Meeting the kittens

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     Tae wakes up at a small mewling sound.  He discovers the kittens are gathered at jungkooks tiger face and making blind searching movements.   He makes a sound to get their attention and then gets up to settle  back down in a way that will let the kittens find their milk easier.  He nuzzles the kittens in the right direction.  JK has awaken but is staying very still to let Tae handle this.  He doesn't want to confuse the newborns.  He just watches proudly and intently.  He purrs a little when the oldest finds his milk first and is amused at the little tiny paws pressing on Tae's belly as he suckles his milk.    He uses a paw gently to aim his daughter back towards Tae, as she was headed the wrong direction.  She soon gets to the milk and shortly all 3 are happily suckling and making little kneading motions on Tae's belly.    It's the most peaceful scene Jungkook has ever witnessed.   He looks over to see Tae just watching him and the babies with the softest expression and tiger face could ever have.  Tae moves a front paw onto Jungkooks.    The new parents just quietly enjoy the peaceful moment and each others company.  

     Jinki carefully enters the closet, knocking quietly.  He gets a low purr in response and comes in , being quiet in case the newborns are asleep.   He smiles ear to ear once the family comes into view.  What a beautiful sight.  His brother and his mate and newborns are all cuddled up together.  the kittens obviously have full bellies, letting Jinki know he has nothing to worry about.  "I came to check on Tae and the kittens, make sure they are all doing ok."  JK shifts  "they had some milk and went into little food comas.   Tae was in some pain before that, but seems ok after they ate."   Jinki smiles  "the kittens suckling releases hormones in Tae that will naturally help with the pain.  Do you mind if i check their weight?  They are 12 hours old.  I would like weights and pictures for their medical charts. "   JK looks at Tae, this is NOT a decision he is making and having an angry Tae on his hands.  Tae nods that it's ok.  He carefully shifts as he wants to watch.  "Oh holy hell, that hurts" me mutters.  He carefully bends down to pick up the oldest kitten and hand him to Jinki.  The other 2 immediately protest, causing JK to pick them both up and cuddle them.  "now now babies, none of that" he says.  They snuggle into him and he just can't feel anymore love than he does this moment.  

     Jinki weighs the first kitten and takes a few measurements and reads them off to his recording device.  He then takes pictures of the little male from all angles.  He picks him up and checks him carefully "This is a perfect kitten.  I can find nothing wrong with him.  Well done Tae.  He's beautiful.  Now, you go to mom so I can check your next sibling over."  With that , he hands the kitten over to Tae , who snuggles him.  Jungkook hands over the next boy, the white one with the orange stripes.   Jinki grins  "I looked this up online and could not find another tiger that looks like this.  I looked up hybrids and actual tigers and nothing.  Not a single other white with these orange outlines on the chocolate stripes.  He's one of a kind.  Now, let's do a little medical exam and get pictures of this special boy."  He checks out the kitten under the watchful eyes of the parents.  Then he takes all the pictures for the medical charts.  "Again, a perfect baby.  Not a single thing wrong with him, perfectly formed.  The pictures are for medical charts and i would like to update that at least every 6 months while they grow up for a few years."   He hands the little kitten to Jungkook in exchange for the girl.   "This little lady is just the cutest thing ever. " Jinki exclaims.   "These little orange and black ears make her adorable. "   JK  "i love the little black and orange sock on her back foot"   Tae giggles  "She's super cute and unique.  I bet she ends up being daddy's girl "   Jinki nods in agreement as he begins her exam and picture taking.

     The 3 adults and 3 kittens come out into the bigger room.  The parents place the kittens on the big bed and surround them with pillows.  Tae asks for Bogum, Hyungsik and Baek and Chanyeol to be brought up to meet the kittens.  Jinki gathers his things and goes down to find the requested men.   All of them announced they would wash up and be right up as asked.  

    Hyungsik and Bogum arrive first, all cleaned up.  They knock softly and JK lets them in.  They follow him to the chairs set up next to the bed and have a seat.   Tae is sitting on the bed next to a mound of pillows.   He reaches in and picks up the oldest to hand to Bogum.  "He's the oldest.  Just look how perfect he is."  The sleepy kitten just snuggles to the mans chest and remains asleep.   JK laughs  "milk coma"  The 2 men laugh and just adore their new grandson.  Tae hands Hyungsik their 2nd born.  "This little man is our second born.  I think you will really love him"
Hyungsik and Bogum both gasp  "he's so pretty!" exclaims Bogum.   "I told you both would be white"  says Hyungsik.   JK  " Not sure he counts as a pure white with those orange markings!"   They all laugh as  Baekhyun and Chanyeol enter.  Baek  "awe, I wanted to hold one."

    Tae smiles and says  "Sit down big bro.  I got you"  and hands over their daughter as soon as Baek sits.  Chanyeol "3 kittens!"   All 3 are staring at the little cutie .  Baek  "these orange ears and foot are just the cutest thing!   She's just perfect"
The men all just chit chat for a while as they adore the little kittens.  Soon, mewling begins and the kittens start searching.    Tae says  "they want milk" With that he gets in the pillow fort and shifts.  JK hands over the kittens one at a time.  The family just watches at how cute they are suckling while kneading.  Bogum speaks  "This is the most perfect moment of my entire life."
The others all agree.
Chanyeol coughs and says  "Can I take a good pic of them like this to post up on the tv downstairs for everyone to see??   Everyone wants to see these precious babies."
JK looks at Tae who nods.  They let Chanyeol take several pics showing off each kittens unique markings.   Baek notices  "They all have the heart on their shoulder"   JK says  "and the flower pattern just behind their ears.   Must be family traits."

After a while, the others go downstairs to show off their pics.  JK lays down beside Tae and the little family goes back to sleep, completely happy and content.  

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