.

“How about... we fly to Busan and spend a week there? We need some good quality time!” she suggested, smiling brightly at her idea.

“Great! Let’s go book the flights now!” 

After turning on the laptop and browsing through a few dates. You finally settled on one. September 4th you would be flying to Busan. “I seriously can’t wait to get there and just chill.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck, “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah, how are you and SungJae? I’ve noticed you’re much warmer to him now.” Min Ji asked, eyeing your every expression. You blushed. “Well… I think… we’re dating!”

“JINJJA? SINCE WHEN? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?!” she demanded with a huge smile on her face.

“Since the night we watched the movie.”

“Oh? How did it happen?”

You explained the part about him being in your bed and being super nice to you, but left the thing about the other girl out. “Aw! How sweet!” she cooed, hugging you from behind.

Before you knew it, it was already September 4th. 

You packed your some of your belongings and brought your small suitcase to the door.

“Min Ji!” you yelled, “We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up!”

“I’m coming! I just can’t find my swim suit!” she called back. You sighed as you walked up the stairs, entering her room. “I bet you our next meal that I can find it before you do!” you said, opening one of her drawers.

“See.” You said, holding up her yellow bikini. “Found it!”

“I owe you dinner!” she said, grabbing it and stuffing it into her hand bag. “Thanks! Let’s gooooo!” she screamed, running out of her room and down the stairs. You giggled and ran after her.

I want you, only you! ♥ [FIN]Where stories live. Discover now