Welcome to the family

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___Jungkook instructs the  guys to just leave the stuff in the vans  "I will have the staff take it in later.  Hopefully the puppy stuff arrived already.   He must be hungry"  He reaches over to pet the little puppy cuddled in Taehyungs arms protectively.  Tae smiles  "I can't thank you enough for all this.  My own clothes, my very own adorable puppy and I got to pick out nesting supplies!"  He kisses Jungkook after saying that.  "Let's go see your new home Tannie"  He sets the puppy on the ground holding the leash attached to his harness.  With that he follows Jimin and Yoongi into the house, Tannie following on his short legs.  Sanha the panda is following closely.  He and Tae are on the beginning of an Omega bonding.  When Omega's do this, they become extremely close, feeding off each others energy and emotions.  They are bonded for life almost like mates and it's rare and beautiful.  The others have noticed and find it adorable as both omega's are sweet individuals and them bonding in this manner will make them both more self assured , more confident.  Namjoon remarks to Jin next to him  "Remind me to talk to Astro about this omega bonding.  We will need to make sure those 2 have free access to each other."  Jin smiles "I never thought to witness such a rare event and I am so happy it's these 2."

___Jimin and Yoongi open the door to find the room is dark and quiet.  Jimin giggles  "He's right behind us"  he says lowly and runs to hide behind the nearest chair, finding 2 staff members behind it.  Yoongi just stands beside the door and lets Jungkook walk in with Tae right behind him.  "Oh no, the lights went off.   Stand right here Tae and let me look into it "  Jungkook instructs as he moves Taehyung to the middle of the room.  The rest of the crew moves in silently in the gloom and suddenly the lights come on as staff pops up from all kinds of hiding places.   Taehyung jumps at the "SURPRISE" yelled by them and instantly tears up as he sees the decorations and banners  "Welcome to the family Taehyung" One says in pink on a black background.   Another thats white with Purple writing says  "We love you already, Love: The Staff"
Tae looks around at them all dressed brightly and holding presents and decorations.  He walks around hugging each and every member of the staff, having a quick word thanking them individually for the love and support"   A gorgeous woman named Jiwoo claps to get everyones attention  "We have a lovely barbecue and party all set up outside at the pool garden.  Please, go enjoy our way of welcoming our lovely Taehyung to the family"

___Jungkook takes Taehyung and his puppy outside and they sit at the table of honor happily. 
"My staff is family to us.  Each member was saved by us from either terrible conditions, abusive relationships, one from slavery or life and death circumstances.  They were all given medical and mental attention and offered positions when they got better.  We are a family.  When they say welcome to the family, they mean it.  "
Taehyung snuggles into him as he lets Tannie off the lead to let him go play.  Nobody here will hurt the puppy and he's excited and wants to investigate.  "You guys have made my life better than I ever even dreamed of.  I feel like a princess here.  I met the most wonderful mate possible and a staff of people that personally welcomed me into their family.  You helped, didn't you?"
Jungkook smiles  "Yes, baby.  We went shopping earlier than planned to let them get it all ready.  The big man there  Matthew, he asked me to get you out of the house for it and told me what they planned.   They love all our Mafia members.  We protect them and provide for them, while they in return take care of us at home.  They wanted to let you know how happy they are I have found my mate and that they genuinely like and love you. "   

___Jiwoo comes over  "This baby fell asleep in my lap" she says as she hands Tannie over to Tae.  Tae takes the puppy and asks her to sit with them.  She is thrilled and the 2 immerse themselves in chat, getting to know each other.  
Astro arrives and Jungkook sees Namjoon motion them over to him and Jin.  He points as Sanha and then Taehyung.  He smiles as he realizes Namjoon is telling them about the forming Omega Bond.  He turns to Jiwoo.  "Ji.  Tae and Sanha bought nesting materials.  I am thinking have the items put in Tae's personal apartment.  I imaging he and Sanha will end up sharing a nest and it's got a nice large room that would be perfect. " 
Taehyung smiles  "Sanha feels like a brother to me.  It's hard to explain."  He looks to see Sanha has walked over as if knowing Tae needed him. 
Jungkook smiles  " It's because you 2 are forming a very important and special Omega bond.  It's rare and I am happy to see it.  Sanha is always going to be there for you and you for him.  Sanha, I need you to know  I approve this bond and you are always welcome in my room when Tae is there.  I asked the nesting items to be put in Tae's personal apartment.  With this kind of bond you will probably nest together and comfort each other during heats and other omega stuff.  "
A voice says  "Tae will always be welcome in our house too, no matter the time of day.  We also support this bond and feel honored to be able to witness it. "  They look to see Moonbin standing there , he gave the small speech.  

___The party lasts into the night with all the staff members taking time to chat with Taehyung and get to know him.  The other groups have returned and joined the celebration, all very happy to hear about the staffs adoration of the lovely white tiger.  Eventually everyone begins to disperse to go to bed.  The staff cleans up most of the mess, with group members of the various groups pitching in.  
It's been a wonderful day and everyone goes to bed in great moods.  The night  guard staff takes up positions for the night, guarding those they love and admire.  

___Upstairs Taehyung and Jungkook are in their rooms getting settled for the night.  Jungkook is laying in bed watching tv smiling because the night made him happy.  He hears Tae's door open and close softly and smiles to himself.  He holds his breath waiting .   It happens.  A soft knock on the door.  He gets up to open it and find Tae standing there looking adorable in his jammies holding his puppy.  "I want to sleep here with you please"  Tae says softly.  
Jungkook cups his face  "Baby, my room is yours too.  You don't ever have to knock.  You are always allowed and welcome in here.  The 2 settle down in the bed snuggling with the puppy playing happily with their feet.  

Both fall asleep in each others arms.  

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