New arrivals

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     Sanha is eating dinner quietly beside Tae when his panda ears perk up.  Rocky notices and watches his panda.   Sanha takes a very long good look at Taehyung and nods.   He says  "Jungkook, I am pretty sure it's time."
Jungkook looks at Tae and notices he looks different somehow.  It's subtle.  He has only eaten a few bites but looks deep in thought.  I puts his hand on Tae's arm  "Tae baby, are you ok?"
Tae looks at his lovely mate and shakes his head.  "my stomach is hurting something awful and I feel anxious."

   Jinki speaks up  "We should get him upstairs in the kitten nest.  That is most likely labor pains"
With that Jungkook gets up and picks up his pregnant mate and carries him upstairs to their room.  Tae shifts and goes immediately to his nest in the closet.  Jungkook sits on the floor next to him, gently patting and stroking the soft fur.  "It's gonna be ok Tae.  I am right here.   Jiwoo is changing clothes to the scrubs Jinki has for her and will be in.  I will go change once she's in here. "  Tae purrs and lays his head down.  He isn't feeling well at all.   He huffs a huge sigh and Jungkook laughs.   Jiwoo's voice gently says "Kook, go change.  I will watch my boy."  With that  she changes places with Jungkook, who goes to change into sterile scrubs.   Jinki demands it.   Jiwoo pets Tae and just gives comfort with her presence.  

     Key arrives and sets up 2 little bins up on the long dresser in the closet.   He turns on the lights above them that had been installed 2 weeks ago.    They are warming lights for the newborn kittens during their exam.  They will be returned within a few minutes to Tae after birth.  Tae has been told of the process so they can make sure the kittens are completely fine and get their birth weights and pictures.   During that time, Jinki will be checking Tae to make sure he's all fine after birth and will clean up the nest for the return of the kittens.   
JK walks back in and takes his seat next to Jiwoo.  They smile at each other.

    Suddenly Tae growls and they look over.    He looks at JK , then stretches out , all while growling low.
Jinki walks in.  "Now now, enough of that Tae.  Let me give you this shot to help you with the pain??"
Tae stops growling and lays his head down.  
Bogum and Hyungsik peek into the room and let Tae know they are in the other room waiting.  They can see everything on the monitor.  The closet is too small for anymore people.
Tae purrs and Jinki takes the advantage to quickly administer the pain killer shot.  He gets a growl in return and just giggles a little.  "You know I am helping you.  Relax  dear"

     Everyone just waits , patting the tiger who is now in full active labor.  It's only been about half an hour.   Downstairs  everyone not on active guard duty/patrol is outside all gathered under the shade trees, waiting on the news. It's a very exciting day.  Their King and Queen are having their first litter, the new heirs to the mafia throne, so to speak.   The fact the parents are both white tigers, among the rarest hybrids, has them all even more excited.  Chanyeol and Baekhyun have chosen to remain out here with everyone , instead of crowding the room.  Mostly because Baek wants to see the reactions of the other members at colour announcement firsthand along with not stressing Tae out with too many people lingering.

    Upstairs, Tae makes a pained Growl and again stretches out.   Jinki moves to the back of the tiger, motioning Jiwoo and JK to the head of the gorgeous tiger.  Tae begins to breathe very heavily, causing JK to start stroking his head and talking very low and gently, words of encouragment.   Tae suddenly strains as Jiwoo strokes one of his big front paws.  Jinki suddenly exclaims   "well, hello little one."  and hands a small bundle over to Key.  Key immediately goes to work measuring and weighing the little one and taking pictures.    He makes important notes on the card he has in front of him.    He giggles excitedly as he works.  
Jinki is happily humming as Tae strains again.   He says  "kitten 2 has arrived.  Hello beautiful."   He hands the newborn over to Key who goes to work on the second newborn.   He's giggling with happiness.  

     Bogum asks Hyungsik  "did you see either kitten?"   Hyungsik shakes his head   "i think they did that on purpose for Tae and Jungkook to see first.  I do think I saw an orange ear but not sure."
Back in the birthing area, Jinki is cleaning up the natural mess birth causes, when Tae growls and starts straining again.   Everyone is suprised, as they are expecting 2 kittens, which they already have now.   Jinki is there for the new kitten and he quickly hands it off to Key , who has places the other 2 kittens together now, so he can work on the little surprise bundle.
"OK our beautiful Tae, any more surprises or can I clean up ?  Jinki laughs as he says this.    Tae huffs and lays his head down, tired.  "Jiwoo, can you just rub on his side in nice soothing circles, but use a little force like a massage?   I want to make sure everyone is out."   She moves to do as said.  Jinki has cleaned up the area and walks to the kittens.  "Oh they are adorable and perfect." 

     After about 10 minutes Jinki is happy there are no more kittens lingering to be born.   He motions Jiwoo to stand up and wait so he can place the kittens with their parents.
Tae immediately takes notice when a kitten meows in protest of being moved from his sibling.  JK laughs.  Jinki kneels down with the first kitten.  "Look Kookie, a beautiful white tiger boy.  This is the firstborn. "  He hands JK the new baby, who takes him carefully and just feels overwhelmed with love and happiness.    He put the little boy kitten down in front of Tae , who immediately begins to wash the newborn and nuzzle him.  Jiwoo just coos at the cuteness.
Key hands Jinki baby 2.  Jinki hands him over and JK gasps  "He's sooo pretty!"
This kitten is very unique.   He's white with chocolate  striping.  His stripes have this lovely orange shading on the edges making him definitely stand out.  JK hands him over to Tae who proudly nuzzles and washes this little kitten too, who instinctively makes mewling sounds in response.  Jinki giggles.  "Now, I know who is going to be daddy's favorite.  Hold your hands out kook"  

     Jungkook holds his hands out and receives his 3rdborn new baby.  He is in awe.  Jinki smiles at the smile on his baby brothers face  "SHE is the last born and as you can see she's white with orange and black ears!"  She also has a super cute little orange back foot."    Jungkook can't help the smile.  "She's just soo cute."  he hands her over to her mother who proceeds to wash the baby and nuzzle her like the others. "    The others leave the room, letting the new parents enjoy their new family.  Jungkook shifts and lays down with his head on the edge of the nest watching his new kittens find their way to food.

The parents fall asleep once their newborns do.  All is peaceful in their little closet.

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