Meanwhile, at home....

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___Tae is feeling very frisky for some reason.   Jungkook is busy in his office and now Tae is bored and wants to do something.   He has no idea what.    He is feeling very unusual for himself.  He decides to go to their room and once there he fusses around with various things.   He moves some stuff for no reason, just because it made him happy.  He wanders into the huge walk in closet.   He is in heaven suddenly.   Jungkooks scent is everywhere.  He changes shirts into one he finds in Jungkooks cubby of folded hoodies.  He feels more settled now.  He finds a  lovely spot in the back that hasn't had anything put in it.  It looks like it was meant for a changing room or table.  He decides this is a great spot to make a small personal nest.   He goes down the hall to the room full of omega supplies and grabs several fluffy blankets and hauls them to the closet.  2 maids notice but chuckle and keep cleaning.    After he makes 2 more trips with various things, they decide to notify Jungkook that his Omega appears to be in serious nesting mode.  They know the beauty is pregnant and think this has something to do with it.

___Jungkook and Namjoon are discussing the transition of power when there is a knock on the door.   At telling Matthew to open the door, Jungkook notes that these 2 maids are from his floor.   Trusted ladies that very rarely bring him any issues. 
"Yoona and Jina, what can I do for you ladies?"  Jungkook asks.
Jina speaks up  "Sorry to bother you sirs, but your mate has made 3 trips to the omega storeroom and taken lots of nesting materials into your personal suite.   We felt you might want to check on him. "
Jungkook smiles  "Thank you ladies.   Tell Jiwoo I said to give you gift cards for shopping.  My treat for taking care of Tae.  She will know what I mean. "
The 2 smile and thank him , shaking his hands and leave.   Jungkook looks to Namjoon.   "Care to come see what this is about?"
Namjoon shakes his head "If I go and don't take Jin, I sleep on the couch.   You go see to our Luna"

___Jungkook gets close to the room and then he smells it.  The lovely strawberries and vanilla scent of his mate, along with the soft scent of lilacs and a spicy cinnamon scent.  The alpha he is suddenly preens with pride and the urge to protect.   He carefully opens the door  and Tae is nowhere to be seen.   He enters the room and notes the changes.   Furniture has been moved around.  He actually likes it.   The room seems more lively now.  It feels lived in now.    He hears noise and follows it to the large walk in closet.   He is very curious now.   He enters carefully and notes the very happy scent of his mate.   It emits comfort and safety and happiness.  He speaks softly  "baby, are you in here?"    He hears a cute reply  "Come to the back kookie."

___Jungkook walks to the back and smiles immediately at the sight before his eyes.   His cute little mate has created a wonderful personal style nest in HIS closet.  There are pieces of his clothing laced into the edge Taehyung created.  He preens with pride.
"Hey baby.  That looks nice and comfy."
Tae smiles wide.  "I don't know why I felt I needed to make a new small nest but I had to.   I also maybe kinda used some of your shirts, a little."
Jungkook laughs a smiles  "Baby, I love that you used things of mine with my scent on it.  I can ask Jinki but I think you had to do this because you need a place to have the kitten or kittens.  Your mother instincts are working to prepare for birth.   This place makes perfect sense.   It's secluded.  You have to enter our room, make your way across to the closet door and come to the back.  It's a very safe location.  "
Tae preens visibly under the compliments.  I feel a little weird.  Would you mind getting Jinki?"
Jungkook leans down to kiss his little mate, careful not to intrude on the new nest.  "I will be right back sweetheart"

___Jungkook goes downstairs to find his brother.   He locates him lounging outside with the rest of the medical team.  They appear to be taking notes of the new kids that are outside playing and exercising.  He sits. "Hey guys.   Tae has made a very unique nest up in my walk in closet.   It's more padded and small and is laced with a lot of my clothing."
They all stop and take note.  "That sounds like baby prep"  Key says.
JK replies  "Yeah, he said he just HAD to make the little nest and that he feels a bit off.  He asked for Jinx"
Jinki "ok, let's go then.  I will just grab my bag and be right up."
Jungkook gets up to return to his mate and Jinki stops at the clinic.

___Jungkook walks in and stops at the closet door  "Can I come in baby?"
Tae "You don't have to ask Kookie.  You get priviledges."   a giggle comes after that statement.
Jungkook enters and leans up against a dresser across from Tae.  "Baby, this nest seems special and I don't want to intrude on some pregnancy thing."
They hear Jinki's voice a moment later  "Tae?  Kook?"
Jungkook goes to greet his brother,  "This way."
Jungkook leads Jinki to the back of the closet to the little nest.

___Jinki smiles bright when he spies this nest.   Tae is snuggled comfortably in the middle.   It's definitely a small personal size nest.    It's clear to him Tae has made a baby nest to have the kittens in.  The location is brilliant.
"Well, I see you have decided where to birth the kittens when it's time.   This is a perfect location.  It's safe and hidden and coated in their fathers scents."
Tae beams  at Jinki  "Do you think it's good enough?"
Jinki nods  "I think so.   Can I call Minho up here to look??   He knows more about baby nesting than I do.   He can look it over and help you make it perfect."
Tae nods and Jinki texts Minho to come up.
He gives his attention back to their pregnant omega.   "Jungkook said you are feeling off?"
Tae nods.  "I feel super nervous and don't know why.  I built this nest and that seems to have sorted that problem.   I also feel like I cannot get enough of Kookie's scent.  I feel kinda heavy, I guess that is the right word. "
Jinki  "Honey that all sounds normal.  You will feel things at an accelerated rate.   Hybrid pregnancies are short.   Only about 3 to 6 months depending on the species.   Cats tend to be about 3 1/2 to 4 months.  The need for Kookie's scent is because you are instinctively wrapping yourself in it so the kittens will know their father by smell.  You will also find yourself wanting to hear him talk because you are teaching them their fathers voice.  It's all just nature doing its thing."

___A knock on the door heralds Minho arriving. 
"Hey buddy, I hear you want me to check out the birthing nest for the kittens.   How about we get the others to clear out since this is a small space and you show me what you have done?"
Tae motions for Jungkook to come and meets him halfway to kiss him.  "Ok.  I will be down shortly Kookie"

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