relaxation day

42 2 4

**is woojin trying to be scary here?  It's not working.  He is just too cute and pretty**

___Tae wakes from his little nap feeling a bit sick to his stomach. He tries to get up but finds Jungkooks heavy legs thrown over him. He wiggles enough to wake the alpha tiger , who rolls over onto his back , stretching his legs. Tae takes the opportunity to get up and go inside. Once in, he shifts and almost instantly feels the urge to throw up his food. He runs to the bathroom and empties his stomach. He feels a hand on his back rubbing it in comfort. By the smell, he knows it is Taemin. Jungkook walks in and takes over the comforting. Taemin smiles and tells the beautiful white fox that followed him in to come back outside to play. Tae looks curiously. "Where did the white fox come from?"Jungkook "Must be one of the new kids. I am guessing that is an arctic fox. I think they are pure white like that because they live in the snow."Tae "I don't feel so great."Jungkook "Let's go to the clinic and have you checked baby."Tae heads that way and they find Key in there. "Tae isn't feeling good and just threw up all his lunch" Jungkook informs him.Key smiles "That is normal during early pregnancy.  I can check you over but I am certain it's just the thing we call morning sickness that happens frequently during the first part."

Tae hugs him  "If you say I am ok  , I trust you"   with that he bounces out of the room.
Jungkook laughs with Key.   Key says  "He is just so damn sweet."  Jungkook agrees and goes off to follow his funny mate.

___Outside the newcomers are all having fun playing in the yard.   The cats are chasing each other.  The 2 new foxes have decided to approach the 2 silvers in residence.  Hobi and Taemin sit and wait for them to get brave.  Taemin decides he can't take it anymore and runs around them in circles, kneeling down and waving his fluffy tail , obviously playing.  The 2 ,  Woojin and Boun , immediately take the invitation and start playing with him.  Taemin darts off to Hobi , who then leads to other 3 to hunt mice in the little forest they have.   Hobi notices neither really seems to know how to hunt, so he demonstrates and then nudges the arctic with his nose. Woojin  takes this as him being told to do what he was shown.   He sniffs and listens, just like he saw the older silver fox do.  Hobi keeps next to him and keeps demonstrating.  Perking up his ears when he hears the right sound , hoping his white counterpart gets the hint.  Boun, watching them,  is quick to learn.  He catches onto the right sound to listen for.  Once located, he follows it and when he notices it's nearer , he pounces, front legs locked in to hit hard.   He breaks through and grabs his prey.  He lifts his head up and shows his catch proudly to Hobi who yips happily in support.  

___Zeth asks Sanha  "Is that Taehyung ok?"
Sanha smiles  "He is very newly pregnant.  He will be ok.  I see him coming out now."
They look and find Tae has come out and walks over to a tall handsome man and crawl onto his lap.  That man immediately cuddles and comforts him.
Zeth is confused as he noticed already Jungkook is very protective of the smaller tiger. 
"Jungkook sir is ok with him cuddling that man?"
Sanha laughs  "That is his dad and the other man is like his other dad.  They rescued him and took him in.  I can't tell you the whole thing without Tae's permission.  Just know ,  He sees them as his dads or big brothers.  The other 2 tigers that came when he growled at you, the smaller one is Baekhyun, Tae's biological older brother and the larger is his mate Chanyeol."
Zeth "We met Chanyeol at the auction.  He's so nice but also scary. Same with Jungkook. "
Sanha  "That could be said for most of the men here.   Since we are all mafia most of them can be super scary.  Not me, I play with computers.  I don't go into the field. "
Zeth  "I wouldn't mind helping them.  They saved all of us , with no profit for them.  Absolutely selfless of them and they  have my eternal loyalty. "
Sanha  "You can tell any of the leaders.  They all wear those little gold clover pins.  I promise you guys, they will all be nice to you here.  You can approach them or anyone here anytime.  You can also ask about the premises.  We have all kinds of stuff here, like a gym and a spa. "
Zeth is curious  "We can use any of these?"
Sanha  "I am pretty sure, but it won't hurt to ask either a leader or the big guy Matthew over there or house mom Jiwoo.  She's amazing."

___Zeth goes off to tell his groups the good news and information.  They are very excited now.  They are also tired .  Most of them decide to go to their dorm upstairs and take a nap.  Rano goes over to tell Chanyeol , as he still feels it necessary to inform someone of what they are doing.  Chanyeol smiles and tells them have fun and they will send someone up to make sure they don't miss dinner.

___A few have stayed outside to nap.  Yeonjun and Soobin are snoozing soundly in their little den next to the pond.  Jiwoo has quietly marked the spot with a little statue placed right behind it, so nobody goes too close and scares them.  Kai the bear is snoozing in the den Jongin showed him.  Taehyun is still shadowing Yoongi and Jimin.  He is fascinated by how amazing they look and to learn how they prowl soundlessly.

It's been a really good first day and the residents are very proud of their new kids.

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