Growing pains

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^^^Pic unrelated but cute.  It looks like Chan from TOO is a bonafide member of Ateez here and I love it lol.    STAN TOO .  seriously, check them out and watch their road to kingdom performances.^^^

___Tae wakes up in the middle of the night sweating.  Jungkook instantly notices and gets up with him.  He looks at Tae and immediately calls Jinki  "Hi big brother.  Tae just woke up suddenly and he's sweating profusely and is paler than usual."   Jinki instantly replies  "I will be right up, don't move him.  I need to see him exactly like that.  Tae tries to get up but Jungkook pulls him back down.  He gets a cute glare.  "My brother said don't move.  He is heading right up.  He needs to see you like you woke up to see what's wrong."  Jungkook says as he cuddles his mate.   Tae pouts cutely but he is fond of the doctor and doesn't want to let him down.  He lies back down just as the door opens to Jinki and Jonghyun.  

___"Alright Kook.  Off the bed so I can see my patient"  Jinki instructs.  Jungkook obediently moves and heads to the couch where he can see Tae clearly.  Jinki begins examining the smaller tiger while Jonhyun talks to him a little, asking about his day and stuff like that.  Tae boasts about the party the staff gave him, completely unaware of the thorough exam Jinki is giving him.  Then, he feels a prick on his thigh "HEY." he pouts.  Jinki smiles "Sorry Tae, I had to give you a shot and I know you don't like needles.  So, I chose not to warn you" Tae glares  "Meanie"  and sticks his tongue out.  They all laugh at the little display. Tae is so comfortable in his new home he is already teasing the family members.  Jinki looks at his notes. "I really think it's just his body adjusting.  He's being fed a lot more than he is used to, he had more exercise that he's probably had in years.  His body can't keep up.  I want a couple of days of lounging about the house and you need to follow Jins instructions on food.   We planned a healthy nutrition plan for you to gain weight and muscle the right way.  I am hoping to have you at a healthy weight before your next heat.  That way, if you 2 decide you want cubs soon, Tae will be able to carry them to term and have healthy cubs. Right now, any fun time I need you to use protection.  Don't give me that look."  He laughs at Tae's shocked face." You are both grown hybrids , newly mated.  You WILL be having some intimacy , it's part of the cycle of life.  There is no need to be shy. "  

___Jonghyun speaks.   "Tae honey, you are not expected to have cubs.  Thats a choice.  Something you and your Alpha over there will have to discuss.  Just know, everyone will support you guys having or not having a family. We will support having cubs relatively soon or putting it off till a future time.  It's all YOUR decision as a mated pair. That being said , you are both rare white tigers and beautiful specimens at that.  Your cubs will be important to your specific breed of hybrids and to this family.  You won't be going at it alone. This whole house is full of willing babysitters."
Jinki speaks  "Tae, I understand you and the panda are bonding.  Spend time with him the next couple days and the bond should help you heal faster.  That bond will only make your life better.  Build that nest together and spend some time just the 2 of you.  That is my advice for the next few days.  Alpha boy over there can trust Sanha to take care of you while he takes care of business he has been letting Namjoon deal with."

___Tae hugs both men "You mean the world to me.  Thank you for helping and healing me.  Thank you for the brotherly advice.  Thank you for treating me like an adult and not a stupid house cat."
Jonghyun mentally logs that statement and hugs the tiger.  "You are so mature and sweet.  Spend a few days with Sanha, then you and I will have a therapy session ok?"
Taehyung nods  "I would like that very much"
Jinki hugs Tae "Get some sleep with Jungkook tonight.  Tomorrow , eat the breakfast Jin gives you , follow his instructions.  Then, I want you spending the day with Sanha.  Maybe build a nest together.  Cuddle time will help you heal and adjust and strengthen that omega bond."
Tae nods "Yes doctor."
Jungkook  says  "I will make sure they have all the together time they need." 
With that the small medical team leaves their 2 tigers alone again.

___Jungkook walks back to the bed and grabs Tae's hand.  "Let's go shower to relax so we can get back to snuggling and sleeping baby"
The pair takes a shower on the cooler side to cool Taehyung down and cuddle back up in bed.  Tae is a little spoon with big spoon Jungkook curled around him protectively.  Tae turns in his arms to look at him  "Can we be tigers?  I was never allowed to shift and I miss it. "
Jungkook pats his hair  "Of course baby.  Are we sleeping inside or outside as tigers?"
Tae claps excitedly.  "Let's sleep outside."
Jungkook looks down  "What about Tannie?"
Tae looks thoughtful  "He needs to learn our tigers.  Might as well start now before he gets old enough to learn to be afraid.  Shift first and I will observe him?"
Jungkook "Ok but make him look at me so he can see me before I shift so he knows it's me"
Tae grabs the tiny puppy and holds him in front of him on his lap.  "Look at Kookie"
Jungkook pats the puppy  "Hey tannie"  Tannie looks at him and yips.  Now that he has his attention, Jungkook moves to the middle of the floor and shifts to his tiger form.  Tannie tilts his head confused.  Tae walks over with the puppy in hand and kneels down,petting Jungkook.  "Look what Jungkook can do Tannie. Such a nice kitty."  The puppy feels brave seeing Tae pet the tiger and reaches his nose out to the large cat who moves his own nose close.   Tannie licks him and Tae giggles.  Jungkook lays down and Tae puts the puppy on the floor.  Then he plays with Jungkook by petting his feet.  Tannie follows Tae's hands and messes with the paws.  Tae walks over casually to open the bedroom door, leaving the puppy at Jungkooks paws.

___Feeling that the puppy is totally ok Taehyung gets his attention and shifts to his tiger.  Tannie sits between the 2 tigers very cutely looking back and forth.  Then he jumps at Taehyungs nose and Tae licks the puppy.  Tannie decides he has 2 new playmates and yips and bounces between the 2 tigers playing.  Jungkook gets up moving to the open bedroom door.  Tae follows slowly, waiting for the puppy to realize and follow.  As the tigers move into the hallways the puppy comes running full speed after them, skidding on the wood floor of the hallway.  The tigers head downstairs, tiny puppy following , running around between their feet.  As they get to the living room the guards take note and stand , wondering what's going on.  Jungkook moves to the door and sits.  Heechul smiles  "Ok, I get it.  Yesung, take pictures of this with the puppy.  That is just too cute"  Yesung had already begun that project and Heechul lets the trio outside.  He calls for 2 more men to go outside with the tigers.  

___The tiger and puppy trio settle down under the tree they like to fall asleep.  
Shindong laughs "Two tigers and the tiniest puppy ever.    That's not something I ever even thought of seeing in my life, but I am glad I have"
His partner agrees and they relax guarding the tigers while playing cards.

___It's a good night for them, full of fluffy cuteness.  

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