Omega check up time!

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___Jinki smiles at the sight of the 2 omega's snuggling on the bed.  "Ok, Sanha.  Go sit on the other bed so Minho can give you a checkup."
The tall youngster happily bounces over and does at told.  Minho takes the panda's temp and blood pressure, then checks his ears and eyes. Checking his heart beat and lungs, they find he's perfectly healthy.   After that , they put him on the scale for weight and get his current height.  Like Tae, he's young and still growing.  
"You look good Sanha.  You have grown a little even in the month you have been here.  Now, let's get you into Panda so I  can weigh and measure you please."
A knock on the door reveals Moonbin waiting to come in.  "I heard you are checking up Sanha and wanted to come see, if you don't mind."
Minho "I don't mind.  Have a seat.  So far, he is in perfect health and has grown some since being here.  I was just about to check the panda form."
Moonbin has a seat , then notices Tae is getting a checkup too , but notes the difference.  "Uhm, why are you measuring Tae's waist?"

___Tae beams a gorgeous boxy smile  "They just told me I am pregnant!"  He exclaims very loudly and happily. "  
Moobin coos at the happy Omega and goes to hug him.  "Congratulations TaeTae.  You are going to have the most beautiful baby ever. "
Jinki "Tae is healing so well.  All your vitals are back to normal parameters.  I am so proud of you.  You have also put on more weight this week, in line with the dietary plan Jin has you on.  That makes me very happy.  Now, tiger time."
Tae stands and shifts into tiger, rubbing his head on Jinkis leg and purring loudly. "You are such a beautiful tiger.  Come stand on the scale."
Moonbin says  "His tiger looks a little heavier now.  Looks more fit.  "
Jinki agrees  "I think all the time out in the yard prowling and playing with Jungkook are helping with the muscle tone.  His reflexes are also back into the normal guidelines finally. "
He pets the pretty white cat  "I am going to ask you to purr when you feel me touch you.  I want to see the improvement. Keep facing Sanha please. No cheating."
Tae purrs and looks at Sanha, currently in panda form getting weighed and measured.  Minho and Moonbin are wrapping a measuring tape around the chubby bear and giggling while doing it. 

___Jinki begins lightly touching spots on the tiger to test those reflexes.  He touches an ear and it twitches and he hears a purr.  He smiles.  He continues and gets a purr and skin flicker each touch.  He pets the tiger "perfect.  Now let's get turn this scale on and weigh our pretty snowy boy here."   Tae stands still for the scale to get his weight then watches Jinki for instructions.
"Good weight here too.  Now, jump up to the bed for me , I want to watch your muscles at work during the jump.  "
Tae jumps up to the table cleanly and effortlessly.  "Brilliant.  Now, let me take some measurements around your body.  I want to start measuring you every 2 weeks during pregnancy to put in your file.  That way we have a baseline of the first pregnancy in case you and Kook have more kittens."
The white tiger stands on the table patiently letting Jinki and Jonghyun measure him  and take pictures.  Finally, they open the door and tell the omega's  "Ok boys.  You both look excellent.  Go follow Moonbin outside and get rid of that pent up energy.

___Moonbin smiles and leads the pair to the garden glass doors, opening them and letting the pair outside.  Tae instantly begins racing across the yard to where he sees Baekhyun and Chanyeol in tiger form.  He runs up at full speed then play pounces at Chanyeol.   The bigger Alpha tiger lets himself be knocked over by the smaller white tiger and plays dead.  Baek runs off with Tae taking chase.   Chanyeol sits up watching the  pair run around , on guard over the 2 omega's.  
Sanha has taken up position under the tree with Moonbin brushing him and hugging him.  
Jungkook comes out and sits near them to wait for his tiger to finish running with his brother.  
He is soon joined by Bogum and Hyungsik who are all smiles.
Bogum "He looks so much better than even a week ago.  His confidence is also soaring.  I can never thank you enough for taking such amazing care of him Jungkook."
Jungkook  "You don't have to thank me.  Being here with him is more than enough repayment.  He's so happy having both of you back in his life.  Call him over.  He has something to tell you."

___Hyungsik yells  "TaeTae, come here baby."
Jungkook motions Chanyeol to come over and Baek follows his baby brother.
"Shift baby. Care to tell them your updated doctor checkup information?"
Tae shifts and smiles.   He snuggles into Bogum "Jinki told me I am carrying Jungkookies baby!" he says softly.  
A small amount of chaos and exclamations ensues with everyone taking turns gently hugging the adorable baby of the family. 
He tells them  "I want to tell everyone else together. I need to plan a party"
Jungkook grabs his baby to hug him  "I already asked the staff to plan a party for tonight, but I didn't tell them why.  I would not take your announcement joy away from you.  You realize  Yugyeom is going to go super protective?"
Tae giggles  "I know and I don't mind, as long as it doesn't bother you."
Jungkook kisses his nose  "I know you are mine baby.  I also know how much they all care for you, so I don't mind.  Now, let's get you and Sanha back to the nest for that nap we interrupted."
Chanyeol offers to escort them upstairs and Baek has asked to join and was happily invited by the 2 other omega's. 

___"I am going to go check the cell camera's to see how our prisoners are doing." Jungkook states.  On his way to the office, he grabs Suho and JB to go with him.
In the office, the 3 begin to discuss what to do with the 4 females , as without them, Woobin would not have had anyone to tell Taehyung to.  
JB "First information to retrieve is how Taehyung came into their discussion.  Are the females at fault for asking about him or did Woobin offer him up.   "
Suho agrees  "Yes, we need to find the initial point of Taehyung being part of any sale.  Then we can start punishment and chain of command for who did what."
Jungkook nods  "I agree with that.  We need to find out if Woobin just offered to sell his nephew or if there is some reason Tae was brought into the situation."

With that decided, they all go to find their groups and get them ready for their celebration tonight.

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