Checkup time

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Jungkook hears feet and looks up from washing his new mate.   His panther and jaguar friends and the frisky fox are in front of them sitting there waiting.  He cocks his ears forward and nudges Tae.  The smaller tiger rolls over lazily and looks at the newly arrived hybrids.  Then he notices Yugyeom.  He licks Jungkooks paw in affection and gets up and walks over to Yugyeom and nudges his hand for pets.  Yugyeom gladly pets the small white tiger, squatting down to be on eye level.  "Looking happy there buddy"  At this Tae tiger rubs his head on Yugyeoms hands and purrs.  Jungkook has stood up and is watching intently.   Casually Yoongi panther pads over and sits next to him.  Jinki walks up.  "Jungkook, please shift for me.  I need to talk to you"
Jungkook growls but Jinki isn't having it.  "Nope.  Shift.   It's important and it's about Taehyungs health and care."
Hearing this Jungkook shifts and stands with Yoongi and Jimin between him and Tae.  He looks down at them.  "Care to move?"   The cats stare at him and shake their heads.   Jungkook frowns and pouts.  "OK, what is going on?"

__Jinki tells him "Ok , I need to take Taehyung to my clinic and do a full physical on him.  I would like to do that without you there because your Alpha nature might not like some of the things being done to your mate.  I need to take his blood.  I am afraid using needles on him might make him look hurt and your alpha nature will go into super protect mode."
Jungkook wants to say no but thinks a moment.  "because my alpha knows Taehyung has been abused and therefore I am overprotective.  What if I come and if I start to misbehave Yoongi and Jimin can take me out?"
Jinki  "absolutely not.  You will fight that and upset Taehyung and make the medical observations incorrect.   His blood pressure, heart rate and things like that will be incorrect.   Yugyeom will come to observe and keep Tae calm.  That is the best I can offer"
Jungkook doesn't like this one single bit.  
Taehyung shifts and walks over and cuddles into his arms. "I will be alright. He hasn't caused me a single ounce of pain so far and Yugs won't let me be hurt. This needs to be done for my health. I will search for you the moment I am released from his care" He kisses Jungkook.

Jungkook cups his face in his hands and kisses him gently. "How can I refuse those eyes? Go with my brother. "

He turns to the large cats and fox.  "I hope you have something planned that I can work my aggression out on."   Matthew, one of his guards laughs  "We are going to the gym downstairs and working out"   Jungkook nods  "That should do it"   He points at Yugyeom  "Do not take your eyes off him.  If he shows the slightest discomfort bring him to me."  With that he walks off, his entourage in tow.

__Jinki smiles.  "Well, that was far easier than I expected.   He speaks into a radio "No need for the sedative, stand down."   Yugyeom laughs.   "I was not looking forward to an angry Jungkook waking up from being sedated.  Good thing Taehyung seems able to talk him down."

___Once at the clinic they situate Tae onto the table.  Jinki starts  "I am going to take your blood pressure.  Have you ever had this done?"
Tae shakes his head.  "I never remember seeing a doctor before you."
Jinki sighs.  "Ok, I will explain each step for you.  This I will wrap on your arm and the machine will puff it up.  It's going to be tight and hurt a moment.  Just breathe and don't tense up please.  It will take longer if you tense or hold your breathe.  Ready?"
Taehyung nods.  Jinki puts the cuff on and it starts and holy cow did that hurt.  Tae followed Jinki's breathing and it only lasted a few seconds.  Then it was taken off.  "Now, put this under your tongue and keep it there until I take it out" Jinki instructs as he puts a small glass rod in his mouth.  The door opens and Jonghyun enters  "Sorry I am late.  I was with someone.  How are you handling this Taehyung?"  Tae gives a thumbs up.  Jinki removes the thermometer and writes something down. "He is being very good.  So far his blood pressure is lower than I like but his temp is fine. "  Let's check those reflexes.  After a good half hour of checking Taehyung over, writing down scars and identifying markings on the boy  Jinki smiles.  "Now, tiger time please."   I need to do both checkups.  No biting. "   
Taehyung giggles and shifts and gets up on the table as instructed.
The 2 doctors weigh the tiger and take his measurements.  They check his heart, pawpads, feel him over looking for any injuries.   Next was the dangerous end.   Time to check the ears, eyes, nose then teeth and tongue.  Jinki giggles  "smile pretty" At this the tiger purrs and opens up to show his teeth and tongue.  "These need a good cleaning.  Make sure to get the dentist here.  We can have him do all the hybrids at once.  Other than the cleaning, they look ok considering his malnutrition.  I think we should get him back to Jungkook though. It's been just about an hour and I don't dare push the big bad alpha tiger too much.  Taehyung has been very good and we appreciate that.  Let's go see the bigger tiger." 

_With that they lead the pretty white tiger downstairs, open the gym door and off he goes, pouncing on Jungkook who was sitting on the floor stretching.  Jungkook shifts and gives a playful growl.  Taehyung bounds off upstairs and out the backdoor with the bigger tiger giving chase.  They bound across the property playing and finally settle down in the shade again.  Yoongi and Jimin do the same, keeping themselves exercised.  Several of the other hybrids join in, pouncing, running , prowling and jumping.  The panda just waddles cutely and settles down in the pond sitting there looking adorable.  Several of the humans bring out the grills and food and start making a dinner for everyone outside.  It's a gorgeous late afternoon and everyone is in a great mood to see the hybrids all playing.  Seeing the new addition already comfortable enough to tease Jungkook makes all the members and guards smile.  Got7 is sitting together watching.  "Tae sure is the happiest I have ever seen him" remarks JB. "Calling them was the best idea we have ever had.   He's happy, he's getting medical care and has a wonderful mate fully capable of protecting him."  states Jinyoung.   Youngjae adds "Don't forget he also has those other 2 super deadly cats to protect him."  

It's been a good day.  For now, they all relax and bond and get to know each other.
They all enjoy seeing the rescued tiger so happy and relaxed.  

Inside...the household employees are planning a surprise to welcome their new hybrid.
They are all so happy to have him there, to see his positive effect on their beloved boss.
They are planning a nice, soft surprise for him, keeping in mind he doesn't like anything that can startle him, loud noises or anything spooky.
They want to show that they are truly happy he joined the family.

**another chapter today, because @MrsMinYoonji inspired me by telling others about my stories.  ** 

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