Invasion and discovery

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Yoongi and Jimin peer into the windows of Got7's living room through their binoculars.  They don't see everyone so start checking other windows.  Jimin puts his binoculars down and stashes them in his bag.  He shifts to Jaguar and stalks carefully away from Yoongi who just watches.  He takes note of Jimin smelling the air intently near a basement window.  This perks his interest once Jimin keeps doing it.  It's unlike the Jaguar to concentrate on something like smell for so long, his nose is highly sensitized and he can typically figure out a scent immediately.   He shifts to his inky black panther form and becomes instantly invisible in the darkness.  He pads over to jimin.  Then he notices it.  It smells vaguely like Jungkook over here.  Not exactly but something is extremely similar.   The cats look at each other and stalk back to the treeline they initially hid in. Jimin shifts and calls Jungkook.  "Boss, something is wrong.  It smells similar to you near 2 of their basement windows. We cannot see into them though.  They are painted black on the inside."  Jungkook replies "Mark them with the special paint and we can meet you near them once the scanner finds the paint marks.  We are 2 minutes away."

"They are 2 minutes away.  He wants me to mark them with the scanner paint."  With that he gets out a small dart gun and shoots it at the 2 windows.  The human eye cannot see the marks.  It's a special paint they created that can only be seen through scanners they made.  Namjoon might be clumsy but he is amazing at creating tech things.  A few moments later the team appears at their side.  "Those are the windows the smell is near.  It's only near them, no other place. "  
Jungkook : I want to go check it out but my colouring is too bright for that area.
Yoongi purrs and looks toward the backdoor.  Jungkook smiles.  The exit sign on the outside now says hi.  Hobi has cleverly marked their entrance.  They hear Moonbin speak in their ears.  "Can you hear me?"  Jungkook gives a thumbs up.  "Good.  Nobody is near that door.  Go in and go upstairs.  3 doors down, Jackson is sleeping. "  Moonbin informs them of their path.
Again Jungkook gives a thumbs up knowing that Moonbin can see them.  Yoongi and Jimin pad off silently and mostly invisibly.  They aim for the front door.  There will be no escape for Jackson.  Jimin notices Jinyoung near a window and decides to try to get inside the right way.  He moves just enough to make Jinyoung see movement and peek out the window.  As he is peering out Jimin pops his jaguar face into view and holds up a paw.  Jinyoung smiles and nods and moves to the front door.  Jimin goes to sit at the door , Yoongi watching intently.  The door opens and Jinyoung speaks  "I am so glad you are here.  His room is upstairs, 2nd door on the right from this direction.  It has a J on it.  Please, don't hurt anyone but Jackson."  With that he moves and let's Jimin inside, startled as the huge form of a jet black panther emerges from right beside the jaguar.  He never even saw the panther sitting just a few feet to the left of the jaguar and that spooked him pretty bad.  He closes the door and watches the 2 large cats move silently to the stairs and up them. "I never even saw the black one  sitting right next to the jaguar"  he whispers to Mark.  
Mark "I think the panther is Yoongi.  No wonder they are so impossible to fight.  They are huge and in amazing health , those muscles are amazing."
Jinyoung :  I am going to wait here for it.  Hopefully it's quick and we don't have to fight or heal anyone.  
Mark : They only sent the 2 cats?
Jingyoung : I guess so.  
Renjun walks into the room, gun on the 2 Got7 members.  "Nope, those 2 are just the only ones you saw enter.  
Yuta speaks from the hallway : I heard a muffled scream just now and a thud.  I think the cats handled it.
As the 4 sit down and talk to get to know each other, the scene is a bit surreal.  These 2 men appear not to care their leader just got killed , with their help.  
Yuta :  He must have been awful for you to decide this was the best option to get out.
Mark : We could not just leave.  There is an innocent soul here who would suffer even more than he has and probably suffer mutilation before death if one of us disappeared.  Taking him away was not an option.  Jackson keeps him by his side almost all the time.

They hear noise in the stairway and look over.  Namjoon comes down carrying Jacksons body with Jin holding the feet.  The 2 cats are behind them.   A panda waddles down the stairs behind the cats.  
Mark :What the hell?  Where did the panda come from?  
Renjun laughs :  He is one of us.  
Jinyoung : I very honestly thought our information crew was just getting bad. I thought Bangtan had a panda and nobody knew.
They hear a laugh : I bet I can surprise you with something you don't know about Bangtan.  
The look for the voice and see only Yugyeom and BamBam looking around curiously too.

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