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Jungkook wakes to a kiss being placed on his nose.    He opens his eyes and grins at the cute boxy smile Taehyung is sitting there giving him.
"Morning beautiful.  To what do I owe this lovely way to wake up?"
Tae smiles again  "My heat is over and I was hoping to go have breakfast and meet everyone."
Jungkook smiles  "You can meet my team and your team is still here, waiting for you.   They don't want to leave you here without your consent.  Let's shower and go"
With that Jungkook gets up, reaching down to pick up Tae bridal style and off to shower they go.
Once all dressed, Jungkook hugs Taehyung to calm him down  "It's going to be fine.  My team is going to surprise you.   Your team is also here .  I will not mind at all if you spend time with them.  I do know they all have the desire to speak with you.  It's my understanding they feel a lot of guilt.  Remember though, THEY contacted US to get you out of there.  Your friends did that.  Jackson is dead and can never hurt you again, and it's all because they contacted us, asked us to help them with something.  We did not know about you specifically until we got there, they could not risk Jackson finding out what was truly going on and you be hurt more.  They did this all for you.  You are more to them than you realize.   Now, let's go see them?"
Taehyung has tears in his eyes.  "I had no idea they wanted to help.    I need to see Yugyeom and give him a hug. "
With that , the new couple goes upstairs to meet everyone.  

_____ At the table the boys all hear the footsteps coming upstairs.  Got7 knows Tae is shy and motion everyone to keep eating and be calm.   Mark whispers  "Tae is a shy kitty, don't make loud noises or sudden movements until he gets comfortable please."

___ Jungkook comes up the stairs and into the room first , with Taehyung right behind him holding his hand.  Tae is cuddled up to Jungkooks arm, and stuffs his face into the alpha's shoulder when he stops to let the boys know they are here.    Taehyung is beet red, because he just realized they all knew what they were downstairs doing.  Jimin giggles at how cute the omega tiger is.  
Yugyeom smiles  "Tae, come sit next to me and stop hiding.  Everyone is happy to see you safe and we want to make sure you are eating properly now. "    He pats the seat next to him, that spot being right at the end of the table to the right of Jungkooks seat at the head of the table.  It's a silent acknowledgement from BTS that Taehyung is now Jungkooks mate and by placing him across from Namjoon it shows his new place in their pack.  

Breakfast goes off well, with everyone just chatting about normal everyday things.  Nobody wants to stress out the wounded Omega, who has shown that he is definitely shy.  Not one person at the table misses the flinching at loud sounds or sudden outbursts.  Taehyung tries to control it, but it's pure instinct and it breaks their hearts.  They collectively try to avoid being loud and to control themselves.    They want the omega tiger to get comfortable at his new home and with his new pack.  

___After breakfast Tae just follows Jungkook around aimlessly.   He doesn't want to be away from the Alpha just yet.  Jungkook finds it cute.  Got7 find is the most adorable thing ever.  They are happy to see him feeling safe with someone.  It's obvious the Alpha white tiger has gained the omega white tigers trust.  They begin to feel ok with leaving him here.   They have talked and decided taking him back to the home he was locked into and abused for so long is just a bad decision.  

___Jungkook brings Taehyung to his room and gets him changed into a pair of his shorts and a t-shirt.  Yes, Tae has his own room, but he is unaware of that.  Jungkook wanted to see HIS omega in HIS clothes.  Now he has a plan.  "Tae baby, I have a surprise for you , but we have to go downstairs."  Taehyung agrees and grabs Jungkooks hand in his , causing the Alpha to smile.   He likes this clingy thing his mate has going on right now.  He leads his new mate downstairs.  There, Jimin and Yoongi are at the door and nod.  They shift to their cat forms and sit and wait.  Hoseok walks over  "alright, alright.  I can let the kitties out."  He laughs at the twin growls from the large cats.  He can't help but catch the sparkle in Taehyungs eyes at both the cats and the huge backyard with all the fancy gardens in it.  Jungkook smirks and leads Taehyung outside, slowly.   Taehyung is hesitant at the doorway.  Got7 and the remaining BTS members are watching closely.  Got7 had informed BTS that Tae had not been outside in years.  

___Taehyung takes a deep breath and looks at Jungkook.  The Alpha reaches to cup his face  "Tae baby, it's ok.  This is my home and now yours.  This is your backyard, and now yours.  Jimin and Yoongi would like for you to shift and join them in patrolling the border so you can mark your own territory to make you feel safe.  I will shift too and be right behind you 3.  Both of our teams are also coming outside.  They will protect us, even Yoongi, Jimin and I are well trained in fighting in cat form. "  As he speaks they hear a small padding sound.   They look and see a panda padding over to them , sitting at Taehyungs feet and looking up at him cutely.  Tae giggles and bends down to pet him.   Renjun speaks  "That is our member Sanha.  He is our baby. "   
Tae giggles again  "Hi.  You are so adorable. " He keeps petting the panda's head.  Sanha gets up and goes to the door, looking back expectantly at the omega tiger.  Tae realizes he's being asked again to go outside.  He looks at Jungkook once more and the alpha nods and moves to motion to the yard.  Hobi silently has shifted and walks between them, the fox going outside and rolling in the grass.  

___Jungkook goes out the door and shifts.  Then he sits and waits patiently.  All the hybrids are sitting on the patio, just waiting.  Taehyung is just standing in the doorway.  He is fighting his past right now and everyone there knows it and it letting him take his time.  Jungkook gets up and moves further out, just past the other hybrids.   Now he is a good 50 feet from the door and he can see Tae getting nervous about the separation.  He is counting on Tae's need to be near him right now.  Tae moves a foot forward cautiously.  Everyone is waiting , some holding breaths.  Nobody wants to spook him.  Taehyung looks at Jungkook and is clearly not happy about the separation.  He shifts to his white tiger form, smaller than the other cats.  He slowly moves a big paw onto the patio outside the door.  He peers up as he sets it down.  Jungkook is sitting there patiently.  Tae moves his other foot out the door. Suddenly he takes off running , straight to the alpha white tiger.  He pounces on the alpha , causing both to roll over.  Jungkook purrs and licks his mates face in reassurance.  He gets up and moves forward a bit.   Taehyung gets up to follow.  Yoongi and Jimin take the cue and head off to patrol the perimeter.   They are moving casually and slowly to let Taehyung explore his new territory.

___Taehyung bravely follows the 2 large intimidating cats.  He is relishing in the feel of grass under his paws.   He keeps stopping to mark plants and trees by rubbing his cheek glands on them.  Everyone is so damn proud of the beautiful white tiger.   This is a huge step.   

Jinki has come outside to watch his patient and to make notes on the cat forms status.  He's skinny but seems to be in general decent health.  His muscles are not nearly defined as the other cats.  This can be worked on easily.  Jinki is joined by Jonghyun who is also watching.  "That was a huge step in his recovery.  He fought his own mental demons on his own and won against them. Yes, it's because his instinct right now is to be with his alpha mate, but he still beat that mental battle.   I am proud and it shows me there is definitely hope to have him heal mentally and emotionally. "  
Jinki states  "Even his tiger form is malnourished badly and his muscle tone is pretty bad.  He needs to be worked in tiger form and human to build muscle.  I have given Jin details on foods to nourish him properly to heal him up and put some meat on those bones."
Jonghyun nods.  "Such a sweet boy , shame someone mistreated him so badly."

___all the humans sit down at the tables with umbrellas to chat and watch the cats.    Jinyoung is  watching Yoongi intently. "That black panther scared the hell out of me the other night.  The jaguar was at the door and I let him in and that panther just moved suddenly.  He was just next to the jaguar and I did not see him in the darkness.  "   Moonbin and Rocky laugh as well as the NCT boys who had joined the others outside.  

___ It's a nice relaxing afternoon.  Everyone does random things like play volleyball , or read on the lounge chairs.  Taehyung has finished patrol of the perimeter and has decided he needs to explore all the gardens.  Not an inch of his backyard is left unattended today.  He finally goes to the shade of a tree and lays down on the grass.    Jungkook follows and lays down behind the smaller tiger.  Tae leans into the bigger body of the alpha and they nod off to sleep.

___Not a single soul on the property can help but coo and take pictures of the cuddly white tiger mates.   

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