Having some fun.

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***This is one of my cats.  Nuisance.  He gave me this look the other day when I grabbed my keys to go.  No idea why.  He doesn't usually give a damn LOL 

____Namjoon has Jiwoo use the intercom system in the mansion to tell everyone about the outside time.  He also has her announce  anyone who wants to do some protection training come to the backyard and meet with the trainers.   She smiles and does as asked.  

___Target members decide the would like to train , but they send Boun to go with the other omega's to have some bonding time in the woods and pond. The group members are G.I, Zeth, Hyun, Roi, Boun,  Woojin, and  Seulchan.  Seulchan is nominated as their leader 

___Second up is the other half of the big group who have called themselves "E'last" after Seulchan from Target suggested they all get group names like the others in the compound do.  
E'last consists of Choi In, Rano, Seungyeop, Baekgyeul, Romin, Won Hyuk, Wonjun and Yejun.  They all voted Rano as their leader.  

___The other rescues have decided to call themselves TXT.   This group consists of  Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai.   Soobin is voted on as the leader.  
The remaining hybrids that weren't grouped decide to make their own.  They will work on a name later.   These are Didi, Minghui, Jinyang and Midam.   They had only been transferred to the facility containing the others 3 days ago and had not been given a chance to get to know any of them.  These 4 are all white wolves.  

___Once outside they look around and find the training area is filled with young men chatting with each other.    The members interested in training go walk over and stand to the side waiting for the gathering to be told to do something.   It's not long before Matthew , Yoongi and Jimin come over and get them assembled.  "Ok guys, let's form a nice exercise formation, lined up behind each other.  We are going to start with some basic stretching, then some cardio and work from there once we see who still has stamina left.  Do not be ashamed if you have to sit on the benches to catch your breath.  We know you new kids from the auction will likely have difficulty and I do NOT want you straining yourselves.  We will work at your individual paces. "  Matthew tells the group.
The men all gather up like instructed and training commences.  Everyone is proud of the new boys that have joined.  Inside, a few of them have asked about helping around the house.  Midam is interested in learning cooking.  One of the ladies smiles and leads him to the kitchen.  "This is Chihoon.  He likes to make lunch for people.  I will let him show you around."   With that , she leaves the kitchen happy.  Chihoon smiles brightly and introduces the others.  "This is Woongi and Jaehyun.  The one over making desserts is Jerome.  We speak casual in this compound, if you hadn't noticed.  The management will say if they designate a conversation or event to be formal.  Now, how about we get some yummy lunch made for all these fine people?"
Midam smiles and jumps right in , learning quickly how to make perfect grilled cheese.  

___The omega's of the new groups all decide the pond looks inviting and they shift and wade in.  They proceed to just lounge about being lazy and enjoying the relaxing moment.  Some of the resident omega's and humans also come over.  A few of them approach the new ones with grooming supplies, offering to brush them.  It's an important bonding method and they immediately agree.  Nearby, the doctors are watching and making notes and chatting happily among themselves.  

___Some of the residents come and ask if anyone wants to join them in some prowling in the woods.  A few of the ones tired from the training join and enjoy the event.  They learn that these woods are full of all sorts of learning experiences.  Beomgyu takes the advantage of the trees and climbs right up one, then follows the group from high above.  He is small and light and can easily move about from tree to tree on their limbs.  From his vantage point he watches the foxes hunting their mice.  He takes note of the way they do it.  He notices 3 large white wolves are sniffing about together.   He smiles to himself and makes a note to go befriend them tonight at dinner.  He only just realized that these guys don't socialize with the rest of them.  He feels guilty.

___A bell rings and everyone immediately returns to the yard, knowing lunch is ready.  They all know the routine by now and things go smoothly.   Beomgyu gets his group and they join the 3 wolves at their table.  These 3 are surprised but happily get to know the 5.  It makes them very happy to have someone take interest in them.  A few of the guys from NCT wander over as they are very curious to meet the new people.  

___Jungkook smiles and nudges Tae, pointing at the table where they kids have gathered.  "Look at that, they are making friends already."
Tae smiles  "They will be fine.  They are coming out of their shells very quickly.  I think they were starved for socialization. "
Jungkook "You are correct, my dear.   I think NCT realized that and decided to go make friends.  I am happy to see them settle down.  Most of them even joined in the training."
Tae kisses his cheek  "Thank you for saving them"
Jungkook kisses him back. "always, my love.  We will always save hybrids in need."

___After lunch wraps up , Jiwoo rings the bell and gathers their attention.  "We are going shopping.  We obviously cannot take everyone , so each group please designate a shopper and have that person meet us down here in 1 hour with lists.  Going with me and my girls will be the products shopping.  This means clothing, toiletries, personal items.   Designate another member each for your grocery preferences, who will be going with Chan and Kyungho's people.   Now, get to work"

___With that everyone runs to tables and begins their lists.  The new kids are terribly excited about it.  They all had their lists made up from Tae making them do it.  They prepare their specified members by handing them their lists and reminding them of particular allergies and important things.  

Let the shopping trip commence! 

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