gentle and loving

106 4 14

***pic unrelated but i just can't with Wyatt and E-tion.   ONF are such comedians***

Jungkook gently lays Taehyung down on the bed and cups his face in his hand.   He can't believe his mate is such a beauty.   Taehyung radiates innocence , both in attitude and those huge puppy eyes.  "Can I kiss you, my beauty?"  Jungkook asks in a gentle whisper.  
Under him Tae looks up at his new mate and nods "yes, please"  With that permission granted, Jungkook lightly grazes his lips across the plush lips of his mate Taehyung.  Jungkook can't help himself and kisses firmer.  He nips the omega's bottom lip gently, asking for permission.  Taehyung whimpers lightly and opens his mouth, granting the alpha entrance.  Their tongues meet and there is a small battle for dominance, with the alpha gaining the lead easily.  While kissing the omega, he lets his free hand wander down the side of Taehyung,  reaching the omega's hip he tugs at the shirt hem gently, looking into his mates eyes.   Taehyung nods his head in consent and Jungkook carefully lifts the shirt off his mate slowly and carefully, kissing his way up the torso as he revealed it.  He chose to ignore the bruises for now.  Right now, he has an Omega mate in heat who needs his Alpha's attention.  He pulls the shirt off Taehyung, over his head and tosses it to the side.  He then focuses his attention on the collarbones and neck of his lovely mate, gaining himself a chorus of deep moans that are music to his ears.  He kisses his way back down his mate nibbling on the edge of the boxers.  He is waiting for Taehyung to ask for more, to consent.  Taehyung himself reaches down and pushes the boxers down a bit, looking into the dark eyes of Jungkook.  "please alpha, i need you"

Jungkook is now powerless to stop at that plea from his mate. He gets rid of the pants and boxers of his mate, also getting his own off, making them naked together.  Taehyung is squirming so enticingly , making Jungkook even more turned on.  He can smell the heat pheromones coming from the omega tiger.  He kisses the top of the omega's manhood and licks  up the shaft.   Taehyungs moan is the best thing Jungkook has ever heard.  He takes the shaft into his mouth, bobbing up and down slowly, licking with his tongue while watching Taehyung intently.  The omega is wrecked.  After a few moments he stops and reaches over to the nightstand grabbing lube.  "Do we need condoms sweets?"    Taehyung shakes his head, "No alpha.  I am on birth control" 

With that consent , Jungkook coats himself and Taehyung with the lubrication carefully.   He doesn't want to hurt his new mate any more than necessary.  He speaks "On your knees darling"  and Taehyung complies.   He even gets bold and wiggles his ass , enticing his alpha even more.   This gains him a growl and a smack on his ass.  Then he feels a hand on his waist holding him and then his Alpha slowly pushes himself into him.  It's the best moment of Taehyungs life.  Feeling his mate fill him up , Tae moans "oh god alpha, it feels so good. "  Jungkook growls and waits for his mate to adjust  "You can move"  he hears.   At this he starts moving slowly, he is in absolute heaven.  Never has be felt so good at any given moment in his life.  Having his omega mate under him , the 2 of them joined just feels right.  He spends the rest of the night making their connection as pleasurable for them both.  He knots the omega twice during the night and next day.  Each moment together is loving and gentle.  Jungkook makes sure to clean his mate frequently and cuddle him every moment they aren't in the act of mating.

Taehyung is absolutely in love with his handsome mate.   He's never been treated so lovingly or carefully.  He dares to hope that maybe his life really has turned around.

Upstairs, Jin has made a dinner for the new mates.    Jinki had informed him that the omega is severely underweight and malnourished.  With the doctors guidance and proper meal is created to properly feed the omega and his alpha.  The pair of steaks should give them protein to replenish their energy.  He instructs one of the male housekeepers to take it down, ring the bell to the room and leave it on the table for the tigers to collect.   He does NOT need Jungkook getting jealous on anyone right now.   Tigers in general are possessive, Jungkook is well known for being more so than most.  

Taehyung is napping and Jungkook is watching tv while snuggling his mate when he hears the doorbell.  He waits a few moments, and hears footsteps run away.   He carefully gets up to check and smiles when he finds the tray with 2 dinners on it.  One is marked Taehyung specifically.  He brings the food inside and sets it up on the small table, then goes to wake the sleeping omega.  "Baby, wake up.  Dinner is here and hot." he says while brushing the bangs off Taehyungs forehead.  Tae wakes up and smiles at seeing his handsome alpha looking at him.  "Hi alpha" he says in a low sleepy voice. "Hi baby.  Let's eat dinner while it's hot yeah?   Jin made one plate specifically for you."
Taehyung grins and lets the alpha help him up.  The 2 retire to the table to enjoy their hot meal and make small talk.   They are getting to know each other very well through games of asking questions.  Jungkook has realized very quickly how sheltered the other tiger is.  It's obvious he was very mistreated and kept as a captive housecat.   He makes notes to himself to make sure he lets Taehyung go outside whenever he wants and to ensure he feels as safe as possible in his new home.  "You should be done with heat tomorrow and I was wondering if you are excited to properly meet everyone and check out your new home ?"
Taehyung's eyes sparkle.  "I am so excited.  I am grateful too.  You saved me. I can never repay you for that debt."
Jungkook grabs his hand and kisses it.  "You don't need to.  You are my mate, my life, my partner.  I was meant to save you that night.  I will make sure from now on you are happy , safe and protected.  All I need in return is your love and loyalty, my dear"

Taehyung is more than happy to provide that.  After dinner it's obvious the omega is tired.  They lay down and snuggle and fall asleep.  Taehyung wakes his alpha twice during the night being needy because of his heat.   The alpha is more than happy to bring pleasure to his new mate.  

It's gentle and loving and perfect.  The 2 tigers share themselves fully with each other.   

It's the best moments life has ever offered Taehyung.   He's happy.  

***sorry it's a short chapter.  It's bloody hot and I can't deal with summer at all.  I will attempt to write another chapter tomorrow and make it better.***

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