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***Took a "which pentagon members is your boyfriend" quiz cuz a friend begged me.  I hoped for Yuto but I got that big baby cutie Yanan.  I am not gonna complain**

___Taehyung isn't feeling very good.  He is aware his uncle that sold him is about to arrive at their house and be put in the prisoner cells.   His stomach is a mess from all the nerves.
Baekhyun comes over to rub his back "Tae baby, it's ok.  You don't have to have anything to do with this.   I guarantee that your group and mine will make him suffer for what he did and the trauma inflicted on you and on me.  He will suffer and he will eventually die.  You don't have to be involved unless you want to be."
Tae  hugs his big brother tightly "I don't think I can face him.  I feel sick just thinking about all this."
Jungkook walks in and notices his mate is very pale.  He comes over  and goes to touch Taehyung  "Baby?"
Suddenly Tae jumps up and bolts to the nearest bathroom.  Jungkook follows and gets a washcloth cold with water, placing it on the back of Taehyungs neck while he empties his stomach out.  "I got you baby. "
After a few minutes, Taehyung is  done and exhausted.  He leans into Jungkook who gathers him in his arms.  "Want to go to bed baby?"
Tae nods  "please Kookie.   I don't feel so good.  My tummy is hurting so bad."
Jungkook carries his mate bridal style through the living room  "Baek, care to follow?  Tae needs a nap and I don't want to leave him alone.  His nerves are really getting to him.   Hyungsik , can you find my brother Jinki?"  After asking the 2 men these, he goes upstairs with his precious cargo and sets him gently on the bed.   "want me to change your clothes?"
Tae nods.  Can I have your black shorts and a hoodie?"
Jungkook laughs  "you really love my clothes.  I really like that."
Tae smiles  "they smell like you and I feel safe"
Jungkook grins and pets Tae's hair.  "Baby, I promise you are always safe with me.  Now, want to tell me what's going on?"
He starts changing Tae's clothing to his while he cautiously asks Taehyung this question.
Tae  "I think it's my nerves knowing my nasty uncle is going to be here."
Jungkook  "Baby, you don't have to have anything to do with it.  I also promise, he won't get out of that cell.  He's going in the small cell, which is part of a bigger cell and we will have him on handcuffs with a chain until Baek decides what to do with him. "
Tae thinks a bit "Ok.  That makes my mind feel better, but not my stomach."

___A knock on the door reveals Baekhyun and Jinki.  "I understand I have a sick patient?"
Tae look shy all of a sudden  "I think it's just nerves.  I felt fine before we talked about my uncle who sold me."
Jinki  "I can see that being the cause.  I brought you some sweets and juice to help you feel better.  Mind if I just check you over real quick?  I wanted to anyways to see how you are progressing in recovery."
Tae smiles  "I don't mind.  I know you are only caring for my health."
Jungkook  "I will leave you in our brothers hands".  He kisses Tae on his nose and leaves to go downstairs.

___Yugyeom is clearly upset when Jungkook gets downstairs.  "Is Taebear ok?  "
Jungkook calmly replies  "He's just got his nerves upset about the uncle arriving.  He's still pretty sensitive about things."
Bogum  "He's always been a caring and sensitive little soul.  It's part of his charm.  You will find he is also extremely artistic and super caring with those he likes."
Hyungsik  "He likes to cuddle those he wants to thank for some little thing they did to make him happy.  It's part of his emotional sensitivity.  The counselor we had for him helped us understand him better.   He's got a very unique personality.   The counselor also helped us understand how to properly take care of a growing omega.  He is an omega and was greatly helpful in teaching us how to grow our TaeTae happily and healthily.  We learned about nesting and bonding through grooming.  I won't lie, I loved when he would sit up on the couch behind me and brush my hair then do up my nails all pretty."
Jungkook  "It sounds like you 2 did all the right things. It's probably why he hasn't lost that cheerful innocence. "
Bogum "I like to think we did what any parents would.  We had this precious , energetic ball of sunshine , but we didn't know how to parent.  So, we found a way to learn how to do it proper"
Mark "Unfortunately, not every parent bothers."
Yugyeom backhugs Hyungsik "We owe you his life.  I am forever in your debt.  He's our bright ray of sunshine and we all love him dearly"
Jungkook "They love him enough to call me to help them kill their leader for abusing him.  I would say Got7 have earned their places in his life.  They risked their own lives to save him"

___Jungkooks phone rings and he sees its Hyunsuk  "Hello."
Hyunsuk  "We are about 15 minutes away."
Jungkook "We will meet you outside. Is he cuffed?"
Hyunsuk  "To his waist , but I expect your guys will check that themselves.  See you soon"
Jungkook hangs up  "suit up guys.  Vests and guns.  Matthew get your men outside asap and be on max alert"
Matthew  "We won't let the bastard that hurt our precious TaeTae get away boss.  We adore our new queen and if he's too sweet to get his revenge, we will damn sure help his brother Baekhyun get twice as much."
Jungkook  "This is why I love you guys "

___Upstairs  Jinki is looking Taehyung over and has Baekhyun writing in the log.  "Your temperature is a little elevated.  That is not nerves.  You could be over-exerting yourself.  Don't forget you are recovering from a long term malnutrition and lack of exercise.  Other than that, you have gained a small amount of weight, well within the parameters I gave to Jin.  That means you are getting proper nutrition and are not under or over eating .   This makes me very happy as both your doctor and your big brother. "
Tae smiles "OMG, I didn't even think of that!  You are Jungkooks big brother and that means now you are mine!"  He hops up and hugs Jinki tightly before getting shy and sitting back down.
Key arrives with a small basket.  "I brought the basket to draw some blood to check those infections he had.   Oh my Taehyung, you look healthier, other than being pale because of today's events."
Tae beams with happiness.
Jinki  "lay down on the pillow like I showed you before please and elevate one arm for me to draw blood , if you don't mind."
Tae immediately complies and Jinki does what he needs and puts a bandaid on the patient.
"Now, why don't you stop yawning and take a nap.  I understand your brother here is going to stay with you.  I will have Jin make you something special tonight for being so good at following your meal plans and getting better on a healthy track.  One of my best patients ever."  he kisses Tae on the top of his head and him and Key leave the room.
Baekhyun tucks him into bed and snuggles down beside him and the 2 brothers quickly fall asleep.  

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