Let's plan an outing

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___Matthew casually slips over to Jungkooks side and says in a low voice  "So, the ladies and men of the staff are planning a very sweet party to welcome Taehyung.  I was thinking maybe you could take him shopping or something?"
Jungkook looks at him "Seriously?"
Matthew and Joseph smile and nod  "They are really happy to have him here.  So far they all adore him and want to welcome him themselves to let him know that they are also happy to have him here , not just you and your groups."
Jungkook looks around at the few staff members in the room  "Thank you" he mouths at them.  This actually means the world to him , his staff is a small collection of people his group has saved from various bad situations and each member is precious to him and the crew.  Every one of them was saved and sent through healing and recuperation, then offered jobs.  The result being extremely loyal staff members that truly love the Mafia group who gave them new lives and keeps them in plush accomodations.  
"Let me go get everyone together and we will take him out for clothing."
He walks off leaving the staff members silently screaming in excitement.  

___Jungkook walks into the room and notices Tae is missing.  He looks around but Jimin notices  "He went upstairs to wash up and change into something more normal instead of sweats and a giant hoodie."
JK  "Well that makes this easier.  Yoongi guard the stairs."
Yoongi goes over to the stairs and leans on the wall.
JK  "The staff wants to have a little welcome party to let Taehyung know they are all happy he is here.  They asked me to take him out so they can decorate"
Jin and Jimin giggle .  Jimin "Can we take him shopping at the mall?"
Jin "Maybe not the mall.  We don't know how he handles crowds."
Jonghyun  "He might he scared since he hasn't been out in years, but  I think with his Mate and friends he trusts there he might be able to handle it.  It's got to be done eventually."
JK  "Ok , I will go get him dressed for the mall and prepare him.  Just gonna tell him I wanna take him out for clothes."
JIn "get ready everyone.  We are going out!"
Moonbin coughs  "If it's alright with you, we thought we would go start packing up our place and return here like offered.  We can probably have it done and be back after dark."
JK "Sounds good.  The offer stands for all of you here.  If you want to become part of our group, go pack and move in.  Those 3 big houses on each side of the garden are all available.  I can have people clean them out....tomorrow , since the staff is occupied today.  Just choose what house you want between you guys and move in.  When you get back, the guards can show you the back entrance to park the cars at each house privately to make the moving in easier."
Jimin "NOW LET'S GO!"
Sanha approaches jin "Is it ok if I go with you shopping?  Moonbin said it's ok with him since he knows I will be safe.  I need stuff at the hybrid store." 
Jin "Of course my dear.  That brings up a good point.  We should have you take Taehyung in there and let him browse around for hybrid/omega things he might want or need."
Sanha claps and bounces  "thank you"  and hugs Jin before bouncing away to get his money for the trip.  

___Jungkook knocks on the door and peeks his head in.  He hears rustling in the closet.  "Tae baby?"
Taehyung pops out of the large closet "I am in here"
Jungkook walks in  and wraps his arms around his lovely mate.  He loves the feeling of having this gorgeous and angelic omega as his mate.  "Hi my love.  We all want to go to the mall for various things.  We haven't been shopping and I thought you might like to get some clothes of your own pick and maybe some things to make the room feel like yours "
Taehyung looks nervous.
JK  "Baby I know you haven't been out in years.  We are all going to be there along with Yugyeom and Sanha the panda hybrid.  I would never let anything happen to you."
Tae turns in his arms and snuggles into his chest. "I would like to try it out as long as I have you there.  The thought of going out and actually buying things for me is exciting.  But, I have no money."  With that he pouts.
JK thinks he might die at the site of that cute pout  "Baby, I am the Mafia Lord.  My money is at your disposal.  What I have is yours.  You are my mate, my other half.   You will never have to worry about food, clothing or ANYTHING as long as I breathe.  Even if something happened to me, this group is your family now.  They will always be there."
Tae looks at him with tears.  "I never thought I would have anyone treat me like family, like I am precious, but you treat me like I am the most precious thing in the world.  Everyone here is so sweet to me.  I can never manage to express how much it all means to me.  I went from nothing, slavery and a life of being chained and starved to being loved and cherished overnight.  Just.....just thank you!"  He kisses JK and snuggles him.
Jungkook tries not to show the tears at the emotional speech . He holds his precious mate and kisses the top of his head.  "I will give you the world.  Just you stay with me and you will see.  Now, let's go , I am sure Sanha is bouncing around the living room driving Jin nuts"

___The pair get downstairs and everyone is ready.  "OK, let's get in the cars.   Hybrids, you go with Jungkook."  Namjoon tells the group.   "Everyone else in the other van.  When we get to the mall, Tae will obviously be next to Jungkook, the rest of us wil casually make sure he is surrounded but comfortable until he relaxes and feels he can move about freely of his own will."
Tae walks over and hugs him, much to his surprise  "Thank you" he whispers before going back to JK's arms.  Namjoon struggles with emotions for a moment before leading everyone out.  
Taehyung looks at Jungkook "Why the hat?"
Jungkook laughs  "To cover my ears.  People don't know yet that I am a hybrid.  I also have my tail stuffed down my pants running down my leg. "   Taehyung laughs at this.   "That's cute"
They get into the van and Taehyung sits in the middle but can't stop leaning over Jungkook and Yugyeom to see out their windows.  Both find it cute and tolerate it without complaint.  

___They arrive pretty soon and park in the VIP parking underground.
"OK Tae, we will do everything on your time.   You take all the time you need to settle your nerves and we will begin walking and shopping on your command.  There are not many people in this mall.  It's for the rich and they mostly mind their own business. "  Jungkook tells his mate.
Taehyung looks around and slowly walks to the entrance, peeking into the mall.  He stops to take a few breaths.  
I can do this, he tells himself.  
He looks at Jungkook "Ok, I can do this.  Let's go?"
Jungkook grabs his hand "Lead the way baby"

and so begins Taehyung's first ever shopping trip

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