A little backstory

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_____Everyone went inside except a few hybrids who decided relaxing in the gardens was a great idea for today.  NCT and Astro and Got7 took the opportunity to get to know each other.   Yes, they knew OF each other, but now they get to know the people themselves.  

___NCT is curious about Taehyung.  Renjun "We never knew there was a hybrid there.  Jackson's hatred of them was so well known that everyone makes sure to keep their hybrids well away from your group."
Johnny "I am just glad he survived the experience and is now in a safe loving home.   He seems really sweet and is gorgeous on top of that. "
Jaehyun "  I am more shocked to find the OTHER white tiger.  Not once had  I ever heard even a rumor of that. "
Yuta "That is probably exactly why nobody can tell you what Jungkook looks like.  I have heard of a few attacks going down involving a massive white tiger before.   I am guessing he's that tiger. "
Jaemin "Why is Taehyung so small in tiger form?  I get why he is thin and not muscled, but why is he small?"
Yugyeom  "He's always been small.  Jackson brought him home when he was about 14 and he was small then. "
Mark "I believe the guy who had Taehyung before Jackson took him in payment got him from a breeding farm before he presented.  I don't know if you know what those places are like.  They keep the hybrids in small cages.  It's my opinion his growth was stunted by being in a small cage at the facility.  However, I am no expert"

___A cough turns all their attention to the 2 doctors.   Jinki tells them  "That is actually probably accurate.  It's also very useful information for the 2 of us to help heal him up and get him on track to being normal.  At first I thought he was just a runt.  Hearing this information about the breeding facility changes that theory.  A runt likely would not have been allowed to live to maturity.   I am surprised to hear he came from this background though, being a white tiger.  They are rare and considered priceless.  Therefore, they are usually moved to more luxurious facilities to ensure they grow to full maturity  in great health, to ensure the highest price for them after presenting."

___Jb replies  "Jackson took him as payment for a 50 million dollar debt.  The man gambled badly a week before and naturally could not pay up.  Jackson saw Taehyung lounging on the mans couch and quickly demanded the tiger in payment. "
Mark "Taehyung did not seem to be abused there.  He was dressed in finery and lounging daintily on the mans couch casually watching tv.  He was well groomed and healthy when we got him.  "
Yugyeom "Jackson almost immediately became wierdly possessive of Tae and would not let us talk to him or pet him.   Tae sought affection from us, he was obviously used to being cuddled by his owner, but we weren't allowed.   We did what we could when Jackson wasn't looking.   Sometimes he let me bathe tae and I would shower him with affection during those moments.  He's very cuddly and affectionate by nature. "
BamBam  "Tae is an angel.  He started getting chained down because Jackson knew Tae hated him.  Tae would naturally try to sit or lay as far away from Jackson as he could get away with.   Jackson hated it and started chaining him down within reach.  That was when the abuse started too."
Mark "That's when we knew we had to get him out of there somehow.   He was becoming depressed looking, timid and quiet.   He stopped eating anything we gave him when Jackson wasn't looking, despite being fed very little.   He was only allowed to eat what Jackson hand fed him. "

____Jonghyun looks thoughtful and speaks.  "This is all very valuable information for me as his therapist/psychiatrist.  I want you all to know my door is always open for all of you.  Both for discussing this issue or your own problems.  Seeing him go through that may have affected  you in ways you don't realize yet.  If you choose to return to that house, you may find yourself dealing with emotions you don't know how to handle.   My door is always open, anytime. "

___Jinki speaks  "I will talk to all of you later.  I have to go find the tigers and get Taehyung weighed and some bloodwork done.   We need to come up with a plan on getting the human and  tiger healed and healthy.   Yugyeom, I would appreciate you coming .  I need Jungkook out of the room.   His alpha instincts to protect might be a problem since the mating is new and his Omega has a history of abuse.   Tae will need someone he trusts inside.  
Yugyeom nods "Anything for Taehyungie.  He won't mind me being there, I am the one who bathes him.  We have a solid trust bond."
JB  "Now, who is gonna keep the Alpha occupied while his omega is in a room he can't be in?"

The entire room nervously ponders that particular question. 
 Taeyong comes up with a plan  "How about we ask him to work out with us during that time?"
Moonbin "That actually sounds like a solid plan.  He loves to work out"

Meanwhile outside......

Jungkook wakes and purrs in contentment at having his mate cuddled up to him.   He takes it upon himself to clean the ears and begins licking them carefully.  His smaller mate wiggles those ears and purrs as he wakes.  Tae proceeds to lick the paw of his alpha that is in front of him.  It's a bonding moment for the 2 new mates.  Tae rolls over to face the larger tiger and the 2 spend time licking each others faces, giving each other a good washing.  There is also a lot of scenting each other going on.  Taehyung is over the moon with happiness that his larger Alpha mate is allowing him to cuddle and scent him.  

___The guards are at the table playing cards while also enjoying watching their Boss bond with his mate.  "Looks like he finally found that special one that will tame his wildness"  Says Hanbin.
Bobby looks at him "It's nice to see him happy.  He deserves it.  Maybe now he can settle down .  He's been restless for a while now after his father ran off.  "
Hanbin sighs  "This omega here, has made him happy.   I have never seen him this chill.  This little beauty is our savior.  I heard about his past.  He was abused by Jackson, chained and starved.  We need to make sure all the guards here know not to make sudden movements or loud sounds around him  until he settles. "
"That is excellent advice, I approve."  A voice startles them.  Bobby smiles  "Hey Jinki.  Do you have any other advice for our new Queen?"
Jinki smiles  "I think you have the right idea.  Just tell the staff too , tell them also to talk to Jin about his diet.  We need to feed the boy, he's so underweight and malnourished.  I appreciate your help.   Now, I have to manage to steal the Omega for a serious physical checkup.  "

___Both guards grin "NOT IT!"  
Jinki sighs but laughs.  It's ok.  I brought backup.  He points at Jimin and Yoongi in cat form along with Hobi the fox.  Standing behind them are a few of the new guys.  

___Jinki turns to them all.  "Wish me luck.  I am off to retrieve the omega tiger from the big bad alpha"    They all laugh and settle down to watch the show.

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