New members

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While that dinner is happening:

<ASTRO Headquarters>

Moonbin is both confused and excited.   He traced the little puzzle left behind by their recent hacker who popped into their system.  There were no attempts to hide their tracks and the puzzle left behind ended up yielding information on how to contact them.   He calls for a meeting and pops the information onto a tablet.  

As soon as they all gather in the office, he places the tablet on the table for them to pick up and look at as they wish.  JinJin grabs it first.  "Oh.  Someone got into our system, did some checking on our personnel and left us a ticket to get in contact with them?"
Rocky takes it and looks  "I know this runner.  He works for Bangtan."
Moonbin :  I thought so.  Looks like they want to talk to us. 
Rocky :  They could make our lives so much easier if we could get a meeting and present ourselves as a team worth promoting.  
MK :  They are also Hybrid friendly.  Meaning Sanha and I won't be mistreated. 
Eunwoo :  JinJin, send one of your runners to meet this one in the message.   Make sure he gives that codeword to their runner.   Let's see what they have to offer.

Back to now...

Hobi gets a message from his runner.  He smiles.  "Astro already contacted my runner with the codeword and a message of their own .   They would like to set up a meeting if we have time for them.  "
Namjoon nods : Tell the runner thank you.  Now, give them your number via your little tricks.
Hobi giggles and his little fox noises make the visitors coo at him.  He excuses himself to go to his office.  Returning a few moments later he tells Namjoon  "Done.  They should call me fairly soon."
Taeyongs phone rings and he answers it.  He mouths  "Mark" to the group.  Namjoon motions him to go to a quiet room and sends Yoongi with him.

Taeyong   "Yeah, we are making preparations right now.  What are you guys going to do once this goes down?"
Mark " We don't know but there is a situation here that is forcing our hand to move things along faster.   I cannot explain as I need to go.  Just please, remember it's only J going down.  Anyone you don't recognize is an innocent and needs rescue"    With that he hangs up

Taeyong looks at Yoongi.  "I don't like this at all.  It's been a quiet situation planning on getting them out of there and tonight Mark seems really stressed."
Yoongi nods  : I heard.  Something is making him anxious and I hope it's an outside source and not them trying to bait us there.
Taeyong :  I wouldn't think so with WinWin there.
Yoongi : Unless he is an unwilling hostage .

They return to the main room and tell the new information to them.  
Hobi gets off his phone.  "Astro is on their way over. "
Jungkook is anxious : I don't feel like this is a backstab.  Mark is known to be level headed.  Something has happened at that complex that has made them move into action tonight.  I think WinWin going over has nothing to do with the decision.  

They decide to have some drinks and wait for astro to arrive, while chatting getting to know each other better.   
The doorbell rings and a maid escorts some new men inside. 

Namjoon stands  : Welcome to Bangtan Mansion.  Please have a seat after introducing yourselves. 
Astro makes their introductions and sit.  
NCT takes up the reins and introduce themselves to the new group.
Rocky takes notice of something  "Aren't you missing a member?"
Renjun grins  "Good eye. WinWin is out on location for what we are discussing tonight"
Sanha smiles  :  Your hybrids are beautiful!  All 4 of you are so rare!"
Jimin smiles his long fanged grin :  You are so cute. I never saw a panda hybrid before!
Sanha is really happy and moves to an empty chair, Jimin following.  Everyone smiles and just goes back to business as the 2 hybrids get to know each other. 
Jungkook enters the room and everyone from Astro stops in sheer surprise. 
"Oh my god"
Jungkook sits in his favorite chair as he brushes his hand over one of his pretty white tiger ears.   "I take it you didn't know either."  
Head shaking and NO abound and he grins.  "It's a secret and now that you are family, please don't tell anyone.  I don't need the hassle of hybrid sellers trying to make a fortune kidnapping a white tiger hybrid. "
Moonbin  : So that means you already knew we were going to ask to be promoted by you."
Jin giggles :  You are going to train to be our new tech team.  We are getting tired of doing all the work ourselves and after checking into you we decided on that little test Hobi the fox over there left you.  Since you solved that within a few moments we decided to admit you into the family. 
Jungkook  :  I assume you don't have any qualms about that?
Eunwoo  :  Absolutely not.  We are thrilled.  
Namjoon :  Now, we will discuss lodgings for both of your teams after we deal with this Got7 mission tonight.

Eunwoo looks at Jungkook questioningly "Got7?"
Jungkook :  Something has come up and apparently we need to go rescue Got7 members from their leader and one of the  NCT members. 
Moonbin pulls his laptop out of his bag and logs in.  "I can try to access their home camera's so you don't go in blind. "
Namjoon  : Excellent . 
While Moonbin and Hobi work on accessing the securities and camera's at the GOT7 location, the rest of the teams works on their plan. 

Renjun gets up and walks to Jungkook and hands him his phone.
Jungkook reads what is on the screen  and gets up.
"we are leaving right now.  Gather the weapons, call your small teams to meet us at the location Yoongi.  Hobi, Moonbin, get their security systems offline and try to get those camera feeds to guide us through.  Everyone,  get suited up in raid gear , weapons and radios.  We have to go NOW"
Everyone looks and Renjun says "WinWin send me a message simply saying "I need help here, he is about to die on me."  Nothing after that.  

Moonbin announces he got their camera feeds accessed and will guide them through the mansion to Jackson.
Hobi tells them " I have their security ready to be turned off when you arrive.  Good luck."

Yoongi and Jimin had already left on their own.  The 2 assassins will meet everyone there.  They are so good at stealth nobody in NCT or Astro even noticed them leaving. 

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