Date night

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___Tae gets out of the shower , dresses in comfy house clothes and goes to find Jungkook in the closet.   When he gets there, he smiles wide and bright.   His beautiful big Alpha mate is curled up sound asleep in the nest.  He sneaks a picture before bending down to pet the huge tiger.  Jungkook wakes  and purrs.  He gets up out of the nest and walks into the main room to shift.  
"Come here baby,  i want a hug" he says to Tae. 
Tae giggles and walks into the open arms of Jungkook.  He sneaks a kiss and then pouts.
Jk  "why the cute pout?"
Tae  "I am hungry again."
JK  "Well, let us go have something to eat then.  Want to go out on a date?"
Tae  "Can we do that?"
Jk  "Follow me , my love "

___The pair goes downstairs and finds Matthew and Joseph lounging on the couch reading some papers.
Jk "Tae wants to go on a date."
The pair jump up.  "We will be ready in half an hour."   With that, the pair goes upstairs.
Tae giggles  "They are awesome"
Jk "They would do anything for you my dear.  Now, let's go change into nice clothes. "

___upstairs the mates dress up in casual yet nice clothing.   They end up matching each other without meaning to.  Jungkook looks at his mate and smiles.   He in enthralled with how beautiful Taehyung is.   He feels so lucky to have the smaller male in his life.  He walks up behind Tae to backhug him and kiss the back of his neck "You look gorgeous"
Tae smiles  "You always make me feel so special.  I just love you"
Jk "I love you more.  Let's go baby.  I made us reservations for 2 tables."
Tae "2?"
Jk "1 for us and 1 for Matthew and Joseph.  We also have a private area and those 2 can enjoy dinner while watching us."
Tae "You are the best.  Lead the way , mighty Alpha"  Tae giggles after saying this.
Jk smiles "cheeky tiger"

___Once downstairs, they find the 2 guards have brought a car around and dressed up very nice.   
Matthew bows "We have your car ready Luna.  We are honored to escort you on your first outing.   Let's go enjoy a night out?"
Tae giggles and walks over to Matthew and takes his arm.  "Thank you for your time.  Let's go have fun"
Behind the pair Jungkook and Joseph look at each other and laugh.   They follow and watch Matthew put his charge in the car and get in the drivers seat.   Jungkook gets in beside Tae and makes sure he is buckled in.   Joseph gets in and they head out.  Matthew had already been told where they were going.  Tae is unaware the pair are armed, as is Jungkook.  
Arriving at the restaurant after a 10 minute drive, Matthew unloads them at the door and goes to put the car away.   He meets the 3 at the door again and they go inside to be seated.  
"Welcome Mr. Jeon.  We have your private area all ready for you.  Please follow me "  A young man welcomes them.
They follow to the area and Tae giggles.  Sitting at the 2 tables  at the entrance to the private area are the other members, completely ignoring them.  Jungkook just accepts his fate and walks past them following the hostess.
Matthew and Joseph take their table and further to the back go Tae and Jungkook.  They are places far enough away for private conversation.

___Tae  "How did they get here?"
Jk "Hobi knows everything.  I bet he figured it out and they all came to watch us have our first date ever.  At least they are at a distance being respectful"
Tae giggles again  "It's really cute.  I like that they are here.  I feel safer and not so nervous knowing Yoongi and Jimin are here."
Jungkook  "I am glad baby.  I am also sure that was part of their plan. "

___They are just chatting happily when food gets brought out.  Jungkook had ordered ahead of time to make Tae more comfortable.  He knows his tiger isn't comfortable with strangers.  
Tae claps happily at the delicious food placed on their table. 
jk "dig in baby."
Tae kisses him quickly with a mumbled thank you and settles into eating.  The pair eats casually while enjoying chatting with and being with each other.  
Jungkook is proud of how Taehyung isn't showing any signs of stress and is enjoying being out for a date.  He keeps  giving Jungkook little kisses and touches while they eat and chat.  He adores his mates sense of humor.
They finish main dinner and Tae looks up at him all super cute.  "what is it baby?"  Jungkook asks.
Tae "Can we ask the others over to have dessert together?
Jk laughs "Of course baby.  Go get them."
Tae bounces up and happily prances over to the other men.   He grabs Matthews arm "come come.  I want us all to have dessert together."  Hearing this from their adorable Luna, all the men get up and follow Tae.    Yoongi and Namjoon move tables together to make one large table for the 9 of them to have dessert on.   The waiters bring the food out and the now larger group digs in.
Chatter mostly consists of them all saying how good the food and dessert was and complimenting Taehyung on a successful outing.  Many compliments on his appearance were also given out , resulting in some very cute blushing.

___After dessert , it's apparent Tae is getting tired.   Yoongi speaks up  "Tae is fading out here.  We should get him home."
With that , they all get up and with Tae in the middle of them , they go outside to wait for Matthew and Namjoon to get the cars.  Once settled in the cars, they head home.
Jungkook ends up carrying a very sleepy Tae to their room, saying goodnight to everyone.  He gets Tae all changed into jammies and does the same to himself.  Then he crawls into bed next to his sleeping mate, gathering him into his arms.  
He's proud.   Tae enjoyed tonight without being scared or nervous.   He simply enjoyed himself.
It's a big step and he is sure the doctors will want to hear about it tomorrow.  For now, he's happy to have this wonderful man by his side , in his life.  
He may have saved Tae , but Tae also saved him and he will forever be greatful

With that thought , he falls asleep.
Downstairs, everyone is chatting up about how much fun they had tonight and how proud they are of their luna.    Tonight was a huge success. 

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