Interrogation games

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**The pic is Kim Yoon , from Dustin.  I have adopted him as my son.   .  After several fan video chats with him, we have bonded over our love of each others tattoos.  He's such a sweetie.***

___The 3 omega's are cuddled up snoozing in the nest Tae and Sanha made.  Chanyeol and JB have taken up guard duty and are playing the xbox they found in the room.  
During a small break Chanyeol looks at JB and says  "Thank you."
JB looks confused.  "what for?"
Chanyeol  "for working so hard to keep Tae alive and contacting Jungkook and his group to rescue him.  Baekhyun was looking for him for years before we met and our whole group has never stopped looking for Tae.  We didn't know about the name change.  That might have helped up track him down sooner.  Thank you for your part in our current happier situation."
Jb smiles with tears in his eyes.  "Tae has always been the sweetest soul since Jackson brought him home.  We didn't know his history or we would have tried to track it backwards.  Jungkook came to our rescue.  We really put a lot of trust in them, asking them to come kill our leader.  He could have gone the other way and told Jackson what we were up to.  Him being Taehyungs mate was a surprise for sure.  We had no idea he's a hybrid."
Chanyeol laughs  "Few people do.  He's valuable.  A highly trained, super intelligent rare white tiger hybrid.  Can you imagine the price?  It's kept under wraps for good reason."
JB  "They are going to have the most gorgeous baby or babies.   Both are so damn good looking.  Tae is finally growing into his features and turning into the most stunning looking man.  His tiger is gorgeous."
Chanyeol  "I am hoping for at least 1 white kitten from them in their growing family.  Baekhyun is over the moon at the news he's to be an uncle. " 
Jb nods and they resume playing Overwatch, guarding their precious omega's.  

___Downstairs Jungkook is watching the prisoner.  "Can you bring JB and Chanyeol down from Tae's room.  Have Yugyeom stay up there and let Astro decide who they want to go up with him for omega watch."
Matthew immediately goes to do as bid.  Rocky agrees to go upstairs, Johnny from NCT goes with him.
Once all are gathered back in the office Jungkook says  "Matthew, please go get this girl right here from the cells "   He points on the screen to the one he chose as first up.
Suho  "interrogation time?"
Jungkook  "Yes, but we will begin up here politely and hope she's cooperative.  If not, we move to the cells and do it the hard way.   We all need answers."

___Matthew and J.Seph go downstairs and get the particular girl that they were instructed to get.  She seems to have lost the will to fight them, and let's them put her handcuffs on and lets them lead her without any fighting or struggling. 
Once the get her in the office, Jungkook motions them to sit her in a chair by a blank wall, set all alone.  They sit her down and attach the chains hidden in the wall to her handcuffs.
Jungkook smirks and the girl is shaken to her core.  That evil look is even scarier on such a babyface than she ever imagined.
"So, Rose'.  Tell me about the 7 year old white tiger hybrid you bought off Kim Woobin  10 years ago.  Well, almost 11 now."
She sighs heavily.  "I have all the records in my laptop. If you can bring it , I will show you everything."
Suho "Why would you cooperate so willingly?"
Rose'  "I know who you are.  I know there is no way out.  I had no choice but to do as told, because I have a family that was held as a threat. "
Hobi walks in "Is this the laptop?"  He holds up a gold tone laptop with sparkles all over.
Rose'  "yes sir.  I will log into it for you"
Jungkook  "sorry there lady , but no.  The fox doesn't need your help and you are not being unbound."
Hobi goes to work logging into the laptop and finds Woobins file.   "It says here , he accrued debt with a drug mafia that is nonexistent now.  We personally took them down.  It was the group xtc.  He made arrangements to sell Taehyung to Blackpink , with the promise he would go to a hybrid zoo out of the country.  Since he's a rare white siberian, his genes are valuable. "
Jungkook  "So , Woobin thought you were sending him to a zoo out of the country."
Suho "How did he end up being in a small cage, abused in a hybrid breeding farm?"

___Moonbin speaks up  "That is because Blackpink owns the breeding farm.  I have traced the name down through the shell companies and it's directly owned by them.  YG has nothing to do with it. "
Suho "Which means, Woobin only sold the boy.  The ladies here are the cause of all his trauma."
Jungkook was about to speak when there is a knock at the door.   Matthew opens it a little to find Baekhyun there.  Chanyeol is startled to hear his mates deep voice.  
Suho winks at Jungkook and the younger is quick enough to realize they can use this.   He looks at Chanyeol with a questioning look, and the older man nods  "Let him in please."
Suho  "Tae, how are you feeling?"
Baekhyun almost reacted before realizing something is up  "I am sleepy but feeling better"
Rose' is stunned into silence.  She recognizes those features.  She begins crying  "I am so sorry,  I didn't want to put you in the breeding farm.  Lisa and Jenny wanted to make more money off your kittens.  I swear it was them, please please believe me."
Baekhyun stares at her with a cold look  "I honestly don't care about your so called innocence in the matter.  You still let that happen. I hope Jungkook has a good punishment in mind."
She is crying very hard at this, and she still hasn't noticed the tiger parts are orange on the man.

___Baekhyun waits until she calms, then walks to her and puts his hand on her chin to make her look up at him.  "You and your group BOUGHT my baby brother and then put him in a small cage for years , letting him be abused.  His growth has been permanently stunted because of you.   Your death will be long and slow and I hope it's as miserable as possible to inflict just a little of the horror you inflicted on that angelic 7 year old he was back then."
The door opens then to Bogum and Hyungsik, who had been summoned via text. 
Hyungsik glares at the woman, recognizing her.  She doesn't recognize the older version of a young cage cleaner at her facility.
Jungkook  "Do you recognize this young lady, either of you?"
Hyungsik  "I do yes."
Rose'  "I don't know who you are"
Hyungsik   "Yeah, I don't suppose you bothered to get to know   the poor kids cleaning your cages in the breeding facilities , for mere pennies in hopes to feed their families.  You wouldn't know what any of us looked like, or our names."
Bogum "They probably didn't even notice a missing cleaning boy back then,  just the missing tiger."
Rose'  gasps  "You took him?"
Jungkook laughs and it's a frightening sound to all in the room.  "Oh yes, he took the white tiger.  He rescued an innocent small child , not even 10 years old.  One who was ripped from his loving home, both parents and a big brother who doted on him.  One YOU bought , then you lied to the seller about his future. "
Rose'  "I didn't have anything to do with that place"
Hyungsik  "Oh but that is a lie.  You were there at least once a week checking on the "prized possessions" , one of them being the white tiger.  I saw you 2 hours before I smuggled him out that night.  You were wearing purple track pants and a yellow and green long shirt.  You asked the doctor if he presented yet, wanting to know if you had an Omega or an Alpha on your hands"
Rose'  "He's lying."

___A deep voice says quietly  "He's telling the absolute truth.  I suggest you shut up now and accept the punishment my guards are going to give you as my personal revenge."
Rose' looks up at the new voice and pales when she sees the white ears striped in chocolate , with a matching tail.  She notes this tiger looks almost exactly like the orange one who grabbed her face earlier.  She looks at the floor, accepting her fate.
Matthew  "I will absolutely make her pay for you, my Queen."
Rose' starts in shock at the statement.
Jungkook smirks once again "Oh , did I forget to introduce the young boy you abused in that small cage?  Rose' , meet Taehyung.  MY MATE"  he says the last 2 words louder and forcefully.

___Not a single soul in the room feels bad for the woman after she begins crying more.
Hobi says quietly.  "I found more sales records.  Some are from this month."

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