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___Jungkook notices Hyungsik barely containing his tears and licks Tae's ear to get his attention.  He gets up and shifts and holds out a hand to Tae.
Tae looks at him curiously.  "Shift baby.  I have something to show you."
Tae shifts and snuggles up to Jungkooks side.  Jungkook pets his hair and kisses the top of his head.  "Baby, look over by the patio door and find Bogum."
Taehyung looks over and instantly covers his mouth with his hands and looks at Jungkook with tears in his eyes.  "my hyungie?"
Jungkook  "yes baby.  Your Hyungies.  Bogum called him to come over. "
Hyungsik stands up and holds his arms open.
Tae runs over and launches himself into his arms at full speed.  The two cry and hug each other.  Hyungsik peppers kisses all over Taehyungs head.  "You have grown up so handsome"
Taehyung smiles at him.  "I missed you so much hyungie"
Hyungsik  "Not a day has gone by that we haven't talked about you and we never stopped trying to get you back"
Taehyung  "You tried to get me back?"
Bogum  "Yes baby.  I am sure the members of your group will support that claim."
Tae  "I trust my hyungies.  I miss you so much.  I love you both!  Oh my god, I have to introduce Hyungsik Hyungie to my mate!!"  With that he grabs the mans hand and runs to Jungkook, dragging him behind him ,  much to the amusement of everyone in the gardens watching.
"kookie , kookie kookie!   This is my other Hyungie!!!"
Jungkook laughs at his antics.  "I know baby.  Are you happy to have your family back?"
Tae has snuggled up to Hyungsiks side  "my hyungies.  mine mine mine. "  he pouts softly.

___A maid rings the bell signalling lunch is served.  "Baby, care to show your hyungs to lunch?"
Tae grabs both of their hands and then looks at Jungkook.  "Kookie follow?"
Jungkook laughs.  "Of course baby.  Lead the way."
As they pass people on the way inside  Tae keeps telling everyone  "These are my hyungies!"
It's very obvious he has a deep affection and absolute love for the 2 men. 
Mark and Got7 get behind Jungkook as they filter inside the house.  "He's so happy.  Thank you Jungkook. "
Jungkook smiles  "I have one more big surprise for my baby. Just wait"

___Jungkook passes down a message to Chanyeol towards the end of lunch and watches as the man nods and takes Baekhyun outside.  
After a few minutes a thumbs up from Suho lets him know it's time.
Jungkook nods at Bogum and Hyungsik and points outside.  The 2 don't know what's going on but sense it's important.  Jungkook stands and holds his hand out to Taehyung.
"Care to go for a walk in the garden?"  Tae smiles  "yeah. I would love to"
Jungkook is hoping the upcoming scent will trigger Taehyungs childhood memories. This is a big moment.
He leads Taehyung outside and there in the yard is a large Siberian Tiger with a larger one next to him.   Taehyung stops and looks intently.  The look on his face clearly shows confusion but also like he is trying to remember something.  "Kookie?"
Jungkook smiles gently  "Baby.  I need you to shift and take a good sniff for me ok."
Taehyung looks at him quizzically, but seeing only love in Jungkooks eyes he nods.  "ok"
Tae shifts and almost immediately freezes.  He looks at Jungkook who nods.
Tae cautiously pads over to the 2 tigers, sniffing madly.  He knows this scent.  It brings feelings of safety, love, warmth.  He walks near and peers at the smaller tiger of the two.   He spots the heart mark and sits down, thinking hard.  

___Baekhyun is being very still and it's the hardest thing he's ever done.  He can see the wheels going inside Taehyungs head.  
He turns his head carefully to look into the white tigers eyes.  Taehyung returns the stare and tilts his head.  He sniffs the air again and his tail starts waving.  
Baek stands up and makes a low noise to indicate to the other he is going to shift.
After he does , the white tiger sniffs like a maniac again. 
Then it happens.   The tiger freezes in place, head tilted.  He's looking hard at the man before him.
Baekhyun smiles and suddenly Taehyung shifts.  "hyunnie hyung?"
Baekhyun breaks down in tears falling to his knees.  Tae runs over and joins him and the other man brings him into his arms.  "Taehyung.  I have searched for you for years.   Everyone told me to give up, that you must be dead.   I couldn't do that.  I have spent all these years trying to find you.  Can you ever forgive me for not watching you properly and allowing you to be taken?"

___Tae , crying rivers of tears , smiles.  "Hyungie, it wasn't your fault.  I wasn't taken by a stranger.  Uncle Woobin told me he was going to just get me an ice cream and I went with him.  Then, I woke up in a room with him and a strange man.  He sold me to the breeding farm.  I was handcuffed and watched him get his money and leave."
Jungkook motions to Yoongi and Jimin and the 2 cats leave immediately.  
"Baby, we can discuss that later.   I think right now, your 3 brothers might want to spend some time with their baby brother.  How about you all go in and watch tv?"
Tae grabs Baeks hand and leads him to Bogum and Hyungsik and introduces them.
They all giggle and don't tell him they already met.   It's too adorable.

___Jungkook motions his group to come to him. 
"You heard that?"
Namjoon  "Yep.  The cats are already looking for him.  Moonbin is tracking the name over there and Hobi is over there in the police database looking for any links showing if there was any coverup going here."
Jin  "How did their parents die?"
Chanyeol "In a hit and run car accident 2 years after Tae went missing.  Baekhyun had barely been dropped off at a friends to take to school.  It wasn't normal routine.  His parents usually dropped him off at school, so he normally would have been in the car at the time of the accident"
Jungkook  "So it was deliberate.  Meaning , someone might have been on the right track to finding Tae."

Jungkook looks at his men.  "Find him.  I want him alive.   Make use of anyone here who can, but keep it from Taehyung.  "

**sorry it's shorter than usual.   I worked 12 hours today and another 12 tomorrow.  I tired.....**

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