Woobin arrives

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___Jungkook watches from near the front door as his men take possession of the prisoner.   Hyunsuk is keeping his distance , observing his own men to make sure they all stay in line.   Jungkook smiles.  He knows the others are very nervous because of the location, but he appreciates the professionalism he is seeing. He motions Hyungsuk forward and the man complies.  "You did well today.  I apologize for testing you , but since we don't work together I  felt I needed to.  Seeing as you were completely honest and straightforward, maybe we can do business in the future.  You have my number.  Feel free to bring any proposals to Namjoon.  "
Hyunsuk smiles  "Thank you Jungkook.  Again, I am sorry and I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.  I have a surprise in the 2nd van."  He motions his men and they unload 4 females.
"These are the culprits.  Examining the records and talking to employees, it was all their doing.  They forced the others to comply using blackmail and violence.  You can see they are basic hybrids, nothing special.  2 common cats , a golden retriever and a beagle.  I gift them to you and I hope your staff member exacts revenge satisfactorily."
After this, he loads up his team and leaves.

___Jungkook walks near the prisoner.  "Well, I can clearly see we have the right man.  Do you know why you are here?"
Woobin shakes his head "No sir. I was not told."
Jungkook grins a very evil grin and motions at Chanyeol.   The tall man leans into the front door and then walks towards Jungkook, someone smaller behind him, hidden."
"Is this the man?"  Chanyeol asks , apparently to Jungkook, who nods. "yes"
The smaller man behind Chanyeol walks around the taller man and stands in front of the prisoner, who turns pale and hangs his mouth open for a moment. Then he tries to regain his composure.  "Hello my nephew."
"Can the family bullshit.   I want to know what you did with my brother."   Everyone around has been made aware of the psychological game they decided to play on the man who sold their Taehyunggie.  They all put on their acting caps and pretend to be watching something unknown playout.
Woobin "How would I know?"
Baekhyun "I was just asking.  I thought maybe you knew. "
Woobin  "Well, I don't.   Now can we stop treating me  like a criminal and you untie your favorite uncle?"
"I don't really think so"  comes a deep voice.  Jungkook smiles and motions the men to protect the owner of the voice.
Woobin  "And who the hell said that?"
"Oh, I did , my very caring uncle.  Don't you recognize me?"
Woobin turns the colour of snow as Taehyung comes to stand between Baekyhun and Jungkook.  
Baekhyun  "You remember  my baby brother right?"
Woobin  "Impossible.  Baekjin disappeared at 7"
Taehyung  "Oh, but you know all about that.  I clearly remember you asking me out for ice cream  , then I woke up tied up to see you being paid some money.  I remember the other person saying you will get the rest of the money once they have made it to their facility safely.  YOU sold me."

___Woobin starts to protest but Baekhyun isn't having it.  "We have the bank records.  Also, if you look behind you I believe you will recognize our other prisoners."  He points the direction.
Woobin looks behind and realizes he's defeated.  "So is this how I die?"
Jungkook speaks now  "First you are going to the cells.  There you will stay for a few days, all of you.  You can think about what you did wrong.  The brothers here will decide what we do to you.  Mind you, my hackers know everything.  We know you killed their parents too. "
Taehyung speaks up  "I don't care what happens to him from here.  I will let Matthew and the guards make him suffer.  Just make sure he remembers he's suffering NOTHING near what I have gone through in my life because of him.  He walks over and hugs Matthew and J.seph.  He says lowly  "I hope you don't mind me asking this of you."
Matthew pats his head as Tae hugs him.  "I will do anything for you Tae.  Now, you go inside and do a bunch of nothing and relax before Jinki comes out and whips us all."
Tae laughs and bounces over to Jungkook  "Want cuddles.  Come come come."  he says as he pulls on his Alpha's arms.  Jungkook laughs and complies.  
Baekhyun grins a truly evil smile.  "You took that sunshine from me and ruined his life until he got here.  His men and I are going to make you and these women regret ever breathing."
With that he nods at the men to take the prisoner away and he takes Chanyeols hand and drags his own mate away.

___Inside Jungkook is sitting on the couch with Taehyung being a koala, sitting on his lap facing him and snuggled up as close as possible.  The omega is busy scenting his mate and being reassured by his Alpha.  
Jungkook is happy at the moment "Baby, I am so proud of you.  I didn't know you were going to come out."
Taehyung  "I thought about it and decided if he didn't see me, he might go down still pretending he didn't do it.  If I stood in front of him and stated his crimes in his face, he would have no choice but to realize why he is being punished.  He would no longer be able to pretend he didn't do anything.  I faced him down in front of everyone to make his crimes known to the crowd , with him watching and suffering the helpless feeling of being utterly caught."
Jungkook "I am so very proud to call you my mate.  You are so strong."
Taehyung purrs "I love you kookie.  Your love and support gave me that strength.  I also felt comfortable with my brothers, Bogummie and Matthew and J.seph there.  
"I hear my son did something amazing outside"  comes Bogums voice.   He and Hyungsik walk in and settle down on the furniture, with Got7 following.  Most of Astro and Exo also filter in. 

___ Jiwoo decides that is too many men in her living room and announces a BBQ and asks them all the go help set up the backyard.  This results in most of them shuffling outside to set things up and go to their own houses outside to help make some food.
Jungkook laughs  "the power you have sometimes makes me proud"  he says to Jiwoo.
She giggles  "too many people in one room." 

Tae is smiling into Jungkooks neck.  He feels sick still but is also proud of himself for standing up to his uncle.   His family here gave him that courage.
He's super happy and purrs into his mates neck enjoying Jungkooks hands rubbing his back

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