The Hybrids arrive

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___Jungkook wakes Yeonjun up by gently shaking his knee.  The cat snaps awake, wide eyed and ready to fight.  "hey hey, it's ok.  I just wanted to have you wake the others up.  You seem to be more the leader type.  We are pulling into my home."
Yeonjun smiles and thanks him before quietly waking each of the others and getting them to wake the ones he can't reach.  They are all sleepy but look a little better after the half hour nap.  
In the other van Chanyeol has waken up his pack of hybrids too.  
Jungkook hears a gasp and smiles.  He knows they have taken notice of the guarded gate they passed through and he looks back to find them all peeled to the windows looking at the gorgeous grounds.  
"Welcome to our home.  I warn you, there are lots of us here, with even more hybrids than you saw at the auction.  The small white tiger is my mate Taehyung.  He's extremely shy, so please don't be offended if he seems withdrawn towards you.  He is sweet and pure and will come to you in his own time.  He might be a little possessive as our mating is brand new and he is still claiming his home here.  Our chubby panda is his omega bondmate."

___A quiet but lovely voice speaks up  "your mate is also a white tiger?"  
Jungkook smiles as his driver J.seph replies "he is the most beautiful omega I have ever seen.  He is also extremely gentle"
The pretty black panther hybrid smiles brightly.  
Jungkook laughs  "he is also on the tiny side.  Due to some childhood trauma, he was caged for a few years and it stunted his growth.  Please don't ask him about it.  He will tell the story when he warms up to you and trusts you.   His dad  and 2 brothers are here.  His brother is a siberian tiger.  His mate is the tall man that was with me back there.   Now, how about we get you into some bedrooms and washrooms to clean up and then have some dinner?"

___As the hybrids unload from the van they migrate into small groups and pairs between themselves.  Nobody at the house stops them as they know they boys all need to find comfort where they can.    Jungkook claps his hands to get their attention  "Ok.  Let's go inside."
Once inside they find the medical team and the staff are ready to receive them.  
"I am Jinki.  Jungkooks big brother.  I am the head doctor and leader of the medical team here.  We are equipped specially for hybrids so please, don't be afraid or worry that we don't know what to do.  All our on site hybrids are treated in house.  Anyone needing immediate medical care, please step over here.  We will see to your wounds and then get you all cleaned up and changed into nice clothing."
Jiwoo "After cleaning up, please come back down here and help yourselves to the dinner we are preparing outside in the gardens.   I want you to eat until your bellies are stuffed.  Now go see either the doctors or go to the stairs there and follow the staff members up to the dorm we prepared for you."
With that she gives them the mom look and they all spring into action.
Jungkook and Chanyeol laugh heartily at her effect on them.

___Jungkook notices Yeonjun takes his bunny to Jinki.  He points and Jiwoo looks  "That bunny is the one Suho mentioned.   That is his mate.  The cat actually stared me down in the car while the others started napping.  He was on guard."
Jiwoo thinks a moment  "Does he have the backbone to stay here or was he on pure protective instinct?"
Jungkook  "Backbone, for sure.   I am not sure what kind of cat he is.  I have never seen ears or markings like his."
Hobi comes up "That is one of the 2 rare sandcats."
Jungkook "Your unknown bear is apparently a standard black bear."
Kai speaks from behind them  "No.  That is a kodiak.  Same breed as me"
Suho  "Then why so cheap for him?  He's tall and gorgeous and being a Kodiak should make him valuable.  We had someone try to take Kai once for those reasons."
Hobi "I am guessing it's because bears in general are difficult hybrids.  Since he's an omega, a bear in heat can be a pretty challenging task."
Kai huffs and mutters  "I am not difficult"
Suho pets him  "you are but we love you for it.   You are our perfect big fluffy bear"

__Upstairs 16 of the 20 have been shown to the dorm set up for them.  They were told this is THEIR room and everything in it is for them to use.  They set about exploring the rooms and are overwhelmed with the grandeur of what they have been given.
Their dorm has a large living area with several sitting areas set about to allow groups to settle and not bother others doing the same.  There are 8 large bedrooms.  They have been outfitted with bunkbeds , each also having at least one large bed in it too.  They are thrilled to find a room that looks like a mini omega store, with all the blankets and nesting supplies their hearts could want.  They decide to hurry and shower to get rid of the grunge on them.  
One one side of the dorm Rano takes the lead and  sends Wonhyuk and Baekgyul to shower first.   He had Yejun and Choi In  go find some clothing for everyone, as they seem to have some fashion sense.  
Romin and Wonjun decide who gets what beds and Seungyeop  decides the omega nesting room is seriously interesting.  

___On the other side another group has followed the example and set their members about organizing the area they claimed.  Woojin has taken the leader position over here.  His group consists of Hyogi, Zeth, Roi and Boun.  Zeth wanders over to the large closet , joining Yejun and Innie.  The 3 chat while picking out clothing for their members.  They marvel at the clothing.  None of them have ever had clothing of this quality available to them.  They disperse to give the clothing to the chosen hybrids.
In the room next to them 3 men are making themselves at home.  Minghui has chosen a bottom bunk and JinYang chooses a top bunk in hopes people will leave it alone.    Didi is taking a nice hot shower and loving every moment of it.  He is thrilled to find they even have makeup at their disposal.

___Downstairs the other 6 are being checked over by the doctors.  One of the, named Midam is a silver fox. He is more than thrilled to meet Taemin and the 2 are curled up in the corner on Taemins play rug napping while the medical team is busy with the more urgent care.

___Jinki nudges Minho and motions him to look at the foxes.  They both smile.  It's a good sign that one of them is already making himself at home.  

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