Doctor and Patient

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Jinki hears  a small sound that alerts him.  He opens his eyes and looks around.  He is met with a set of blue eyes peering at him from his patient.   He gets up carefully and taps Yugyeom on his knee to get him awake.  He moves to Taehyungs side  "Hello Taehyung.  I am your doctor.  You can call me Jinki.  How are you feeling?"
Taehyung looks at him with very wary eyes , unsure of his surroundings and still groggy from sleep. 
Yugyeom stands up "Hi Tae.  You can trust this doctor.  He treated all your wounds and put your casts on to get you all better."
Taehyungs eyes go wide.  He looks cautiously at Yugyeom but does not speak.  
Yugyeom : Jackson is gone Tae.  It's over.  We got you out of there.  Please talk to us so your doctor can get you the proper care you need.

Taehyung bursts into tears.  Yugyeom carefully wraps his arms around the tiger, not knowing if Taehyung will let him.  To his surprise the tiger leans into the hug crying his poor heart out.  He pats the hair on the top of the tigers hair murmuring words of comfort waiting for the emotional outburst to pass.  It's long needed.  
After a while the tears stop and Taehyung pulls away, patting Yugyeom on the arm.  "Thank you." is all he says , his voice deeper than usual due to the crying.  
Yugyeom : we are only sorry it took so long to get it done Taehyung.  We have been trying to get you out for a while.  
Taehyung looks at him : I knew something was going on.  Since I am always at his side I could feel the change in the air for a while now.  I didn't know it was about me.  I owe you my life. 
Yugyeom : You don't owe us anything.  The others are here along with the owners of this mansion.  They are the group that killed Jackson for us to get you out.   The other members would like to see you when you are ready.   
Jinki : That can be tomorrow. Right now, can you help me by keeping him calm while I check his vitals.  Taehyung, I need you to answer my questions honestly.  I am your doctor, do not be shy about anything.  Nobody outside this room will know anything we talk about unless you want them to.  Do you understand?
Taehyung nods. : Yes sir. Thank you for caring for me. 

He smiles a wide boxy smile and his ears finally come up on top of his head.  Jinki jots down the time.  That is an important step for an abused hybrid.
He begins asking Taehyung questions about his health, making sure the recorder was on for note taking later.  Yugyeom keeps at Taehyungs side letting the tiger hold his hand.
Jinki : Overall, he is in better health  than I expected him to be.  He has some issues we need to address with medication and basic care.  The bruises will heal naturally.  We will keep ointment on all these cuts.  THe iv drip has antibiotics in it for an infection running through his system.   Now, Taehyung.  Your temperature is high but I understand its time for your heat.  
Taehyung looks up in panic and begins to stutter
Jinki :  shh shh, it's ok. WinWin is here.  Everything is going to be fine.  You are getting much needed fluids and nutrients through that IV in your arm along with the antibiotic.  Once your heat kicks in  I will disconnect that and you can go to WinWin until it's passed.  Then you will come back to me for continuing your medical care.  Is that ok?
Taehyung eyes water up again  "Yes, thank you for being so thorough in your care."
Jinki : It's my pleasure.  Now, are you hungry before we all go back to sleep for a while?
Taehyung nods excitedly.  Yugyeom smiles as he walks out  "I will go grab something light."
Jinki : Now, while you are in my care, you can talk to me about anything.  It doesn't have to be just aches and pains.  You will likely have some emotional issues.  One of my best friends is our household psychiatrist.  He deals with mental and emotional well being.  If you feel sad or angry or feel like you need help dealing with your feelings, I need you to let me know and I will get Jonghyun to come talk to you , ok?
Taehyung is happily suprised "I understand.  Thank you.  Does he know how to help someone with my  uhm, history?"
Jinki : actually yes.  He is a psychiatrist because he was in a similar situation when he was very young.  Someone got him out when he was only 11 and he appreciated the help he got so much he decided to spend his life helping others like he was helped.  
Taehyung : Thank you for all this.  I never thought I would get away from him.  He was so mean to me.  I haven't even been outside in a couple years.  
Yugyeom walks in with 2 banana's and an apple  "We can fix that.  I noticed this place has a really nice garden out back.  I am sure Jungkook or Namjoon can set it up to let you go outside once your heat is done and you are recovering."

After Taehyung snacks, they help him off the bed to get a quick wash up and use the comfort room.  He wobbles back to the bed and is suddenly very tired.  "I am sleepy."
Jinki : That is good.  Sleep helps your body recover without spending energy on things like moving and stuff.   Go to sleep. I will be right here.  
Yugyeom : I can stay too Tae, if you want me to.
Taehyung  :I feel guilty but I kinda do.
Yugyeom pets his head  " Right now, you are the main concern. Do not feel guilty for needing anything.  You are in a strange house , in a clinic and your life has just completely changed.  Never feel guilty for needing me here . I am familiar and you need that.  I am 100% committed to getting you  better.

Taehyung has tears in his eyes again as he reaches out for Yugyeom .  He walks to the tiger and gathers him in his arms for a big hug.  "It's ok.  I am here Taehyung.  You get some sleep before your heat kicks in."  
Taehyung wipes his eyes.  "Thank you Yugyeom.  I think I am ready for sleep now."

The little trio goes back to sleep.  Jungkook smiles as he watches the scene unfold on his laptop.  He sensed something was up downstairs and clicked onto the camera to watch.  He is happy his mate appears to be adjusting well.  He scrolls back to the beginning of the waking up, he had started watching after the crying part.  He notices the fear in his eyes but smiles when that goes away with Yugyeoms presence.  He watches the crying and feels so bad for the beautiful tiger.  He smiled wide when he got back to the part where his fluffy white and chocolate striped ears finally perked up.  Jungkook can't believe his luck.  His beautiful mate is another White Tiger like himself.  To his knowledge there are less than 5 white tiger hybrids on the registries.   There could be a few more like himself that aren't registered.  Taehyung himself is not listed.  There is a Kim Taehyung matching the right age , but listed as a bengal tiger.  He makes a note to have Moonbin or Hobi see if those records have been altered.  

Comforted that his mate is doing as ok as can be expected , he puts the laptop aside and goes back to sleep.  

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