A happy surprise

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___Tae is working on changing blankets in the nest.   He's gone through it and changed a whole bunch of them, telling his mate  "they need washing"
Jungkook found this behavior both cute and random.   He texted MJ to send Sanha to the nest for "rebuilding with Tae"  .  Mj , after asking a few questions and being told what Tae is doing , laughed at how cute that is and said he will send Sanha right over. 
With that done the Alpha lounges on the bed reading over stuff on the laptop Namjoon had sent him for review.   
He's also reading the things they had dug up on Woobin.  Jungkook had made the decision to let him sit for 5 days.  He will be fed by the guards, but is to have no other contact.   He has a shower and toilet, so hygiene is taken care of.  He was only given 2 washcloths, per Jungkook , to make sure he can't try anything to relieve his suffering.  His cell is also on camera with a guard on at all time.  He is letting Baekhyun and Exo take care of the punishment.  Jungkook is merely setting the stage for them and controlling it.  He has to keep both brothers safe, and he owes it to both of them to help them make sure the man suffers the maximum for the kidnapping and the deaths of their parents.  

___He is interrupted from his musings by the door peeking open. He laughs  "come in, you cute panda".  
In rushes the tall youngster , bounding over to him for a quick hug before rushing to the nest.
Jungkook smiles when he hears Tae welcoming his bondmate.  He gets up to peek in the room and sees them sitting and hugging, rocking each other and petting each others hair.  After a moment they each grab blankets and begin changing the rest of the blankets out.  Jungkook goes back to lay on the bed with his laptop.
He can see the 2 sometimes and he can hear them chat with each other.  It's a nice comfortable feeling and he silently thanks the goddess for sending him this precious omega as his mate.  
Tae has enhanced his world immeasurably.  
His ears perk up when he hears Tae ask "what do you mean?"  Then he hears Sanha say  "I don't know, you just smell a little different.  Maybe your clothes or something. "
He hears Tae hum  "could be the clothes.  I don't know who washes them here or in what.  What do you smell?"
Sanha "You usually smell like strawberries and vanilla.   Now there is a lilac type scent under it , and I think a sort of cinnamon smell"
Jungkook is puzzled by the conversation but is distracted by Jinki calling on the phone, asking him to come to the clinic. 
"Tae baby, I have to go downstairs to see Jinki.  Will you guys be ok?"
Tae bounces out and snuggles him  "We are almost ready to take a nap, we will be fine.  I love you. "  he says then kisses him quickly.  
Jungkook gets another tight snuggle before Tae heads back into the room.

___Jungkook arrives in the clinic to see a Jinki smiling a brilliant wide smile.
"So, my baby brother, how is Tae doing?"
Jungkook looks at him curiously.  "He's with Sanha doing nest things.   Did you really call me down here to ask how my mates doing?"
Key laughs and hands Jungkook a paper.
The 4 men watch Jungkook eagerly.
The alpha looks up "Is this right?"
Jinki  "I took blood simply to test for the infections he had, to see if they were gone or at least better.  These results surprised me.   Is he acting any differently?"
Jungkook laughs  "My mate is a little bundle of chaos.  He has no pattern of behavior.  However, today he is completely changing the nest around.  I called Sanha to come help him, as his panda seems to have a calming effect on him.  Later , I heard Sanha saying Tae smells different.  He has his usual strawberries and vanilla scent.  Sanha says he now also smells lilacs and a cinnamon scent."
Jinki looks pensive for a moment  "You haven't noticed?"
Jungkook  "I smelled lilacs on him earlier but assumed it was his laundry soap or shampoo.  The cinnamon escaped me.  Perhaps he's chewing some gum or something around Sanha in the nest."
Jinki "Can I bother you to bring him down.  We should check this scent thing and then I think you should tell him.  After that , I will give him a new checkup, of the pregnant omega variety."
Jungkook smiles  "Imma be a dad Hyung!"
Minho laughs  "You will have the most beautiful babies ever."
Jinki "Any babies you and Tae have  are almost certainly going to be tiger kittens.  Both of you are hybrids.  On his side, even his brother and his parents are tiger hybrids.  The chances of them being white is higher than usual, but it's never a guarantee.  You yourself know it's a super rare colour mutation."
Key "Now, go get our newly pregnant tiger please"

___On his way to the stairs he spies Chanyeol.  He walks over and shows him the paper ,making a shhhh noise and motion so the other knows it's a secret.
Chanyeol beams with happiness  "Baek is going to be so excited."
Jungkook "I am on my way to grab Tae to bring him to the clinic to tell him and get him a checkup.   Keep it a secret.  I think let him tell his brothers and Bogum.  I just had to tell someone ! "  he laughs then runs away up the stairs.
In the room he finds JB on the couch , on omega guard duty.  "Jungkook, hi.  Can I ask you a question?"
Jungkook "Sure , what's up?"
JB  "Does Tae smell different to you?"
Jungkook laughs pretty good , startling JB.  "come with me, I need to take the omega's to the clinic."
They go and peek into the nest, finding the omega's awake watching tv.  "Tae baby.   Jinki would like to see you.  Sanha can come too."
The 2 jump right up and follow Jungkook, happily chatting nonsense on the way down.
Tae decides at the bottom of the stairs he needs to be JB's koala and attach himself the the back of the man.  

___Jinki smiles when the small party arrives.  "Tae , my dear.  Can you please sit on the table.  Sanha , you can sit in the chair I placed at the head of the table on the other side. "
He turns to Taehyung  " Hi sweetheart.  How are you feeling today?"
Tae smiles  "I feel pretty good.  I have a small tummy ache still , but I think it's nerves from Woobin being here and facing him down." 
Jinki nods at Jungkook.  "Tae baby.  It's a little more serious than that, but in a really amazing and wonderful way."
JB perks up at that as the realization hits him.
Tae looks up at his Alpha with a pout on his face.  "Don't pout. You are way too adorable that way and it should be illegal"  Jungkook giggles  while saying this.
Tae giggles back then asks  "so what's wrong?"
Jungkook pets the top of Tae's head, teasing one fluffy ear.  "Nothing is wrong my love.  Everything is actually so right and perfect.  You are just amazing.  I will let Jinki do the honors of giving you his medical diagnosis."
Jinki stands up straight and tries his best to look professional but fails when he smiles big and bright.

___" You, our beautiful fluffy tiger, are carrying Jungkooks baby!"
Tae looks up at Jungkook with tears in his eyes  and Jungkook hugs him tightly  "Thank you baby.  You carrying our child, our proof of our love is the best thing to happen in my life since the day I met you"
Tae realizes his alpha is happy  and he smiles brightly and kisses Jungkook.  "Thank you for loving me , my amazing alpha. "
Sanha bouncing to the side can't help but clap like a happy seal ,making them all laugh.  "Come here" says Tae , and the panda immediately hops up on the bed with him.
Jinki takes over  "Ok you 2 , out of my clinic.  I need to give Tae here and pregnancy checkup and Minho might as well check over our panda here for general health while we are at it."

___Jungkook goes to find Jiwoo and Matthew to arrange an announcement party for tonight.  

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