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     Downstairs the tv suddenly displays an announcement, making all the occupants of the living room take notice.   "Kitten pics incoming in 5 minutes.  Gather your friends!"
All the men race off to find their members.
Within a few moments, everyone is gathered in the huge room, anxiously awaiting the pictures of the 2 kittens.    Many are guessing that they will see 1 white and 1 orange kitten.  All the men are terribly excited.
The tv changes to a 10 second countdown.
The room goes quiet.
Up pops the first kitten.  He's a gorgeous white tiger with chocolate stripes.  The name under says Bohyung.  firstborn son of Jungkook and Taehyung.
The room explodes in clapping and ooohs and awes at the cuteness of the kitten.
The picture changes.  It's just the words  "2nd born of Jungkook and Taehyung.  Junghoon
The kitten appears.   Everyone gasps at the sight of the beautiful white kitten sporting his chocolate strips outlined in a dazzling orange haze.   The kitten is truly one of a kind and everyone is in awe.  
the tv changes after about a minute.   "Now, presenting Taeji. Daughter of Jungkook and Taehyung."  everyone is surprised.  3 kittens and a girl at that! 
The picture of the kitten shows up and not a single man in the room isn't affected at how utterly adorable the little kitten is.  She's a white tiger , but has normal orange and black ears and one back foot is orange and black, like a sock.  Some of her striping is also black, most being chocolate though.  She's stunning to look at.  
After a minute the picture changes to a peaceful scene.  Taehyung in tiger form with all 3 kittens curled up asleep by his belly.  Then a montage begins of both parents holding the kittens and a final shot of Both tiger parents with their babies between them.  
All the men are gloriously happy and cheering.  Some of the omega's have happy tears ,causing the alpha's to grin .  The air is just happy.  

a week later

     "kook, i wanna go outside."
Jungkook looks over at his lovely mate who is wrangling excited kittens.   He thinks for a moment.  Tae needs outside and the kittens opened their eyes and are walking well.  "Let me get jinki up here and I will text your bodyguards to come help us take the kittens down."
As he speaks, Sanha peeks his head into the room, smiles at JK's wave and bounces over to the bed.  He picks up Junghoon and Jk laughs at how large the kittens really are.  Tiger babies are not small.  He pops off a text to Matthew to gather the team for the babies first outing in the back yard.
Jinki and his crew arrive and are happy to hear about the outing.  He does a quick exam and deems the kittens healthy and ready to go play.   
Matthew and the bodyguards arrive.  2 are at the top steps, 2 at the bottom and 2 went out the back door to clear the area.
Tae grabs BO and hands him to Sanha.  JK grabs Taeji and Tae cuddles Junghoon.  They all follow the bodyguards down the stairs.  At the bottom of the stairs,  Shotaro and Jaehyun  smile and get behind their charges.  The group goes to the door.  Tae sets his kitten down and shifts.   The other 2 kittens are placed on the floor with Tae.  The bodyguard team is struggling between big grins and being all serious. 
JK walks outside  and is happy everyone is towards the back of the garden.  Up here and by their tree is nice and clear.  He rings the dinner bell, gets everyones attention and motions them to be still and quiet.

     Matthew and Joseph come out and Tae in tiger form comes out.  He stops and looks back.  He walks a little forward and the kittens follow mom by instinct.   He is happy and walks across the porch to Jungkook, who has shifted.  The kittens come  out carefully but run straight to Tae.  This is what they were counting on, the kittens need to be near Tae.   Jungkook looks at the waiting group and tries hard not to laugh at their reactions.  
Tae notices and purrs.  He leads the 3 kittens onto the grass and walks towards the tree.  Jungkook is behind the kittens and is amused at how they instantly pick their feet up high when walking on grass.   He guesses that it tickles.  They make their way to the tree , where Tae shifts and leans on the tree.  The kittens begin playing with each other, baby attacks on each other and stuff like that.   Jungkook shifts and sits by Tae and they just enjoy the moment.  He finally motions the group to come closer and act normal.  The kittens have to get used to all of them.  The sooner the better.

     Yoongi and Jimin come over in cat form and lay down near the parents.  The kittens run to Tae and JK, making the pair laugh.   Taeji is practically under JK's shirt.   He picks her up and stands up.  "now now young lady, you be nice to your uncles."   He carries her over to the cats and sits down between them with his daughter in his lap.  He pats her gently and she comes out of her shell.  She sits there staring and Yoongi very intently.   Yoongi purrs to show no ill intent.  Jungkook encourages her by petting Yoongi.  Taeji finally gets brave and moves a little to check out the big black panther.  She puts a paw on him with her dad cheering her on gently.  She is rewarded by a happy purr.  She ventures off dads lap to explore the big cat closer.  Her brothers suddenly pounce over to check out Yoongi themselves.  JK  picks up Taeji again and puts her near Jimin.  He is proud of his brave little girl.  She walks right up to the jaguar, deems him a friend and curls up to nap between his front paws.  The 2 boys head back to Tae and keep attacking each other before just crashing into naps themselves.  JK brings Taeji over to her brothers and leaves them under the watchful eyes of the bodyguards and Tae.  

    JK comes back with drinks for himself and Tae.  
They sit together just enjoying their peace and family.  The 3 kittens are absolutely crashed out asleep and it's hilarious to them.

Tae looks over at Jungkook, kisses him and whispers  "Thank you for saving me.  My life is just so complete and I have never been this happy."
Jungkook whispers back "Baby, we saved each other.  I love you to infinity"

****I am ending this book here and will begin a sequel.  It's just too long to keep going as one book ******

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