Small explanations and plans

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___Suho smiles brightly when he sees Jungkook enter the house.  He stands to greet the younger man.  Just as he was about to move forward he sees the much larger group of Large Cats than usual and stops in his tracks. 
Jungkook notices and giggles a little.   "Please sit Suho.  I will explain." He motions to the couches as he says this.    Jimin and Yoongi sit beside Jungkook with Taehyung laying down behind them.  Behind him are the Bengal tiger WinWin and Snow Leopard Yuta.   Sanha the panda and the bobcat are by the door to the patio.
Suho takes a good long look at all the new hybrids before smiling "You seem to have a few more hybrids than I remember."
Jungkook laughs  "We experienced a situation recently that ended with these hybrids coming here for their safety."

___Suho decided to come straight out with it.  "Might this have to do with Got7 suddenly missing and their mansion empty?"
Jungkook laughs  "They are not missing."  He looks at the bobcat  who nods and walks off.
"But yes, it has something to do with Got7.  "
Suho looks at him thoughtfully.  "They haven't been seen for about a week and there is blood in one of the bedrooms upstairs"
Jungkook smiles "I won't lie.   These  2 cats killed Jackson as part of a raid."
"But , the rest of us are just fine and he was killed at our request"  a new voice states.   JB walks in as he says this interesting piece of information.  
Suho  "That's interesting and shocking.   Care to elaborate?"
Just as Jungkook is about to answer Taehyung, in tiger form still jumps up on the couch and snuggles into him, clearly upset at the moment.
Jungkook accepts the snuggles and covers his mate with a blanket kept on the back of the couch.   He then smiles at Suho again  "Without going into much detail at the moment and causing my lovely mate right here any more trauma, I will just say the incident was because a rescue mission consisting of my group, Got7 themselves , NCT and Astro.   It ends with them all moving into the residences here and joining BTS."

___Suho smiles widely "I had hoped nothing happened to them.  I came to ask your assistance in locating Got7 because they are an important part of our  information supply chain.  I am happy to  hear they are simply relocated AND that there is now a large collaboration."
He then looks again at the small white tiger laying his head on Jungkook while curled protectively at his side.  "You said he is your new mate?"
The wide bunny smile on Jungkooks face makes Suho laugh a bit.   "Yes.  This is Taehyung.  He is shy and will get to know you at his own pace.  You are the first stranger to him in his new home after he claimed and marked it.  I hope you understand."
Suho nods  "I am very sorry Taehyung.   Had I known an omega was in the process of settling into his new home, I would have called for an appointment.  Please accept my apologies on the matter?"
Tae looks up at Jungkook who smiles.  The tiger looks intently at Suho and then nods and purrs as he sets his head back on Jungkooks lap.  
Suho "Thank you Taehyung.  I must say , you are a very pretty tiger.  I am very pleased to be able to meet you."
Taehyung wiggles his ears and tail to signal his happiness.   A noise at the door makes him look up and he spies Sanha sitting there chewing on some bamboo.  He looks up at Jungkook who laughs "Go on baby,I know you both want to run to your little nest."
Taehyung jumps down to go to Sanha , who meets him halfway.  MJ laughs and says  "I will escort them upstairs and watch TV to keep an eye on them.

___Suho is clearly confused.  Yugyeom notices and provides  "The panda is part of Astro and he and Taehyung are Omega bondmates.  Sanha must have noticed that Taehyung was a little upset at having unexpected company.  Like Jungkook said, he's shy. "
"Bondmates?  That is amazing and so very rare.  Congratulations Jungkook on both the gorgeous mate and the Bondmates!  I have read in books that a bondmate situation makes the group stronger as a whole."
Jungkook smiles  "Suho, why don't you call Exo and let's have dinner here tonight."
Suho nods but replies  "Taehyung is upset at me being here, I would not want to upset your Omega further.  We can come another time."

___" I think since he's already experienced you coming in , he should be fine meeting the rest of your group.   He needs to adjust to these kinds of things happening and the sooner the better.   Sanha and Jungkook can calm him down before dinner and prepare him."  Jonghyun speaks up  "I am his mental and emotional doctor and I think the dinner is a fine idea.  I can work with him this afternoon and settle him"
Suho thinks a moment and decides "I will go back home and get everyone ready.  What time tonight and is this formal or casual?"
Jungkook replies  "I would say around 8 pm to keep Taehyung on his correct food schedule and let's make it casual.  Tell the men I said we will go informal speech tonight, friends and family.   Please also tell them about Taehyung and inform them he's terribly shy and not to approach him.  He will get curious in his own time and let you know when he wants to communicate"

___Suho thanks Jungkook and takes his goodbye to go home and discuss this new turn of events and prep his team for dinner. 

Jungkook looks at the assembled crew  "Well, we have dinner plans.  Everyone tell your crews to be ready out here for 8am.  We will have an outside BBQ style.  I will go tell the staff.  After that I will visit the omega's and inform them and deal with the angry tiger.  I will see you all later tonight"
With that being said he turns to find the kitchen staff, leaving to the laughter of those assembled.  

___After locating and informing the staff about dinner and making sure they know to go shopping asap , Jungkook heads upstairs.    He enters to find MJ and Eunwoo watching Tv , sitting on the couch together.  "They are asleep last we checked.  They left the door open this time."
Jungkook smiles and peeks into the room.  He tells the 2 men about dinner with Exo and asks them to come get him from his room across the hall when the omegas wake up.

He goes into his own room to take a much needed nap before dinner and prepping  a shy tiger for company.

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