Secondary Leadership

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***this pic of Jongup from B.A.P. just sends ***

___ Woojin addresses the group assembled in the room "So we have access to a lot of amenities here.  Sanha , the panda, says there is a gym, a pool, and the gardens we can use.  We are also free to use the kitchen anytime and I was encouraged to make a list of foods we  particularly like.    The big guy, Matthew said there is no worry about spending limit.  Jiwoo also has instructed me to make lists of things we need.   We can go on a shopping trip when we feel good enough to go out.  They want to get what we need until then.  Each of you make a list of clothing sizes and quick notes on colours and styles you like, along with toiletry items you need.  They said no budget limit, they want us happy.  With that being said he sits down on the bed to begin making a list.  The others hesitate but realizing he is serious follow his lead.  

___"I told them to make lists of clothing sizes and preferences and things they need."  Jiwoo tells Jungkook.    "We also told them to make lists of foods they like or want.  I am hoping they actually listen so I don't have to send the maids in to try and figure it all out while they are outside.   I don't want to invade their space after all they have been through"
Jungkook smiles and looks at Tae.  "Wanna go make sure the new kids are obeying?"
Tae smiles brightly and grabs Sanha's hand , dragging him upstairs.
Jungkook just laughs and follows his 2 charges.

___Woojin jumps a little at the knock on the door but goes to open it.  He is very surprised to see a pair of smiling Omegas in the forms of Taehyung and Sanha.  "Come in, come in."  He moves aside to let the pair in.  He is even more shocked when Jungkook follows the pair, stopping to shake Woojin's hand.  "Tae wanted to come make sure you are all settling in and see if you need anything. "  Woojin smiles  "It's so nice here.  None of us have ever really had our own spaces.   I cannot thank you enough for saving us."
Jungkook  "You are welcome.   It's what we do.   My own mate there is an example.  I found him accidentally while helping out some friends.  Once Tae heard about the auction, I don't think I could have been allowed not to step up.  I was going to go get you out the minute I heard, but that is beside the point.  Tae's pout will make even the fiercest man melt."
Woojin laughs  "He's so beautiful.  You make an extremely handsome pair and you just ooze power together.  His best friend there is also a pretty sweet person. "
Jungkook smiles at the pair fondly.  "Tae and Sanha are actually omega bondmates.  That is why Tae growled at your member when he approached the panda.  Tae didn't really have any social life to speak of.  He was always in isolated groups and only for a few years was he really interactive with anyone.  It makes me so happy to watch those 2 together. They really complete each other.  So , please forgive Tae if he gets a little snippy.  Just reassure him that nobody wants to replace him in Sanha's life."
Woojin and Zeth, who had approached the pair, nod "Yes sir.  We will advise the members.  It looks like the 2 of them are getting along with our members pretty well."

___Zeth points at the group.  Tae and Sanha are on the bed sitting and almost everyone is seated on the floor in front of them, papers in hand writing notes.  "It looks like they are in class" Jungkook says while laughing.  
Zeth "They have our guys writing those lists of things we need and want. Tae won't let them try to hedge out of it with only basics.  He scolded them gently that this is their home now and as such they need to have their own things. "
Jungkook laughs again  "That's my baby.  He is starting to take on his position as our Queen here.  I am going to leave them here and go do some actual work.  Make sure you 2 also make those lists or I will set Tae on you"
With that he laughs and goes to kiss his lovely mate.  "I have to work baby.  You do your thing here and sort them out."  He then kisses the top of Sanha's head and ruffles his hair.  "You 2 enjoy".  

___He walks out the door to find MJ standing there  "I will keep watch"  MJ tells Jungkook.  Jungkook smiles  "All yours.  They are holding class"  he laughs while saying.  MJ looks confused and follows where Jungkook points.  "what on earth is this?"
Jungkook  "They are making the new kids make lists of things they need such as clothing, food, toiletries and omega and alpha needs.  We also have 2 beta's in there and they might need specific things for their own happiness and upkeep.  "
MJ laughs "So you set Tae on them?"
Jungkook smirks  "Could you say no to those 2 pouts?"
MJ growls "Please don't make them pout.  It's too much, especially when they do the puppy eyes."
Jungkook claps his back  "the puppy eyes should be illegal.  Enjoy"

___Jungkook goes to gather Namjoon.  "Let's do some actual work.  Wanna get the heads of each group for me and meet in my office?"
Namjoon smiles  "Absolutely" .   He then goes off to round up the leaders and sub-leaders.
After finding them all and instructing each to go to JK's office, he grabs a quick kiss from Jin and tells him to mind the kids while they are busy.  Jin smiles happily and goes off to cook some treats for the babies.
Namjoon arrives in the office and the leaders settle down to business.

___Jungkook starts by welcoming them all. "So, everyone is aware Tae is pregnant.  That means we are going to have our first cubs in this family.  I feel like we need to establish leadership responsibilities ahead of time for when he gives birth. "
Everyone cheers in happiness.  They are all fond of the sweet tiger and are anxiously awaiting to see what colour kittens the 2 white tigers have.  
Namjoon speaks  "I think that is a good idea, as we all want you to have some father bonding time when it happens."
Jungkook  "I am placing Namjoon in charge during my off time when Tae is ready.  He already is my right hand and frequently steps up to take charge.  Yoongi and Jimin will be his support system.  
Yoongi disagrees quickly.  "No.  We will obviously be on hand for Joon , but we will be on protection duty for Tae and the kittens."
Jungkook starts to disagree but the looks on the 2 assassins faces tells him this is a fight he won't win.  
Jimin  "Tae is your mate.  You are the mafia king.  Tae being pregnant makes him a huge target for our enemies.  We love you, but Tae is now top priority for the protection teams.  I would like to discuss putting together a team specifically for him and the kittens."

___JB speaks up "That is actually an excellent idea.  Maybe some of the new kids can go through some training with your team Jungkook."
Yoongi approves  "I was watching them.   We have a few members in NCT that are excellent candidates.  The rescues from the auction also have some members I think we should train.  Even if they don't end up on Tae's team, it would help secure the groups internally. "
Jungkook "I will let you and Jimin sort that out.  We also need to get them scheduled in the clinic.  I am sure most of them need immunizations and a good checkup. "
Namjoon  "I will take care of getting them scheduled.  I am 100% sure i heard Tae's voice a moment ago, meaning it's time to end our meeting. "
Rocky laughs  "cuddle time incoming"
Jungkook " Alright guys.  Let's all work on our territories and setting up secondary leadership.  Also, recruit members from all the groups to go through protection training.   Meeting adjourned"

___With that Jungkook opens the door and finds himself instantly attacked by a hug from his mate.  "Hi Tae baby.  Wanna go for a prowl in the woods?"

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