Revelations and Excitement (M)

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___Tae is snuggled in between Baek and Hyungsik.   Bogum is in a chair on Baek's other side, having a chat.   Suddenly Tae peers intently at Baek and says  "Baekkie?"
Baek looks at his baby brother fondly.   "yeah baby?"
Tae "Can I see momma and dad?"
Baek isn't sure how to break this news.  He sighs heavily.  "Tae baby.  You and I are our only family now."
Tae looks at him tearfully.  "did Uncle Woobin do it?"
Baekhyun is hearbroken right now at the sadness in his brothers voice. "It was a hit and run car accident just about 2 years after you disappeared.   I was with a friend being dropped off at school.  I got home and saw the news on the tv as I went to do homework.   I panicked. "
He smiles at Tae petting his hair and rubbing his shoulder.  The fact his baby brother is comforting him means more to him that he can describe.  

___"I didn't want to go to a home for orphans.  I knew being only 12 , that would happen.  I had also started showing signs of presenting, but I knew I was an omega.  I researched my body changes and  figured it out.  I grabbed a bag full of clothing and went to my friend Luhans.  He's outside over with my group.  The small really pretty blonde next to his tall mate Sehun.  He took me to his friend Suho after I told him the problem.  Suho took me to his dad and explained the situation.  It turns out his dad was in charge of their Mafia family.  He took me in and since I needed to be hidden, he trained me to work in his Mafia.  It was there I met Chanyeol , 1 year after I presented as an Omega.  In walked this man with the most wonderful vanilla musky scent and He walked over, grabbed my and hugged me tightly saying "Hi mate".  He's helped me survive and try to find you all this time."

___"It was all dead ends " speaks a deep voice.  They all look up to see Chanyeol and Jungkook have arrived and sat down. "You vanished without a trace.  The only thing I could ever find was that your  hybrid registry had been deleted.  However, in the same registry place it now said Kim Taehyung , bengal tiger.  Your name  Byun Baekjin was nowhere to be found.  
Jungkook "I looked up his name and saw that.  This was before he woke up, right after I saved him from Jacksons.   I didn't think to have it researched.  I just thought he was an unregistered hybrid.  "
Hobi speaks from the kitchen table  "The record was changed 3 days after the parents death.  Moonbin and I are tracking the computer it was changed from.  It looks to be from a small farming village, wierd. "
Baekhyun "That's not weird.  Our family was all farmers.   Uncle Woobin has a strawberry farm just outside of Seoul.  Or, he did back when I was little.  I never saw him again after my parents death."
Tae  "It's been a long day.  So much excitement.  Will hyungies mind If I go take a nap?"
They all laugh at his cuteness.
Bogum "Tae baby, go nap.  We aren't going anywhere.  Your mate here has given us a room to stay in whenever we want.  We have taken a week off to spend with you. "
Baek  "Babybear, go nap.  You are still healing from what I hear.  All 3 of us will be here , forever baby."
Tae smiles his huge boxy grin and kisses them all.  He grabs Jungkooks hand and says  "Kookie come?"
Jungkook  "If you guys will excuse me for a while, my baby needs me.  Please, continue this discussion and help the guys with information.  "

___Upstairs Jungkook follows Taehyung into his room.  He takes note that Tae went to his room, not Tae's.
Once they get inside, Jungkook goes to the bathroom while Tae walks to the bed.  
He cleans up and walks out to find Taehyung kneeling on the end of the bed.
Wearing nothing but one of Jungkooks white silk button up shirts.
Tae has a very definite sexy look in his eyes.
Jungkook walks over , removing his tie. "What's this baby?"
Taehyung  "all this excitement has me feeling needy, like I am in heat.  Help me?"
Jungkook smiles  "oh baby, I would like nothing more on this earth."
He hovers over Tae, caging him between his arms as he leans down to kiss his beautiful mate.
Tae leans up on his knees to kiss back and puts his arms around Jungkooks neck.  
"move up to the pillows my love" Jungkook whispers.
Tae turns over and crawls over, deliberately wiggling his ass to Jungkook."
Jungkook smacks it , because he can.
"Oh baby, I see you want to drive me crazy."
Tae just giggles and wiggles his ass again before plopping over on his back.  

___Jungkook smirks and grabs Tae's legs to pull him to him .  "I see that there is nothing under this shirt.  I like that."
Tae's hands move to show he wants Jungkook undressed too.   Jungkook can't really think of a reason to hold back, so he stands and strips slowly, loving the way Tae looks at him hungrily.
He crawls back over his baby , kissing his way up to the collarbones.  Tae moans in that lovely low bass tone he gets into at times.  Jungkook loves that deep voice.
They proceed to make out feverishly for a few moments as Jungkook sneaks his hand down to Taehyungs lower region.  As he kisses him breathless, he also lightly strokes his growing erection, loving the wiggles of his very turned on mate. 
He kisses his way back down, running his tongue over his mates hard cock.  He takes it into his mouth while his fingers work their way to begin prepping his pretty entrance. 
Tae is lost in absolute bliss.  He's never done this outside of heat.  He is highly excited and puts all his trust into Jungkook, allowing himself to relax and be at the alpha's mercy. 
"Are you ready baby?"  Jungkook asks him. 
Tae nods, biting his bottom lip.
Jungkook lubes himself up , drizzling some on Taehyung, then he carefully pushes himself slowly into this mate.  Tae's breathe catches and  Jungkook stops.  "Don't stop" Tae says.
Jungkook seats himself inside his mate all the way and waits for permission to move.
Tae adjusts quickly, nodding "I'm ok.  Make love to me Kookie."

___Jungkook is helpless against that request and begins moving back and forth into his mate gently.  Soon, Tae decides he isn't having any of that and wiggles around, meeting the thrusts.
Jungkook  "Oh you want it harder?"
Tae breathes out  "yea , please"
"On your knees baby."
Tae immediately complies.  
Jungkook runs a hand delicately down from Taehyungs neck to his entrance, straight down the curve of his spine.  The moans are delicious.
He slaps Tae's ass and then inserts back into the tight warmth, loving the sounds emitting from Taehyung.
The pace soon turns faster and faster, with both men lost in pure ecstacy.  
After a good long while, Jungkook notices Tae shaking a bit and clenching  "Cum for me baby.  I am almost there too."
With that Tae loses it , cumming on the sheets , legs shaking with the strength of the orgasm.  Jungkook follows almost immediately, releasing into the warmth of his mate with powerful thrusts.
They collapse on the bed for a few minutes before Jungkook gets up to get a warm cloth to wash  Taehyung off with.  Then he wipes himself down and puts boxers on himself, then onto his now almost asleep beauty.  He snuggles down on the bed behind Tae, spooning him lovingly. 
"Thank you baby.  That was an amazing gift."  Jungkook tells his lethargic mate.
He is rewarded with "I love you kookie"  before Tae falls into dreamland.
"I love you too Taehyung.  More than I ever thought I could love someone"

___The 2 mates falls into a deep sleep.
Downstairs, the crew is chasing down the Uncle responsible for all Tae and Baeks misery, with the help of the older brother.  

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