
34 1 6

$***  so I got new shoes and they are actually very very comfy.  Highly recommend.  ***

   The household is gearing up for kittens.  Most of the new groups have begun their training, all have opted to join the pack permanently.  
Sanha has become Tae's shadow and is very observant of his charge.   Everyone notices and thinks it's cute.   Sanha is protective of Tae and it helps the others not worry so much knowing the panda isn't going to let anything happen to their Luna.

Jungkook and his main group are having a meeting.   Tae and Sanha are snuggled up in a nest they made in the corner of the office (without asking if they could build it).  
JK :  Namjoon is officially taking over today.  I think he has decided on his first and second and will let him announce it.
Namjoon leans forward.  : I have offered Hobi and  Moonbin from Astro to be my first and second and both have agreed.   Moonbin is still part of Astro, he's just also now on the command council.   
Everyone nods in agreement.  They are pleased with the choices.
Namjoon  :  Matthew and Joseph are  keeping their positions as Taehyungs main bodyguards.   Added to that team is now going to be   Shotaro  and Jaehyun and Johnny from NCT and  Rocky from Astro  along with Chan and Kyungho from TO1 .   Tae has agreed to this lineup.   Sanha is now agreed to be Taehyungs second as Luna.  He is taking assassin lessons from Yoongi and Jimin.   Jiwoo has appointed Somin to be the primary babysitter for the kittens anytime Tae needs a break.  Obviously Tae can let anyone he trusts here do it,but Somin is the elected babysitter.
Jimin :  Yoongi and I agreed to be JK's main team, after many protests that we wanted to be Tae's.   
Namjoon  :   My bodyguard team will be  Jimin and Yoongi when I have to go on assignment.  Otherwise I have chosen  Yugyeom and BamBam from GOT7 as the primary's.   This was based on Tae telling me their talents and going to see them myself.  I have also chosen  Renjun , Haechan and Hendery from NCT.   Wonjun from E'last asked to be on my team too, so he's in training.  From Target, Zeth and GI have asked to be on my team and are in training.  We have a lot of others in training that can be the pool for bigger outings.   Anyone have input?
He looks around and finds that everyone seems content with the decisions he and Jungkook hashed out.
Namjoon  :  ok then.  Let's wake them and see if they want outside time.  
JK  :  He NEEDS outside time.   He's going to have the kittens any moment now and the exercise outside does him a lot of good.   
With that he goes over and wakes Tae up.

"Tae baby, let's go outside for some walking"  Jungkook says.    Tae and Sanha both wake up and reluctantly follow the others outside.  They shift and begin a very slow walk. 
 Everyone outside giggles to themselves at the now very heavy Tae tiger waddling around.    The entire population of the compound is awaiting the arrival of their Alpha and Luna's kittens.   There is a board up in the house with everyone's guess on kitten colours.  It's heavily on the white tiger side with quite a few also choosing 1 of each.    A small group chose 2 orange tiger kittens.   
Tae is walking super slow today and Jungkook takes note.  He sends Sanha to go get the doctors to observe.  "Tae baby , are you ok?"  he asks.   Tae sits and sighs.  He nods to his mate that's he is ok.   Then he yawns.  JK laughs and says "I will shift and walk with you.  Let's finish this round and we can lounge under your tree. "  With that he shifts and lets  Tae set the very slow pace.  As they are reaching the tree destination, the medical team is observing the movements.   Jinki says  " I am going inside to prep the equipment in their room.  I predict kittens within 24 hours.   His belly has changed to birthing shape."  With that he goes into the house to make sure everything is ready up in the room and double checks the nest Tae has prepared.  

Jungkook is on alert.  Something is telling him it's time.  He nods to Matthew who figures it out very quickly.  He goes in and quietly tells Jiwoo kittens are imminent so that she can be prepared.   She's been asked to be in the main room when labor begins.  Tae looks to her as his mother figure.   Jiwoo goes to find Yugyeom to inform him and GOT7.   Quietly and efficiently, behind the scenes , the whole compound preps for kitten arrival.  The protection team checks equipment and goes over their plan for covering the perimeter and entrances.   The surveillance team checks camera's to make sure all are online with the backups performing too.  Not a single inch of the property and surrounding area are off camera .   Nothing is being left to chance, even though it's fairly certain nobody outside the compound is aware of the pregnant omega.

     Bogum and Hyunsik go outside to find Taehyung.   They are aware birth is imminent.   
Bogum : Tae baby, I think we should get you upstairs to the nest sweetheart.
Tae looks at them , tilting his gorgeous tiger head.
Hyunsik  giggles and pats him   "Sweetheart, we think it's time for those kittens to come meet their family.    You are showing every sign of pre-labor.   How about we get some food into you and then get you settled down in the nest?"
Tae gets up and waddles inside, JK bogum and Hyunsik following.  At the door he shifts and Jungkook makes sure he's steady on his feet.   They go inside to grab dinner and have some family time.

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