The Story of Taehyung

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Jungkook walks into the room to find someone had made tea and got out some bottles of wine.  He opts for wine.  He sits in his favorite chair and looks at everyone .   He heaves a heavy sigh.
"He has a broken knee, finger and rib. There is a bad hit to the back of his head. There are bruises and cuts everywhere.  He is dehydrated and starved.  I would like very much to know what the story is here. "  With that he looks at Jinyoung.  
JB speaks up.  "Guess I am the new leader.  Taehyung is Jacksons prized possession, but that doesn't mean he took care of him.  He is a housecat despite being a beautiful White Tiger.   Jackson carefully left him weakened by feeding him the bare minimum and limiting his drinks to water only.  Since he kept Taehyung chained next to him at all times, Taehyung was unable to get any exercise or drink as much as he needed.  We would get punished too if we tried to have anything to do with Taehyung.  There are hook points in the walls and floor all over that mansion to chain Taehyung to.  He was caged at night most nights next to Jacksons bed. "
BamBam : Taehyung is very obedient and never speaks, yet he was constantly being hit for little things like growling when Jackson would touch him suddenly.  For instance last night.  Taehyung was sitting up straight paying attention to WinWin arriving and didn't notice Jackson moving behind him.  Jackson put a hand on his shoulder and Taehyung growled and moved away, purely out of instinct from being startled.  Jackson cuffed him, and when Taehyung moved to cover his head Jackson suddenly lost it.  He dragged him to the basement room where WinWin helps him with his heat and locked the door, we could not get in.  We heard the beating.  There was no need for it.  He just flipped.  When he came out , he was bloody.  He told us "Don't help the fucking cat.  WinWin take care of him and his heat and nothing else.   He needs to learn to stop growling at me. "   He then showered and went to bed.  We looked in and I went to call you.  WinWin went inside and closed the door, saying he will look after him, get help please. "  I contacted you and we waited.  You know the rest.

Jungkook leaned forward , hands on his head.  "We will take him from here.  That is my mate. "
Jin :  Kook, we have a problem.   WinWin was there to help him through his heat.  You cannot take over right now.  He doesn't know you at all.  I know you are his mate but this is a serious issue.  He is abused.  He will have trust issues and most likely be afraid of all of us.
Namjoon nods :  As much as this is not ideal, I think you need to consider Taehyung's mental and emotional well being and stand aside for the moment and let WinWin deal with his heat when he is awake and it hits. 
Jimin :  That is a lot to ask.  Are there any other options that would work?
Jinki walks in and gives his advice.  "Taehyung is his name?"  At the nods he continues  "As Taehyungs doctor, I strongly advice we take Namjoons idea.  Taehyung is going to wake and he isn't going to know where he is .  I came to ask his team members for one of them to go join Key and Minho  to be there when Taehyung wakes up. "  Yugyeom gets up and walks to the clinic.
Jinki :  Kook, I know this is going to hurt you as the Alpha mate.  You need to do this for now for his sake.  He knows WinWin and will be comfortable.  We just uprooted him from his home, as bad as it was.  He may even suffer from missing Jackson, even though he abused him.  The complete change of life going on suddenly is going to be hard on him.  The best way we can help , since his is on his heat is to let WinWin help out like normal and once that is past, we can continue healing his injuries, have Jonghyun talk to him about his mental state and introduce him to his new pack/mafia.  

Jungkook knows they are right, as much as it's hurting him to think about it. 
"I know you are completely correct.  I will stand aside for now and go with your plan.  Jonghyun is a good choice of psychiatrist.  He is so kind and charismatic and gentle.  I want him healthy and unafraid.  His needs come before him being my mate.  I will be here to care for him anyway he allows until he is able to accept me being his mate and be comfortable in his new home.  

Jinki :  I suggest everyone go to bed.  Once he wakes, i will speak to him and see how he feels and then feed him and get him back to sleep.   You can all meet him when HE is ready.  As his doctor, I am saying stay out of that room.  Feel free to peek through the hallway window or camera's but do not go in there unless one of us on the medical team come to get you please. 

Jungkook :  I think we all need showers, bathes and sleep.  Let's get anyone who wants to stay tonight rooms.  I personally want you all on premises until further notice, but I won't make you stay.  Thank you all for helping get rid of Jackson and saving my mate.  Goodnight

The men all disperse to rooms Jin assigns.  Most are wanting to sleep in 1 room per group. It's been emotional hearing the hybrids story and they need the comfort of each other.

Not a single room isn't deep in thought about what all happened tonight, the good and the bad.

Tomorrow should be interesting. For now, they all need cleaning and sleep.

In the clinic, Taehyung begins to stir but not enough to wake.  Yugyeom is given a recliner and a blanket placed next to the hybrids bed.  The lights are turned low and the physicians all go to the living room next to the clinic to sleep.  Jinki joins Yugy in a matching recliner on the other side.  

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