A lot of Hybrids

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***I found this image on twitter and it's the cutest thing.   Give her some mad love **

___Jungkook points at the crowd.  "Nobody move.  As you can see I have the whole place full of my people.  I assume you realize who we are.   We are here to save the hybrids.  Get in our way and we won't hesitate to kill you on the spot.  I have no tolerance for people who attend illegal auctions like this."
His men have arranged themselves behind each area and along the ways out.  Johnny stands up and points  "They brought them out and took them away this way"
Jungkook and Chanyeol immediately walk in the direction indicated and find Yoongi and Jimin sitting guarding a door , 2 men laying on the ground dead.  
"hybrids?"  Chanyeol asks while pointing at the door the cats are guarding.  Jimin nods his head and the 2 cats stand up ready to escort them in.

___Jungkook  opens the door and Yoongi pushes his way in front of him.  He's not about to let Jungkook get hurt.  They walk in to find about 20 hybrids kept in 2 open bar  cages like prison cells.    They are standing or sitting directly on the cold cement floor.  There are no seats available.  All of them look miserable.  Yoongi and Jimin each take up a spot at the sides of the door.    Yuta the very large Snow Leopard goes to guard the back door.  All the hybrids in the cages have taken note of the animal form hybrids.  WinWin joins in his sleek bengal tiger form, sitting in the middle of the 2 cage doors.  

___Jungkook clears his throat to gain the caged hybrids attention.  "We are here to rescue you.  As you can see , we have our own hybrids here to help.  Please stand back from the doors.  We cannot find the key and will have to shoot them open."
The bunny hybrid speaks up "There is a guy hiding in the small closet right behind that curtain.  He has the key."   He points at the curtain.
Chanyeol walks over with WinWin , moves the curtain and finds the hidden door.  He opens it and grabs the man quickly, throwing him out on the floor.  WinWin puts a paw on the mans chest and his face right above the mans , growling very menacingly.  Chanyeol smiles and searches the man, finding the keys.   "Has this man physically abused any of you?"  he looks to the hybrids in cages as he says this.   They all raise their hands and reply with yes.    Jungkook looks at WinWin  "do it" .  The tiger instantly kills the man, simply biting his throat and snapping his head.    Then he sits down to clean himself, because tigers gotta look respectable.  

___Chanyeol goes to open a cage door but Jungkook pauses him for a moment.  "We are going to let you out.  I need you to make a neat group line  and our hybrids will escort you on each side.  This is for your safety as we have to walk you through the people who wanted to buy you.  Please, heads down and follow us.  Don't make eye contact with them.  I just want to get you outside in our vans safely and unharmed.   We are taking you to our place , where you will get medical care and a nice hot meal.  Then you will be given rooms where you can bathe to your hearts content , nest if you need to and get a good sleep for as long as you need.   Your trauma is over.  I just need you to trust us until we get home and you see it for yourself."
With that he lets Chanyeol open the cages.  The hybrids are brave and follow instructions.  They follow Jungkook, hybrids on each side of their line to protect them all, Chanyeol and Yuta bringing up the back.  Once in the main auction room they find more hybrids.  2 giant wolves and a massive brown bear.   
Jungkook asks one of his men "did you call the cops?"   Jaehyun replies  "not yet sir.  We will as soon as you get them safely away.   2 of us will stay until they arrive and give them the video surveillance of the premises we just took.  Jungkook nods and gets the hybrids into the vans.  They have to put more than legal in each one, as they only came prepared for about 7 hybrids, they have 20 now. 

___ Once the hybrids are  in the vans, Chanyeol takes the passenger seat in one, Jungkook in the other as they begin the drive to the compound with their precious cargo.  Jungkook calls Jinki  "We actually have 20 hybrids.  Some look ok, 2 look like they need immediate treatment.  We are on the way home.   Tell Suho that the bunny is the one he suspected and be prepared to help receive them in.   They are scared and dirty and I am sure they need a large hot meal.  Please have the staff make as much as they can asap."
Jinki was answering all along and has already sent Minho out to get dinner prepared.  "We already had  dinner on the way , we will just add to it now that the number has expanded.  I am sure some of our own crew won't mind waiting a bit for the hungry hybrids to eat first."
Jungkook  "Thank you big brother.  You are the best."
Jinki "I have recruited some of the others to help get them settled  and comfortable so we can check the ones that need it the most asap, while others eat.  Then we can get them into the rooms to clean themselves up and sleep."
Jungkook  "They all look so tired Jinx.  Hobi needs to be super congratulated for finding out about that auction.  We will see you in about 45"
He hangs up the phone.  All the hybrids in his van were paying close attention.  He had used speakerphone and they heard everything.  "Get some rest guys.  We will be home in about 45 minutes.  
A soft voice speaks  "You mean you really are saving us?"
Jungkook laughs lightly and looks back at them.  He removes his bucket hat and they gasp as they see his ears.  "We rescue a lot of hybrids and normal humans.  Now, let's get home as my beautiful mate is probably giving his dad a hard time.  Our mating is new and he gets anxious away from me."
After a few minutes of driving, Jungkook looks behind him. Almost all of the hybrids have fallen asleep.  One , a very tall gorgeous cat of some sort is wide awake and watching over them all.  He could tell the young boy was tired but determined to watch over them.  "go to sleep.   I promise they are safe.  You look like you need that half hour nap"  Jungkook says softly.  
"promise?"  the boy asks
Jungkook "  what's your name?"
"Yeonjun sir.  The bunny in the other van is my mate."
Jungkook smiles  "I promise you, Yeonjun,  you are all safe and I will make sure you get to your mate immediately when we get there.  If you miss him like I am missing my Taehyung right now then I know you will run to him. "
they both share a soft smile and the boy closes his eyes.
Jungkook smiles and texts Chanyeol  "the bunny has a mate in this van.  Be prepared for them to run to each other. "

___With that settled in the vans, they settle in to drive home while watching for problems.
He gets a text letting him know the police took over and his men are on their way home.

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