Well, plans do change

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4 hours after settling in to sleep, Yugyeom awakens from a deep sleep to a sweet smell.
He realizes immediately the smell is Taehyungs normal Heat scent.
He looks up to see Taehyung sitting in the bed rocking himself gently. Yugyeom wakes the doctor and points.
Jinki immediately goes to the tiger and begins disconnecting the medical equipment. "Please step out the room and ask a maid to find Jungkook for me"
Yugyeom immediately goes out the room and finds a maid sitting in the living room reading a book. "Pardon me miss, Doctor Jinki asked me to have someone get Jungkook to come to the clinic quickly."
The lady jumps up "Yes sir, I will go get him and have him come straight there"
Yugy: Thank you.
He returns to the room to find Jinki has dressed Tae in a simple t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts. He is busy checking his vitals.
They hear a knock and the door opens. Jungkook enters "You asked for me?"
Jinki : JK, please cover your nose with a mask . Taehyung here is going into heat. I don't know where you are placing him and WinWin."
Jungkook nods "Basement level, room 1. We have it all set with food, water and all the blankets an Omega can possibly need to make a nest for the duration of the heat. "
Taehyung gasps "You are like me!" His eyes are sparkling and he is smiling a super cute wide box smile.
Jungkook nods . Jinki speaks up "Yes, you can properly meet him later. You are in heat and he is an alpha. WinWin is here so you can be with someone familiar. Unless you want something different."
Taehyung blushes and asks quietly "can I ask you something privately"
Yugyeom and Jungkook leave the room upon hearing those words. Doctor patient privacy is not to be messed with.

Jinki looks at the suddenly bashful tiger. "What is it Taehyung?"
Tae looks at his kind doctor. He sees no judgement, only concern and kindness in his face and eyes. " I feel something when I look at that other White tiger. I know I don't know him but it feels like I do. "
Jinki smiles. "Jungkook is my brother. " Tae smiles at him trustingly. "Tae, do you know anything about the alpha/omega relationship? Mates , specifically?"
Tae blushes "I am omega. WinWin is an alpha. When I go into heat he takes care of my private needs."
Jinki : What about mates? Do you know that word and it's meaning?
Tae nods "I have heard it mentioned in the house. Jackson would use omega's to lure their alpha mates into traps. It's like a married couple but stronger I guess. Mates will do anything for each other?
Jinki : That is right. Mates can be chosen or some people are lucky enough to find their destined mates. I think my brother is your mate. You feel a pull towards him? Describe your body's reactions please
Tae gets redder, making Jinki smile. "I felt like I wanted to run to his arms. My heart beat faster and I felt happy. "
Jinki : Would you like Jungkook to come in again and see if he feels the same? If so, you should spend your heat with him instead. If you are mates and you spend it with WinWin, it will hurt your mate.
Taehyung thinks. He nods "Yes. I would like to know. I don't want to hurt anyone. If he feels like I do then I know I would not like him being private with another Omega. My heart hurts thinking of that."

Jinki opens the door. "Jungkook, please come in."
Jungkook steps into the room and stops to gather himself. The intoxicating scent makes his whole body react.
Taehyung smiles "Hi."
Jungkook uses everything in his to react like a normal person "Hi beautiful. I am Jungkook"
Taehyungs ears wiggle and he replies "I am Taehyung. You are like me!" He points to his fluffy ears.
Jungkook laughs and wiggles his own ears. "Yes, I am. We are very rare. I am so very happy to meet you."
Jinki coughs "As cute as this is, we have a situation. Taehyung has disclosed something personal to me. Kook, I need to ask you a few questions. Do you mind answering them in front of Taehyung?"
Jungkook looks at his brother who smiles. He trusts him "Oh sure. I guess so."
Jinki : Look at Taehyung. Now, tell me how your body is feeling looking at him.
Jungkook looks at the breathtaking beauty. "My heart is racing. I feel like I want to grab hold of him and kiss him to oblivion and protect him for eternity"
Tae gasps and Jungkook looks at him, only now realizing what he said. Tae speaks "I feel hot looking at you. My heart beats fast. I want to run to your arms and cuddle. I feel like I know I can trust you."
Jinki : Well,I think that is enough proof you are mates. What do you think boys?
Jungkook " I knew the moment I came near him. He was passed out and my alpha senses told me this is my mate and to protect him. That is why I was the one to carry him out and bring him to my home."
Taehyungs eyes shimmer with tears. "You saved me. You did what all the other alpha's did for their mates. I trust you and I know you are right, you are my mate."
Jungkook and Jinki both mentally note that alpha comment for a later conversation.
Jungkook clears his throat. "Taehyung. Look at me please. Do you accept me as your Alpha, as your mate?"
Taehyung realizes this is his moment. His "Princess " moment he dreams of from the movies. " Yes, Jungkook. I accept you as my Alpha, my mate."
Jungkook growls and goes to gather his omega in his arms and carry him out of the room.
Jinki follows into the hallway "I guess we don't need to wake WinWin up. Taehyung reacted exactly like a mate should and accepted Jungkook as his mate."
Yugyeom laughs "Well, that was unexpected. I guess that solves the question of where Taehyung goes to live now that his owner is dead. "
Jinki laughs too "Let's sleep". Those 2 will be busy a couple of days. I will inform Namjoon he is in charge till further notice."

Once in the heat room set up for Taehyung, Jungkook places his new baby on the bed and sits next to him.
"I know you aren't in full heat yet so how about we get to know each other a bit yeah?"
Tae smiles "Thank you!"

With that, the 2 lean against the wall and play a game of 20 questions to get rid of the awkwardness. After a while they decide to cuddle and watch the tv.

Jungkook is having a hard time not jumping on the omega but he also wants to gain his trust and make him comfortable before they jump into the alpha taking care of the omega through sex during his heat part of their night. He wants to do this as right as possible , to get their relationship off on a solid footing.

Taehyung is loving life right now. His new alpha mate is gloriously handsome and is being sweet and kind. Tae realizes the discomfort of his alpha. He appreciates the sacrifice Jungkook is making to get to know him first.

After a while of watching tv together, Tae's heat begins to get stronger, to the point Taehyungs mind is fogging up and he starts to get needy.
Jungkook notices the difference. "Here baby, let Alpha take care of you and you feel better, yeah?"
He kisses his new omega and the omega melts into his arms.  

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