A lazy day outside

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___Everyone is busy having small discussions on the new life situations.  The leaders are all consulting with Jungkook and Namjoon in Jungkooks office at the moment, discussing how best to assign each crew in the bigger company.  
Moonbin is of the opinion keep things basically the same , each group running the area they have been but under BTS banners now.   This way there would be potentially no loss of their smaller allies in each area, just a change of leadership at the top.  The mafia associates in each area would still report to the people they always have, hopefully keeping their trust in the mafia as a whole.  
Jungkook and Namjoon agree with this proposal.   It makes sense.  Only Astro and NCT and Got7 would need to worry about interacting with BTS , not the smaller associates such as runners, spies, assassins and sales personnel.   
They all agree after a vote is set.  

___Jungkook  "Next on the agenda is discussion about the hybrids.   We have a lot amongst us now and  Yoongi and Jimin are willing to combat and stealth train any of the larger, fast, strong breeds  to work like they do.   This would be the large cats and possibly the wolfs.   This leaves out the panda, foxes and bobcat.  
Namjoon adds  "Taehyung is on the list to be left out of the training.  He may be a white tiger but he's not set for that kind of life personality wise.  A soft knock on the door makes them all look that way, to find the door cautiously opening.  Jungkook smiles "Come on in baby, I know it's you. "
Taehyung tiger pounces over to his mate,  Sanha in human form behind him, veers off to sit on Moonbins lap.  JinWoo reaches over to fluff the panda's hair and scratch an ear.  
They all laugh lightly at the sight of Jungkook struggling to hold an entire white tiger in his lap without dropping his precious cargo.  

___Tae baby, you are hard to carry like this.  Care to shift or do you want to go outside and prowl a while with me?
Tae jumps down and moves to the door, making everyone laugh.  They are all aware Tae takes any opportunity to go outside.    They decide to go get their hybrids for outside play time.
 Outside Sanha has placed himself in the water under the shade of the weeping willow tree.  It's shallow and warm and he loves it.  MJ goes over and sits nearby him to read a book.   The pair don't need to talk to enjoy each others company.  

___The other hybrids all come bounding outside , the pair of foxes going straight to the hunting forest together.   Hobi and Taemin love to hunt out there together.  
The bobcat follows into the woods but goes off on his own.  He wants to practice his mouse hunting.  
The snow leopard lays down near the white tigers, in the shade of the tree.  The giant cat is massive.  
Jimin and Yoongi pad over towards the Snow Leopard Yuta and sit respectfully at a distance.
He looks over at them and nods.   The pair lay down close by and to others watching, the trio is impressively dangerous looking.  

__Got7 sits at a picnic table just watching the whole scene.
"We made the best decision of our lives that night.  Just look at him"  Mark states quietly.
He points to where Jungkook tiger is sitting and Tae tiger is bounding about around him, play pouncing at him, running past and licking his face , nipping at his tail.  
Yugyeom  "The amount of patience Jungkook is showing is amazing."
Jinyoung is laughing  "But how cute is Tae  right now.  He's harassing a much bigger tiger than himself and clearly enjoying himself.  "
They all start dying of laughter as Tae tiger attempts to sneak up on Jungkook then suddenly "attacks"  Jungkook then runs off fast as he can.  
Jungkook sits a moment then makes a show of getting up slowly , then races off to catch his naughty mate.  He catches him in no time, tapping him and then running back to their tree.
Tae gives chase, pouncing on Jungkook , who is laying down.  Jungkook begins to wash his smaller mate which caused Tae to do the same in return.  
BamBam  "They are so happy together.  I never thought he would bounce back so quickly.  It's like he just forgot all the bad"
Mark smiles  "I imagine the euphoria of finding his mate, who obviously adores and worships Tae, plus his new bond with Sanha are responsible for this. "

___Over at the tigers Jungkook is loving how brave and funny his little mate is.  He decides it's time to get him used to other large cats.  He looks towards the trio and makes a low roar.  Yoongi and Jimin instantly get up and come over, Jimin pawing at Yuta to follow.   The Snow leopard lazily yawns and follows his friends.  Then out of the woods comes the bobcat to join them.   
Then WinWin the bengal comes out from his hiding spot in a bush and joins the gathering of large cats.  
Tae begins to sit up but is stopped with a paw draped over him and getting his cheek washed by Jungkook.  His large mate is comforting him, telling him it's ok.  
He cautiously lays back down, leaning into his large mate.   All the other cats approach and lay down, making it clear they are resting and friendly and no threat.  
The doctors are all watching intently.  Collectively they let out a sigh of relief and sit back down, smiling.
A bunch of laughter makes them look back up.  The big panda has waddled over and placed himself next to Taehyung casually.   The white tigers lay down to snooze, with the panda curled up between Taehyungs front and back legs, right into his belly.

___"That panda is the bravest creature I know. " Laughs Johnny.  
Taeyong laughs too "Laying all curled up , sleeping soundly on the belly of a white tiger, who is curled into a HUGE white tiger, while also being surrounded by a variety of large cats.   Brave indeed."
Lucas states  "He knows his new place at Tae's side, knows his acceptance by Jungkook and is reveling in it. "

___Jiwoo comes out of the house heading straight to Namjoon.  What she whispers in his ear has him instantly on his feet and heading to Jungkook.   "Kook, we need you inside.  Suho is here."
 Jungkook shifts and tells Yoongi and Jimin to follow. He pats Tae and tells him "stay in tiger and sit directly behind these 2.  Yuta and WinWin can come too if you want.   
Hobi has already rushed Taemin to the doctors side and shifts to join Jungkook and Namjoon.  

Jungkook looks at Taehyung.  "It's ok baby.   Suho is a friend.  I am just taking precautions for your sake because this will be the first time up experience our actual work and a stranger in your home after claiming it."

___With that he leads his pack of Kitties inside to meet Suho, hoping it's a friendly visit.

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