Checkup time

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___Minho  asks  "May I come touch the nest to take a look?"
Tae smiles that cute box smile  "of course you can.  I trust you."
Minho ruffles his hair  "I know, but nests are special and this one is extra special.  This is made for you to give birth in.   None of us, not even Kook will touch it without permission.   Now, let's take a look at what you have done here."
He begins an examination of the nest and enjoys Tae's happy chatter as he works.  
"Well, this is a fine birthing nest.  It's got a nice strong edge and the interior is very soft but you managed to make sure there are no small areas for kittens to fall into accidentally.   It's very well made.  I like how you have Kooks clothing all over it too.  That will let his scent as father embrace the kitten or kittens.  Speaking of which, I believe we should do an ultrasound to check progress.   You are very near to giving birth.   How about we go downstairs?"
Tae agrees   "Ok, but let me put on jogger pants, not shorts."

___Once downstairs, Minho tells Tae sit on the table and he will be right back.   Taemin, in fox form jumps up on the table to get cuddles.  He is joined by his new shadow Boun, the other silver fox.  Tae happily gives them loves and pets.    Jinki and Key arrive and laugh  "ok foxes,  go outside.  We have to do a baby checkup.  Go fetch Jungkook??"
The foxes run out with their new task.
Tae :  Taemin seems to have a new friend.
Jinki :  He is so happy to have Boun here.   He is as energetic and Taemin and actually needs Taemin to show him how to be a fox.  They are good for each other.  
Tae  :I am so so happy Hobi happened to learn about that auction and everyone was able to be saved.   They are all such good kind guys.

___Jungkook arrives  "You wanted me Jinx?"
Jinki points to Taehyung  "It's time to do an ultrasound and see just how close he is to birthing. "
Tae is playing with his belly button which is now poking out a bit  "Why?  why don't you go back in?"
The 3 other men laugh  "Baby , it will go back in after you have this baby.  Now, shift for me please.  This is easier on hybrids in animal form."  Key says , laughing while talking.
Tae shifts and lays down on his side as instructed.   Jungkook can't help himself and plays with his mates ears.  He also rubs the shoulder with the heart on it  "I love this heart you have here.   It's so cute"
He gets a purr in reply.  

___ Jinki gets their attention  "OK, Key is going to do the ultrasound and I will try to explain what we are looking at on this monitor.  Are you 2 ready?"
He gets excited nods from both Tae and Jungkook.  
Key rubs the tigers belly in affection  "Ok there pretty tiger.  This is going to feel odd to you but nothing I do will hurt the little one or ones in there.  Relax for me and breathe normally while watching the tv there. "
Both tigers intently watch the tv, making Jinki giggle a little.   He too is excited.  Tae is carrying his brothers offspring.  
Key presses the wand on the tigers belly and moves it around while feeling with his other hand.  "Ok little one, where are you hiding?"
Then he sees what he is looking for.  "well now, look at you 2. "
Jungkook smiles big  "2?"
Jinki points them out  "right here Kook.  Kitten 1 and kitten 2. "
After a few minutes Key says  "It looks like 2 kittens is all that is in there.  2 perfectly formed kittens at that.  Let me hold this here on 1 at a time for Jinki to point out the features."

___After Jinki has gone over the kittens with the 2 mates and they are happy to hear they are perfect , they let Tae shift back.
Tae  "Can you tell if they are boys or girls or whatever?"
Key  "Not with kittens no.   Not until they are born.  Since you are both hybrids you have 2 options.   You can either shift and have kittens , not human babies.  They will learn to shift sometime after about 8 months typically.  Sometimes it happens almost right off, but don't expect it.    Or, you can have a c-section in human form and have human babies that learn to shift later. "
Jonghyun speaks  "I won't try to make the decision for you guys but I will put in my 2 cents.    Tae clearly made a rather intricate birthing nest , for kittens.  I think his natural instinct here is kittens.  Either way though, we will support you both and them."
Tae grins  " I do want kittens.   I did research with the computer kookie gave me.  With having kittens I can play with them very quickly and none of that healing from being cut open. "
Key  "Well then, kittens we shall have.  I would say you are no more than 3 weeks off judging by their condition and size and development.   You should start staying shifted more often to help them along.  Do basic things like eating, washing and sleeping in human and don't be afraid to be human to socialize.  I would say at least 50% tiger time is good."
Jinki  "Ok you 2.   Off with you.  Go prep for dinner. "

___Jungkook leads Tae out of the room.  Tae "I want you to check out the baby nest."
Jungkook  "Ok, but are you sure?  Minho said it's special and I don't want to ruin anything."
Tae leads him to the room  "I want you to lay in it with me for a while and make sure it's comfy.  I also want your tiger smell in it "
Jungkook laughs  "you cheeky tiger.  Using me for my smell."
Tae giggles as they walk into the closet  "Oh damn, you are onto me"
They both laugh and Jungkook is so damned proud that his shy little mate is now teasing and sassing him. 
Tae stops and points  "Now, tiger boy, shift and make that nest smell like you while I take a quick shower."
Jungkook can't help but laugh  "Sir, yes sir"  He even salutes and both break into more laughter before Jungkook shifts and curls up in the nest under the watchful eye of his mate.
Tae looks so very pleased at the sight that Jungkook is now happy to do this.  
Tae  "Imma go shower.  Please stay there until I am done."
Jungkook purrs in response and Tae happily pads off to shower.

___Tiger Jungkook is very happy with the little nest.  It's sturdy yet very comfortable and in a secure location.  The alpha is very proud of his mate and very excited for what is to come.  

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