Play and jealousy

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___Jiwoo comes out of the house carrying something very small.  The new hybrids all pause and let her pass, curious about what she's got.  She walks over to Taehyung and hands him her bundle.  The next thing they see is Taehyung lay on the ground , placing the tiniest puppy ever on the ground in front of him.   Then he shifts and the tiny puppy starts wagging his tail excitedly and yipping at the tiger.  He is not even the tiniest bit afraid of the much bigger cat and the boys find that adorable.   Zeth  "That is one brave puppy."
Baekgyul  "That right there says a lot for their character.   That tiny puppy is already super comfortable being around very large hybrids and is confident enough to play fight that tiger."
Out of nowhere a new silver fox speeds by and stops in front of the puppy, face down and tail high in the air wagging.  He yips at the puppy who mimics him and the 2 dance around each other playing happily.   The puppy runs up the side of the tiger to stand on his back and play threaten the fox who decides to yawn and lay down as if uninterested.   Many of the surrounding people laugh as the puppy just gets down and snuggles up with the fox under the watchful eyes of his Tiger dad.

___The boys go back to exploring and playing  when they notice their panther stop and sit down, intently staring somewhere.    They look and see the massive black panther and jaguar walking past the pond together.  Yejun "my god, look how healthy and muscled those cats are" 
Taehyun stalks quietly towards them and the others just watch and wait.   He stops close but not too close and sits.  After a few minutes the other panther and the jaguar get up and walk over to him.  They circle him and then sit down in front of him.  He lays down on his belly to show submission and that he isn't here to hurt.  The 2 cats purr and get up to walk away.  The panther stops and looks back at Taehyun and makes a soft roar.  At this Taehyun gets up and walks behind the pair, mimicking their behavior.  

___Back at the main table Jungkook releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding.  "Well, that is our first brave boy.  Please note that down somewhere Namjoon.  Less than 5 hours and that kiddo approached Yoongi and Jimin and was accepted by them to patrol.  
Taking note that their panther was accepted, the others get brave.    Kai waddles over towards the Kodiak he knows is named Jongin and sits nearby.   Jongin gets up and walks to him, bending down and petting the bear.  "Hi there.  I understand we share a name.  Are you settling in ok?"
Kai nods his head and tilts his head back into the pets.  Jongin says "follow me.  I will show you the perfect place to curl up and nap for bears."  With that he shifts , and everyone notes the size difference.  They all coo at the 2 bears waddling off to the bear cave they have made just for Jongin.  Soobin and Yeonjun have found a small spot in the garden flowers next to the pond.  Soobin changes to bunny and hops inside and snuggles down.  Yeonjun looks around intently.  It's glaringly obvious he is checking for danger.  Then he shifts into the cutest cat ever, very tiny and adorable.  He gets inside the little area the bunny is in and the 2 curl up together.

  He gets inside the little area the bunny is in and the 2 curl up together

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___Zeth, a cougar hybrid is curious about the fluffy panda in the pond.  He walks near and then hears a menacing growl.  He stops to see the small white tiger near him growling possessively.  The tiger goes to the panda and licks his face , rubbing his body on the panda's.   Jungkook walks over and says  "Tae , stop that growling.  He isn't taking your panda.  He just wanted to look and maybe say Hi."  Tae stops growling and continues rubbing on the panda.   Everyone is trying hard to hold in laughs and coos.  They all find Taehyungs behavior both adorable and brave.  It's his first show of territory.  
Chanyeol and Baekhyun have shifted and go console Taehyung who is pouting at being scolded by his mate.  
Jungkook gathers up the new hybrids while petting the cougar to calm him down.  "Shhhh, it's ok.  Taehyung and Sanha , the panda, are omega bondmates.  Do any of you understand that?"
Rano shifts  "yes sir.  That's a rare and special bond.  The 2 omegas will be attached for life similar to mates. "
Jungkook  "yes.  I am sorry he growled at you.  You are the first outside this gathering here to approach Sanha and he got jealous and possessive.   Now come with me cougar, please. "
Rano says  "His name is Zeth."
Jungkook "Thank you.  Follow me Zeth."

___Jungkook brings the cougar to the trio of tigers and panda.  "Tae baby, this is Zeth.  He has never seen a panda before and was only curious and wanted to look.  Now can you allow Sanha to make new friends?  I promise they won't steal him from you.  But he does need other friends than just you.  You also need new friends, my love.  Why don't you come with me and meet the new kids?"
Taehyung bristles a moment but Baekhyun rubs on him and it calms him.  His brother is letting him know he's here but Jungkook is right.  The 2 tigers look at each other making little tiger noises.  Taehyung then licks his panda's face and nudges him towards the cougar.  He is trusting Jungkook to keep his precious panda safe.   Sanha waddles over and sits.  The cougar just sits there looking before cautiously getting up to lay down in front of the panda.  Sanha shifts and pets the cat.  He giggles  "You are not as soft as my TaeTae but you are soft"
Tae huffs behind him making Sanha giggle and go pet him.  " I love you my pretty tiger.  Now go make friends."
Tae merely stalks over to his favorite tree and lays down.  Jungkook laughs and shifts , heading over and laying down behind him in their usual position.   Tannie comes running over after jumping down from Matthews lap.  He barks happily and climbs Tae to lay down on top of him near Jungkooks paw that is draped over Tae.   Chanyeol and Baekhyun follow suit, laying nearby against each other.

___The assassins reappear and assess the situation and lead their new baby panther over to the cats.  They lay down near Taehyung and Jungkook and Taehyun follows suit. 
Soon, all the other cats in the place have also congregated, making a large catnap area in the garden.  Even the new hybrid cats have joined, making their doctors very happy.   They do make notes in the charts about the shifting of the 2 sandcats.  Beomgyu is shifted and curled up with Zeth.  

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