Time to plan Taehyungs living

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The next morning , everyone begins to wake and wander down to the dining room for breakfast.    There are maids all over cleaning the house and happy to direct the guests where to head to find the others.  Cooks are laying trays of breakfast items on the table for the guests to help themselves to.   Namjoon sits at the head of the table this morning , indicating to each arrival to help themselves, don't worry about hierarchy. 

Yugyeom wanders down after a shower and sits with his group.  Mark asks "So how well did Taehyung do overnight?"
Yugy laughs, making almost the whole table look his way curiously.  "Well, apparently Jungkook really is his mate and Taehyung accepted him and they have retired to rooms this house has for that reason."
Namjoon chuckles  "We have hybrids , dangerous ones.  We have secure rooms downstairs kitted out for heats and ruts.  Several of our friends come to use those rooms when necessary too, as it's a safe controlled environment.  "
JB "That's really smart and generous of you.  So those 2 should be occupied for a couple of days "
Jinki "Checking Taehyung I noticed he is on birth control.  I gave him a shot to get him through his heat.  Do any of you know the specific brand he is on?"
Mark "No, but I can run to the house and grab his things.  I will get his meds while I am there.   I assume he is moving in here?"
Namjoon  "Yes.  The maids are scheduled to clean up the room next to Jungkooks and decorate it for an Omega hybrid.  Several of them are hybrids themselves and will know exactly what to put in there to begin with."
BamBam  "I honestly don't know what Taehyung might like.  If we talked to him, he was the one to pay the price.  I would like to ask that you let us visit to fix our friendship with him.   He's very precious and deserves to be treated like gold. "
Yugyeom  "the few times Jackson left him in my care I learned a lot about him.  He's cuddly and affectionate.  He loves Disney animated movies.  He likes blankets, like really really loves blankets.  The fluffier and softer the better for his taste."
Mark "He loves plushies but was always denied them at the store. "
Jinyoung "He loves the colour purple.  Soft lilac purple and black and white. "
Youngjae  "He likes baggy clothing.  Don't touch his ears or tail without permission.  Jackson abused those to punish him"

Namjoon had Jin writing all this down.  Jin got a maid over and she took the notes down on her tablet. 

   Jin told her "Have the drivers take some of you to the stores today and go shopping for things that match this list.  Money is no issue.  I will have a card ready for you when it's time to leave.  Jiyeon, please lead this room decoration.  As our resident Omega hybrid, I trust you to make this room absolutely lovely and comfortable for our new Tiger.  He is an Omega too and Jungkooks mate.  He's had a hard life and I want him to feel like a king in his own room please."
Jiyeon  smiled "Yes sir.  I will gladly take on this and I will make it a lovely palace for him.  Thank you for trusting me.  I will go assemble a crew to assist me in shopping while others clean the room thoroughly and get the windows open to air it out."
 Namjoon  "I will load a card with money.  See us when you are ready to go out"

Jin looks over and notices the excitement of the other hybrids currently visiting.  "Can I help you boys"
Sanha excitedly yells , louder than he meant to "Can we go help with the shopping???"
WinWin finally comes downstairs  "I would like to go.  I know Tae pretty well and can help with shopping. "
Jin looks at Namjoon who nods in agreement.  "Ok.  But can 1 member of each group also go with your hybrids for security?"
Rocky agrees to go for his 2 hybrids with Yuta going for their group.

Namjoon tells the leaders of both groups  they are welcome to come live in this mansion.  There are 2 smaller houses on the premises , each group can take one.  Both leaders see this as a beneficial arrangement and agree.
So this afternoon both groups need to go get their things and get started moving in.   They have to be careful though.  As Mafia members , transporting complete housings from one location to the other is dangerous.  Namjoon gathers his best bodyguards and spy's to escort both groups and help out to make sure it goes smoothly.
Jiyeon comes with her maids to get the money card from Namjoon.   "I need to reinforce that we want the best of everything for our new tiger.   He's a rare white tiger like Jungkook.  The boy has been abused.  Please ladies, do your best to make this room beautiful and comfortable.  Outfit that huge closet with a small amount of clothing to get him started. Maybe 10 outfits.  Jinki has the clothes he came in.  Stop there for sizing please.  "
Jin  "He is going to need everything.  Toiletries, washing products, grooming products.  Get him set up with anything you can think of.  He literally has nothing. "

Jiyeon smiles.  "I will also personally select him nesting materials.  Things Omega's like to snuggle into and make themselves feel safe.  Coming to a new home suddenly, he may need to rearrange things and tinker and nest. "
Sumi "I will get him bathroom things and night clothing.  I believe I saw a lovely lavender bathroom toiletry set that also included towels, cloths and a satin robe."
Jin  "Get that!  It sounds perfect.   Make sure you remember plushies.  Buy him lots of plushies in many sizes please.   He also loves Disney movies.  So a tv and movies is a must."

With that sorted, the ladies leave to go shopping for their very special new Omega in the house.   They are all excited at being trusted to outfit the room for their new hybrid.  They stop at the front door to greet the 4 hybrids and their guards.  The party loads into 2 vans with a third following for purchases to flow into.  Jin planned ahead and sent the third van.  

Downstairs in the heat room things are going well.  The new mates are completely infatuated with each other and learning everything they can about each other.  

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